La Hacienda - The estate. But will work. Adella This baby girl's name means "noble." 3. Can view your wishlist by creating account or logging-in an existing account to. Many are beautiful as well as adaptable and have powerful meanings. Whether you need to brand a vacation rental or simply want to add a bit of joy to your family vacation home, every beach house deserves a name! It is the meaning of a bird. Dont be afraid to change it later if you find you dont love what you picked. Homepage / Uncategorized / beautiful villa names in spanish. It is a versatile name that can be used for both boys and girls, meaning "love" in both languages. Women with the name Mercedes are often nicknamed Merche as an . Abar: geographical name stemming from the Basque word abar, meaning foliage, Abila:habitational name rooted in word vila from old Castile meaning town or village, Adriano:stems from the name Adrian meaning dark one in Latin or rich in Greek, Aguero:linked to provines of Uesca (Aragon) or Puente Agero in Santander, both stemming from the Latin word Aquarius meaning well-watered (settlement), Aguilar:geographical name linked to the many places named Aguilar which stems from the Latin word aquilare meaning haunt of eagles, Alameda:topographical name meaning poplar grove, Alamillo:linked to word lamo meaning poplar, Alanis:habitational name stemming from Alans in Seville province, Alatorre:geographical name meaning at the tower, Alberto:patronymic name linked to the name Albert, Alcaraz:geographical name stemming from Albacete province or could also be linked to Arabic meaning al (the) + karaz (cherry), Alegria:stemming from the Spanish word for happy, Alejo:this name is the Spanish form of Alexis, but in Greek, this name stands for protector of mankind, Alemn:comes from the word for German, alemn, Alire:a geographical name stemming from the Basque words ala (pasture) + iri (near), Allende:a topographical name meaning on the other side, Alonzo:this name stems from Alfonso, a name of many Spanish and Portuguese kings, lvarez: a patronymic name meaning son of Alvaro, lvaro:the meaning of this name is not clear but it derives from a Germanic, Visigothic origin, Amaya:a geographical name stemming from a popular mountain could stem from the basque word amai (end), Amor:this name comes from the Spanish word for love and in the past, it was used as the name for illegitimate children, Andrada:stemming from the name Andrade, which is a geographical name that could mean estate of Andreas, Angeles:this name comes from the Marian name Mara de los ngeles, Anguiano:a habitational name stemming from Anguino in the province of Logroo, Antonio:linking to the name Anthony which means priceless one in Latin, Aquino:this name connects to the personal name provided in honor to the famous theologian St. Thomas Aquinas, Aranda:a habitational name linked to many places such as Aranda de Duero in Burgos province, Arenas:a geographical name linked to many places whose names originated from the Latin word arena (sand), Armendarez:an occupational name stemming from the Latin word armentarius (herdsman), Armenta:linked to the Latin word armenta (herds), thus becoming an occupational name for those who worked with herds or cattle or horses, Arroyo:a geographical name meaning watercourse or irrigation channel, Atienza: a habitational name linked to a place named Atienza in Guadalajara, Avalos:a habitational name linked to the place balosnear the edge of Basque country, Avila:a habitational name connected to the place vila in old Castille, Badilla:a geographical name stemming from the Latin word vado (ford), Bailn:this name could be a nickname for a dancer, a word for a judge (Aragonese baile), or be a habitational name from Bailo, a town in Uesca, Aragon, Balcazar:a form of Baltazar which is a personal name that stems from the Bible, Balderas:a habitational name connected to the Valderas in Len province whose name originated from valley de eras, eras meaning area in Latin and therefore connoting a large field or piece of land, Bandera:stems from the Spanish word for banner or flag so it used to be known as a name of status, Bardales:a topographical name thats the plural form of bardal (thorn), Baro:a medieval personal name Bar meaning free man which was often viewed as a name of status, Belmonte:a geographical name linked to many places named Belmonte meaning beautiful mountain, Bencomo:originating from the Canary Islands, Benito:stemming from the Latin name Benedictus meaning blessed, Bernardo:a common Spanish surname linked to Germanic name Bernard meaning bern (bear) and (h)ard (strong or brave), Berra:could be linked to verb berrar (to scream or shout), Botero:an occupational name for a bottler or boat owner, Caldera:a geographical name stemming from the word caldera (basin, crater, hollow), Calderon:a geographical name linked to the word caldera (basin, crater, hollow), Camarillo:could derive from the word cmara (chamber, room), Camero:habitational name linked to places such as Camero Viejo and Camero Nuevo that are part of a mountainous area in the Rioja region, Candella:an occupational name for candlemaker linked to the word candela (candle), Caraballo:a geographical name stemming from the word carballo (oak), Carrera:occupational name linked to word carrero (carter), Casas:plural form of word casa (house), Castellano:a habitational name for a person from Castille, Castillo:geographical name linked to word castillo (castle, fortified building), Chvez:a habitational name linked to a place in the province of Tras-os-Montes named Chaves, Che:stemming from the personal name Jos, Ciervo:stemming from ciervo (stag) and can be known as an occupational name for a hunter, Clemente:stemming from Latin personal name Clemens (merciful), Contrera:habitational name linked to Contreras, a place in the province of Burgos, Costales:could be linked to the word costal (bag) and known as an occupational name, Cueva:geographical name linked to the word cueva (cave), De vila:habitational name for someone from vila, De Jess: patronymic surname from personal name Jess, De la Pena:topographic name stemming from the word pea (rock, boulder), De la Rosa:among women, this is known as a Marian name that translates to of the rose, De Toro:a habitational name for someone from Toro, a place in the Zamora province, Degollado:derived from the word degollado (cutthroat) which was probably used as a topographical name for someone who lived where people were hung or executed, Del Campo:a geographical name meaning of the field, Delgado:a descriptive surname derived from the word delgado (thin), Diaz:a patronymic surname meaning derived from the personal name Didacus, Diego:the origin of this surname is widely debated, Domingo:this personal name is derived from the Latin name Dominicus (of the lord) and was made widely popular by a famous Spanish Saint that founded the Dominican order of friars, Duran:derived from the Latin name Durand (enduring one), Enrique:stemming from Basque meaning, ruler of an estate, Escandn: derived from escanda, a type of wheat and thus denoting a geographical name for living near a field, Escobar:a topographical name stemming from the collective word for escoba (broom), Esperanza:derived from the Spanish word esperanza (hope), Esteban:the Spanish form of Stephen which means crown in Greek, Estrada:derived from the word estrada meaning road and can be a habitual name connected to places in Spain and Portugal called Estrada, Expsito:a common Spanish name given to a foundling as it stems from the word expsito meaning exposed, Felix:derived from the Latin word felicis meaning lucky or fortunate, Fernndez: a patronymic name meaning son of Fernando, Ferrera: a topographical name for someone living near a forge or ironworks, Florentino:stemming from the word florentino meaning Florentine which could represent a geographical surname for someone from Florence, Frontera:a geographical name derived by someone living near a borderline as it stems from the word frontera meaning frontier or boundary, Fuentes:could be a habitual name given to those living near a town with the same name such as Fuentes Calientes, but the word fuentes itself stands for the plural word fuente meaning spring or well, Gabaldn:habitational name from Gabaldn in the province of Cuenca, Garca:stems from a medieval personal name with uncertain origins, Gmez:derived from the medieval personal name Gomes, Gonzlez:patronymic surname meaning son of Gonzalo, Gonzaga: a habitational name stemming from Mantua, Italy where a ruling family lived for centuries and their famous son had the name St. Louis Gonzaga, Gordn:habitational name from various places throughout Spain, Granada:a habitational name stemming from Granada, Spain, Guerra:derived from the word guerra (war), Gutirrez:a patronymic surname stemming from the Visigothic name Gutierre, Hernandez:a patronymic surname meaning son of Hernando, Hidalgo:derived from the word hidalgo (noblemen) although, normally a name of status was given to the servants of a nobleman as an occupational surname, Huerta:stemming from the word huerta (vegetable garden) and derived from various places with the name Huerta, Jaime:the Spanish version of the personal name James, Jaramillo:a habitational name stemming from places such as Jaramillo de la Fuente, located in the Burgos province, Javier:a religious name linked to the Jesuit missionary St. Francis Xavier, Jiminez:a patronymic surname meaning son of Jimeno, Joaqun:stems from the personal name Joachim, Jurez:a regional variant of the name Surez, La Torre:a habitational name derived from the many places in Spain named La Torre or Torre with torre meaning watchtower, Lago:a topographical name for someone living near a lake (lago), Lanzo:a descriptive surname derived from the word lanzar (to throw), Lpez: a common Spanish patronymic surname meaning son of Lope, Lorenzo:derived from the Latin personal name Laurentius, Lovato:variant of the name Lobato which was a nickname meaning wolf cub, Luca: derived from the Latin word lux meaning light, Maduro:a descriptive name stemming from the word maduro (ripe) which at the time meant mature or sensible, Mano:stemming from the word mano meaning hand, Manuel:a shortened form of the personal name Emanuel, Marco:derived from the Latin name Marcus, Mareno:a varient of the name Moreno which acted as a descriptive name for someone with dark hair, Martnez:a patronymic surname meaning son of Martin, Mathias:derived from the Biblical name Matthew, Meja:a religious name stemming from Messiah, Mendoza:a habitational name stemming from various places named Mendoza which originates from Basque mendi (mountain) + otz (cold), Montes:a topographical name for someone living near a mountain, Morales:geographical name stemming from word moral (mulberry), Muoz:derived from the personal name Muo, Murillo:a habitational name linked to various places with the name Murillo, originating from the word muro (wall), Najarro:habitational name from Najarro located in the Cceres province, Neri:derived from the personal name of a 16th-century Italian saint, Filippo Neri, Nez:a patronymic surname meaning son of Nuo, Ocaas:a habitational name stemming from Ocaa in Toledo province, Olivrez:derived from the word olivar (olive grove), Ortega:a habitational name tied to A Corua province, Ortiz:a patronymic surname stemming from the Basque name Orti, Pablo:the Spanish version of the personal name Paul, Padilla:a topographical name derived from the word Padilla (frying pan, bread pan) to describe an area with a slight depression in the land, Padrn:a variant of the word patrn (master), Palmero:a derivative of the word palm, that led to mean palmero (pilgrim to the Holy land), Parilla:a geographical name stemming from the word parra meaning vine bower or trellis, Pea:a topographic name for someone living near a crag or cliff, Peralez:a derivative of the word pera (pear) thus becoming the plural form of peral meaning plantation of pear trees or pear orchard, Prez: a patronymic name meaning son of Pedro as it also acts as a Spanish version of Peter, Pinto:a descriptive name meaning colorful, Prado:a topographical name meaning prado as in meadow, Puerta:a geographical name for a person living near the gates of a town or port, Ramn: originating from the Germainic name Raymond, Ramrez: a patronymic name meaning son of Ramiro, Raya:a topographical name for someone living near a raya (line) between two towns, Real:in Galicia and Portugal this name can be translated as real (royal) while in southern Spain and Catalonia, this name can be taken from the Arabic word rahl meaning farmhouse, cabin, or rural property, Reyes:plural for the word rey meaning king which was normally given to those who were servants to a king or royalty, Rivas:a topographical name stemming from the word riba (bank), Rivera: a geographical name linked to the word ribera for bank or shore, Rodrguez:a patronymic surname meaning son of Rodrigo, Rojas:a habitational name connected to places in Burgos or Lugo named Rojas which is a derivation from the word rojo (red), Rosas:a topographical name meaning rosa (rose), Rozario:a Marian name stemming from the word Mara del Rosario meaning Mary of the Rosary, Rubio:a descriptive name for a person with light, blond hair, Ruiz:a patronymic name meaning son of Ruy, Senz:a patronymic surname with uncertain origins, Sala:stemming from the word sala (hall), this is an occupational surname for a person employed in a hall or manor, Salamanca:a habitational name stemming from the city Salamanca in western Spain, Salas:a plural form of the occupational name Sala, Salazar:a Spanish form of the Basque name Saavedra which is an occupational name for a person working in a main house or hall, Salvador:a Biblical name bestowed in honor of Christ meaning savior, Salvo:a nickname for the word salvo meaning saved, San Miguel:a habitational name linked to places named after St. Michael, Snchez: a patronymic surname meaning son of Sancho, Santana:a version of the name Santa Anna which is a habitational name linked to places named after St. Anna, Santos:typically bestowed onto a child who is born on All Saints Day, Serrano:a derivative of the word serra (mountain) which denoted a person who lived near a mountain range, Sevilla:a habitational name linked to the capital of Andalusia, Spain named Sevilla, Silvera:a Castilian version of the name Silveira which is a topographical name meaning woodland, Solano:a personal name linked to a 17th-century missionary named Francisco Solano, Sosa:a topographical name linked to sosa (seaweed), Sotomayor:a geographical name stemming from souto (grove, small wood) + maior (larger, main), Surez:an occupational surname for a swineherd, Toledo:a habitational name connected to a city in Spain named Toledo, Trrez: a geographical name linked to the word torre (tower), Trevio:a habitational name tied to places in the Burgos or Santander provinces with the same name, Trujillo:a habitational name connected to Trujillo in the Cceres province, Urbano: a descriptive name meaning urbane or elegant, Urias:a Biblical name linked to Uriah meaning God is light, Valdz:a habitational name linked to the place Valds in Mlaga or Asturies, Vargas:a geographical name which colloquially stems from varga meaning (thatched) hut, steep slope, or fenced pastureland which becomes waterlogged in winter, Vasco:connoting someone whos from Pas Vasco or the Basque region, Vega:a topographical name meaning meadow, Vela:an occupational name linked to the word vela (sail, watchman), Velasquez:a patronymic last name meaning son of Velasco, Villanueva:a geographical name meaning villa (farmstead) + nueva (new), Villas:a topographical name meaning villa (farmstead, settlement), Yez:a patronymic variant of the name Juan, therefore meaning, son of Juan, Zacaras:a Biblical name stemming from the personal name Zacharias, Zapata:an occupational name for someone who worked as a shoemaker.

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