my boyfriend is getting fat and i like it

Am sure my husband would like to feed me but I don't think he knows how to approach the subject. I was chubby when I was a kid, so my parents sent me to fat camp. I can't take my hands off her fat bum . She looked positively massive on the birthing table and the nurses barely knew how to handle all that gorgeous pregnant blubber. The content published on this blog is for informational purposes only. DID SOMEONE'S PARROT GET OUT? I am one too. Ive tried, but shes just not comfortable talking about it. It is so much fun to watch a slightly chubby women lose control and pack on the pounds after marriage. Has anyone discussed it with their partner and how do you approach the conversation? Answer (1 of 42): Maybe your boyfriend isn't as shallow as most people are. He always puts us first and works really hard. I try to counter this overwhelming guilt by making healthier foods or encouraging him to go out to the gym with me, but he never commits. She was pretty happy about losing weight, she made it down to 210, when one day, she eventually noticed that the backs of her thighs looked gross when she was standing--she was right. At 5'-3" tall she was beautifully plump. Less explaining means more time for eating. In the first year she gained almost 30 pounds. I should probably just say to h*** with it and just let them eat and be big and fat. Just please do not take that out on him or his body. She weighed herself in July and she was 328. A good goal for the first year of marriage is 50 pounds. Thats some dedicated stuffing. Less competition from other chicks, lolwhen we met my husband was pretty slim and I'd see other women looking at him up and down. My wife has encouraged me to blimp up but no belly rubs for me yet. I have a question, since your girls are older do you find that their weight limits them socially. I'm 15, 5'5" and about 120-125 pounds and I'm a size 0-2. Why fight it? 2023 Im fat, im tired of being fat. My wife has to lift my massive belly to have s**. Its normal to be less attracted to someone when they arent caring for themselves, when they arent taking initiative, when they have less of an external life going on than they did before. No, instead of focusing on cutting, nutritionists recommend bulking up for people with skinny fat to avoid additional health complications. Well, she knew I wouldn't mind at all if she gained weight, so she soon was eating anything she wanted, and the fat piled on. How much have you gained? Here's the thing. Now you know why skinny fat is dangerous and what you should do to help your husband overcome it. Couldn't keep my hands off her. I dont need to make it a resolution. When I met my bf, I was 24, slightly overweight, and had all the curves in the right places. It's so uncharacteristic of me, especially since my last boyfriend was a total sports buff. and our There is nothing more disappointing than when a fat bride loses weight for her wedding or loses weight after she is married. Next time you're hanging with a crowd of your peers, look around. Not super tall, but a tallish guy. my GF lost 100lb from gastric bypass I was against her doing it. He is fully aware, Im sure, that his body has changed. Just not as much gym time. I feel very, very shameful and bad. She says she doesn't care how fat she gets, so the number doesn't matter. He is supportive, intelligent, has a great sense of humor this list goes on and on. I purposely dont go to the doctor so he leaves me alone, and when I shows up in my 9th month, i f ucking nearly pass out when he sees me. When we were dating, he was 170 pounds. If she is not okay with that then drop her like a hot potato. You've accepted that you're now a fat man. I had to buy him size 40 pants (used to be a size 32), and I was so happy to watch him try them on. Great job darling- a man should have what he needs! What you must avoid is confessing that you're losing your attraction to him. Sounds like your wife doesnt want you to lose any weight. Our next goal is 350 and I'll probably stop around there, but honestly, the thought of getting up to 400 makes me so wet it's unbearable.We've got a stuffing date planned for tonight, and we're gonna try something new where she's going to go down on me while I'm sitting on the couch eating a whole (medium sized) cake. TWO: GET STRONG. Same for me my wife is a fat a*** cow now at almost 400 pounds she looks amazing with all the fat bits in right places she doesn't mind . I'm 24, and i got married to my husband when I was 20. Im sorry for him and for you (and for me and for everyone else not involved) that weight is such a thorny, painful, loaded topic. The content published on this blog is for informational purposes only. You can be disappointed and angry and impatient and sad about not feeling horny for your partner, for how your sex life is going, for what your relationship is right now. I should be able to push her way up over 600lbs in the next year. Bloated belly rubs are amazing, both for the person with the chubby belly and the person getting to love and rub on it. You can't force someone to have the same kinks as you. He has stopped doing things he previously loved or at least liked. She needs a scooter to get around and our vehicle is a van with a handicap lift and she is fine with all of it. I not only love to eat--a lot!-- but my husband is a gourmet chef. Yes, custom clothes definitely help us out, too. Hes stopped caring for a pet! But the fatter Ive gotten the more she seems to like it. Its been 4 years and we're married now and i've gained 100 pounds, yet he still keeps feeding me, giving me larger portions and more dessert than ever because he wants me to get to 400 pounds, which is fine with me cuz now i just, like, don't care anymore about how hevy i am. One told me, "Yeah, you didn't realize . Is it all her fault? Curlybig5000 at Im a single mother, and I weigh about 533 lbs at the moment. She has insisted that my brother get fat as well. But Ive gained almost 90 pounds in the last couple years. Want to read confessions and comments uncensored? Oh, and I'd grown one whole inch taller in those 17 years since freshman year. He says you gained 88 pounds, thats really bad for you. I told her she could never be too fat for my liking and right then she said then she would grow for me and now she is a a beautiful 709 pound beauty and still stuffing herself with all the fattening foods that I buy for her. He didn't give a real clear reason. She might not want to say something because she doesnt want to hurt your feelings (if shes not into it). My wife isn't quite as heavy as yours. The relationship is so much better not to mention the s** just gets better and better. link to Fat people | My Husband makes comments about my weight. Or when I clean my plate, shell compliment me on doing a good job. Some people are more attracted to fatter bodies than fit or skinny ones, so its just a matter of preferences at the end of the day, which is totally okay. The looks we get are priceless and I can tell they are based in jealousy. 3. She has no idea how turned on I get. Plenty of fit people are unhealthy. The first time I saw him shirtless, my jaw dropped. But that belly yuck. Big bodies are not just social experiments, nor are we just fetishes. She has had some good luck with a few online specialty retailers. You arent happy about it? What kind of fattening dishes? Sometimes it feels more like were roommates than boyfriend and girlfriend and Im really upset by that. (Instead actually say what you feel though, obviously.) When we start dating we share gym sessions, but after the wedding he was getting lazy and said me so often that he must work at home or so on. My belly is sticking out right now from yet another demonstration of my lack of self control. I would really enjoy my wife gaining weight, but shes a gym rat. The lesson here is guys, if you want a fat wife find a fat girl who is comfortable in her own skin. I've put on over 120lbs of pure fat since then, sitting around 322 now. A lot! They read something about being fat helps you think better or something like that. Put that extra fat on girl - he loves the blubber. To be even clearer: I AM NOT CONCERNED ABOUT HIS WEIGHT IN TERMS OF HIS HEALTH. If all goes to plan, he'll run the whole way there. Some men like a softer . Plus he carries most of his weight in his tummy and face. Plus, people have divorced for far, far less. I to like to eat a lot . Im pushing close to 150, and Ive never been this big! I am now a massive 550 pounds. Enjoy what you have! There are all kinds of things that make up our attraction to a person, including our own state of mind. Plus he carries most of his weight in his tummy and face. She currently weighed in last week at 417. His face isn't hard on the eyes either. If youre in the middle of a hurricane, for example, you might not be like, Damn, my husband Harold has really sexy calves, even if they normally get you going. I think you have to ask yourself what you are comfortable with and determine how you feel about it first. They said they wanted to keep me from developing health issues as I grew older. Shes thickening up a little now, and its a dream come true. Do maintenance loans classify as income in student finance application? He loves to eat and at the end of a long day I love to see him happy. The s** is amazing for us both. Do you think it's cute, if he has lost inches? I wouldn't mind if he did . Plump is the new normal. I hate it. "I like my girlfriend's weight gain.". That will make her feel confident and beautiful and want her to keep those extra pounds for her appreciative man! I talked for a long time and don't remember everything I said but the energy was, "I am awesome, I am doing the best I can, and my . Different body type now and I find it extremely alluring and sexy. I've noticed that as I gain faster (I think at least 50 pounds in just the last 12-14 months), he has been making more and more fattening food and bigger and richer desserts. Its so weird, right? Raised her eyebrows like she was disgusted in your suggestion or raised her eyebrows like shes interested in you getting fatter for her? He keeps fit, works out and is following a program so he'll look great when we go to the . A girl who loves big boys finally finds one who likes to eat. Did your husband ask you to gain for him initially or did you just happen to gain and could tell he liked it and continued getting bigger? Blow up huge together. until I eat it all. poke his belly! I write about why I'm fat and what has worked for me to lose weight and the things I've learned about how hard it is, and the problems with that. I love his weight on me when we f uck, but now it's getting hard for us to fit except for certain positions, but we make it work! My wife loves to serve me a massive portion,casually mentioning that I do not have to eat it all. From a purely physical standpoint, the softness feels nice. Waddling through the mall or on the beach together- blubber rippling. Luckily I have my own business and do much of my work from home. She's 381 now; her goal was 375, but when she was 365, she moved her goal to 400. Im pleased that my girls have been accepted by their peers. Having an obscenely fat gorgeous wife is truely one of life's extreme pleasures. My cooking is too good! Its not just the physical appearance that bugs me, its the difference in lifestyle that's getting to me. More often, it waxes and wanes. Its true, many husbands (even more than you would think) love watching their wifes get Fat and continue to get Fatter. He will grow for you. . Just be honest and upfront and complementary of her new size and shape. With you at what weight will you or would you stop letting your husband keep getting fatter, is the a upper limit or just see where it goes? Telling him that will cause nothing but resentment and insecurity. Me, myself and I. Now my motivation is gonebecause of her and I really hope to get it back. When I met him he weighed 185-190 and looked sooo good. Because if she is the type to be constantly trying to be a good fatty by constantly attempting some dumbass diet or worse yet, weightloss surgery, then both you and she will be miserable for the rest of your lives. Seriously. I've blown past every milestone we've set, she has a heavy hand when it comes to feeding. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are both part of The Student Room Group. There are many different types of pill and many other forms of contraceptive, and even the Practice Nurse will be willing to give you advice on what may be better for you. I want to tell him, confess how I love his body, and I don't want him to starve himself. Believe it or not plus sized clothing for children is easier to find in the UK than it is in the US. So if I say, "I feel fat," and they're fatter, they feel like I'm insulting them directly, which drives me crazy. Maybe seeing my words will help me assess the situation. He's not depressed or angry or bitter -- he just makes these comments here and there. I'm surprise that child services has not removed your children from your care. YOUR KILLING YOUR HUSBANDS!!! Now we are very happy and healthy and s** is amazing. Keeping the pounds off is one of the challenges of middle age. Dinner is actually in 10 minutes! Love fat women, they just look so good. But no plans for diet or exercise to lose all this weight, unless, you know, something goes wrong with my health. Dear Sugars, I've been with my boyfriend for more than two years. I've had real arguments with my friends about it. Just please do not take that out on him or his body. Show up, love him, give . My boyfriend is getting fat and I like it. I like the way I look, but my present boyfriend is encouraging me to take off some weight. I'm at 250 now and looking at 350. Mutual gain is awesome - watch his fat belly fold over! You cant really notice when Im wearing clothes, especially in the winter. Show up, love him, give yourself a break, forgive yourself, keep loving him. She got diabetes of pregnancy right toward the end, but still kept pigging out. My favorite part is when my wife is winded on the stairs and needs to stop to catch her breath. get regular health check-ups, you probably wont be able to know. I'm retired! Its definitely worth it in the end to achieve a healthier lifestyle. She succeeded. Sometimes I would require him to keep eating in the bedroom. Huffing and puffing getting dressed while I massage her fat side rolls. And glad I didnt figure out she likes me big year ago. Rarely does it abruptly drop off a cliff and nosedive, sinking deeper and deeper into a nadir of nonsexiness. Does she know you love her fatter from the beginning or did she start gaining and you always seems to appreciate her figure?With stocking the freezer and pantry is she aware that you want her to keep gaining or does she mention it to you?How big do you think she will get or want her to get? Say yes and gain as much as possible. My face is a little chubbier, went up a cup size and a pants size. On top of that, he has everything to lose from you saying it. "Taking care of your hubby by fattening him up is the ultimate expression of love! I consider the two of us extremely lucky guys. Avoid having serious conversations with him. How do you get around that? Right on, Im 32 and was raised in a big fat family who enjoys their food and it shows. Make your intentions and desires known up front before you commit. I've never really had to worry about her not gaining--she loves to eat too much to not keep getting fatter. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. There is plenty of them out there. =( I feel so guilty for enjoying this. It's pretty clear he is sending the message of his likes by suggesting you gain more. They were'nt worried about how the partner's of his daughter/sister looks. He used to run, but now he hardly exercises at all, he barely even walks the dog (it's his dog and now I do almost all of the walking). A TikTok creator revealed that after having her chin fat dissolved, she was so swollen that she ended up looking like a "frog.". On the days that I need to be on the road, my mother-in-law helps out as my wife is growing too fat to take care of the kids and the house at the same time. The good news about this is that even though youre less attracted to your boyfriend right now (fine, valid, morally neutral), there is opportunity for that to change, for your attraction to him to grow again. Haha that's adorable. At the time I weighs somewhere around 265-275. And I should admit that he seems really attractive to me when he's at home just in underwear, with his belly sticking out, his tights tighter and his butt getting rounder. But I look good and curvier at this higher weight, so I feel fine about that. He wants to keep you for himself - He is obsessed with you and wants to ensure that you stay with him forever. By keeping his belly full and pushing him beyond his limits, in a few years you can really fill him out. People with skinny fat tend to have really attractive bodies, so it's no surprise that you like your boyfriend's skinny fat body. I had finally reached my goal weight of 98 pounds. Plenty of fat people are healthy. To determine whether your husband may be skinny fat, you should get his body composition analyzed to find out the percentage of body fat first from a reliable source. I am guess a chubby chaser. So I told her that she didn't need to lose weight for me and that I would love to feed her back up to at least her previous 400lbs. SoI am walking around with all this weight. If you try again and he continues to be defensive about this or wont take any steps to care for himself, then, OK, you have a new problem. What ideas does he have? In comparison to what he looked like before (~150 pounds on that frame) of course he looks fat, but now he seems average like any guy his height. They speak longingly about how fit their husbands were when they first met them and how unfit they are now. You are allowed to feel like it sucks. My wife began to gain a little weight after we were married, from 125 to 155 after the first 2 years. As I stated previously many of the kids at my oldest daughter's school seen to be quite chubby but none are as chubby as my daughter. Being comfortable in a committed relationship is more important than any dress size or pants size to me. i'm like, oooo baby! Ive dated thin and fat, and there are good things about both. I understand that. Sounds fantastic - are you mutually gaining? Its not my hubby getting fat, its me!! Definitely a large and in charge dude! If she is into it, and you ask, and shes honest with you, it could open up a whole new phase of your relationship that you both could mutually indulge in and enjoy, and it wouldnt have to be this hush-hush secret anymore. My husband will eat anything, and if I put it in front of him, he will finish it. By the way I'm also attractive for men, I'm a slim tonified girl with a nice ass. I think our society is so focused on thinness that we havent asked ourselves the other side of the question - Whats wrong with a little fat? That was a little over a year ago and now I have a 520lb wife and a 2 little girls that very much take after their mom. If he has a health issue, thats for him and his doctor to discuss NOT you. Nothing like a big hanging fat bag. Health is not moral. Ladies, its not the worst thing to have a bigger guy in your life. I understand it's a "fetish" but what justifications would you give to particpating or encouraging it? My kind of man! My wife is very fat now I love the curves saggy belly think she is around 380 pounds. Your boyfriend's consistent remarks about being fat indicate that he feels uneasy about himself and may be looking for validation to feel better about himself, at least temporarily. She just wasn't comfortable with her weight and did it anyway. I love getting fatter and fatter for my husband. You are allowed to feel this way. My 3 girls and I are also very big, like your wife and kids. 1,500 calories in fatty fast food is much different than 1500 calories of lean protein and vegetables. Can you imagine your hubby as a 500 pounder? My boyfriend/girlfriend is doing it and or are encouraging me to do with them. All I do is look at bbw p*** now. The lesson I took from camp was that people will only love you if you're skinny. Has stopped doing things he previously loved or at least liked loves to eat they are now life 's pleasures... 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