i hate being an occupational therapist

in Counseling & Mental Health, Life Coach. Being accepted into an OT program is hard and very competitive. Best decision I ever made." Now Im in a forensic psych hospital. I think OT can be a great profession, but people need to know all of the information beyond the hype about the profession. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Yet, I know a lot of people who LOVE my old profession both newbies (to be expected, no burnout yet) and veterans. Ive never been so finished. You can learn all these skills if you make an effort to do so , it doesn't mean you can not be an OT, but these are some of the skills you will need on the j. I can't really give advice because I quit the profession for similar reasons. Follow your heart and always remember ones experience isnt everyones bad experience. You might find yourself doing the same type of treatment day in and day out, and this will definitely lead to boredom. Is it possible for the field to phase out? Being an occupational therapist requires a bachelor's degree in biology, kinesiology, health sciences, physiology or a related field. If you're going for the OTR (Master's or Doctorate) route, you can expect to pay anywhere from $40,000 to well over $100,000 for your degree. And lastly, I want you to be aware of the physical demands of being an occupational therapy practitioner. But it will give you a better idea or what NOT to look for. Almost daily Im rehearsing my OT elevator pitch, educating someone (patients, doctors, nurses, my own family!) It may be easiest to get a job in a SNF versus landing your dream job in pediatrics, acute care, hand therapy (or insert your ideal OT setting here). This generally takes 2 years of full-time study. This sometimes requires a lot of lifting throughout the day which can be taxing on your body, even with proper body mechanics and equipment. I let a client not pay for a session. Are You a Burned Out OT? I'm studying to be an OTA right now (hoping to get my masters in a 2-year bridge program after I graduate and have a year of experience) Nevertheless your optimism and passion for helping people are beautifully apparent and I solute you! If youre a new grad in this situation, I recommend taking the time to find a mentor or a new position where there are other OTs around to help guide you. It will make you a more well rounded applicant. They are interesting but I have shadowed an OT and really enjoyed it. Answer (1 of 3): Not sure what you are currently doing for work. And just because you are struggling doesn't mean that you are failing! The first step to becoming an occupational therapist is to complete a bachelor's degree in a related field. This parent informed me that the special ed director called her in to an unofficial meeting at the school board office and upon arrival the superintendent was also present. Im officially a little over a month in as a OT and I feel a lot of what youre feeling too. At speech therapy, Nathan goes back without me. Not many positions were available during what seemed like to be peak COVID. I just like to be open-minded and hear all sides and weigh it all out. You really shouldnt believe what people have to say about becoming an OT. This PDF from AOTA is a great educational handout you can also give to patients and medical professionals when youre in this predicament. Tips to Reclaim your Practice, The Best Splinting Guide for Occupational Therapists. If so, Ive absolutely been there (multiple times) and I first want you to know that Im so sorry that youre feeling this way! It does pay well but you do toilet transfers, see body fluids from wounds and deal with people who are tired and/or cranky. This is a subreddit to celebrate all things Occupational Therapy. I am looking to talk to some OTs that have run into problems such as unnecessary treatment or documenting hours to make money for the company. Teacher2PT, thanks for your advice and best of luck to you too! ugh, that horrid Indeed forum. Some institutions may require you to have completed set prerequisite subjects in your undergraduate degree. ), and it can certainly be emotionally draining given the complexity of the patients we see. The therapist and client form a therapeutic relationship. 5.) In order to practice in the United States, you must pass the National Board of Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) examination. Easier to avoid burnout when you know your contract has an end date and you can take time off in between assignments! This can range from working with patients who require very little physical assist to patients that are dependent. I would say as a massive generalisation nursing is a very medical model and quite prescriptive, OT is a therapeutic approach and relies on the skill of the the therapist to achieve joint goals. State licensing requirements vary, so make sure to consult your state's occupational therapy regulatory agency. You are using an out of date browser. In this paper, I reflect upon two aspects of the human as an occupational being: 1) the biological need for occupation, and 2) tempo and temporality as a way of beginning to generate a blueprint for global health. Hello! It could be that these people didn't do their research before or maybe they did. Additional job details. If youve tried switching up your interventions but you still feel bored in your setting, you could try switching to PRN and get a second PRN job in a different setting. We have next to zero phd faculty members and my program is in the top 20 in the country, how that happened is beyond me. These tasks (also known as "occupations") may take place at home, in a nursing home, or a community. Establish a treatment plan for patients, laying out the types of activities and specific . I love the broadness of OT but I'm wondering if I should choose something more specialized. An OT is responsible for making ppl as independent as possible. I worry that the paper work, and physical demands of the job will be too much for me. This post was originally published on March 25, 2017 and updated on June 15, 2019 and February 28, 2023. So just know that and dont expect management or insurance to treat people like people. The lady I shadowed did help with toileting with the in-patients but she also did that as her own choice. If youre in an unethical environment, that may be reason enough to make a big change. There will always be people who want to bitch no matter how many people wipe their asses. I am HATING Being an OT Need some words of encouragement or advice. And my school didn't prepare me for so many things. MOT4ME, you've offered some helpful advice on these forums but this particular comment was very condescending and unnecessary. Mostly I am just worried about being a "glorified CNA." I found that my aptitude and academic achievement was equivalent to, if not higher, than some medical students, who then became, obviously, physicans; yet, in my first year of employment I earned about $30,000 ($15/hour). I'm just ranting in confusion, but any feedback would be appreciated. I still find ways to connect with them while redirecting the negative behaviors/anxiety--I have lost some patients that were very special to me but I feel privileged to have helped them live as much of a life with quality as possible at the end. I cant imagine doing anything else. Ive been an OT for more than 25 years, and each year it seems less and less about patient care and more.about money. reasons why you SHOULD do OT as a profession! Welcome to r/OccupationalTherapy!This is an automatic comment on every post. 2. Occupational therapy is not always the sunshine and rainbows that you read about in the countless news articles touting its frequent rating in the top 10 happiest and least stressful jobs. Because of this, your application has to be really strong to stand out among the massive number of applicants. I still love working in rehab and acute care over eight years later. He might make your heart soar. I find those posts extremely depressing and I wonder if most of those people were in OT for the money or to gain status like a doctor without going to medical schoolthose are the kind of people who will get disgruntled like that because OT is not always a glamorous field. Occupational therapy helps patients to do daily activities or "occupations." Those activities include cooking, bathing, shopping, eating, getting dressed, and caring for loved ones. It seems many new grads jump into the first job they can get, since it can be really hard to get your first job. I have to say, do listen to the people from indeed. I just got my license in July and started my very first OT job this past September. Yeah! 35,411 - 43,517 a year. Crystal Smith, Occupational Therapist - Contact: csmith@skusd.k12.ca.us Paul Walker, Adapted Physical Education Specialist - Contact: pwalker@skusd.k12.ca.us Occupational Therapists: Use meaningful activities (occupations) to help children and youth participate in what they need and/or want to do in order to promote physical and mental health and well-being. And the beginning doesn't say anything of the ending (a german poem that I poorly translated to english). Working as an occupational therapist (OT) is a creative and rewarding way to make a difference in the lives of your patients every day. All of this is very true! Occupational Therapist Salary: Data From 2,322 OTs and COTAs, The Best Splinting Guide for Occupational Therapists, 6 of the Best Occupational Therapy Forums, 10 Reasons Why OTs Should Be Using Occupation-Based Interventions, https://www.aota.org/Education-Careers/Accreditation/acote-doctoral-mandate-2027.aspx. I'd have a huge moral issue with that, and I do not want to feel uncomfortable in my job. I BEYOND agree with you. After earning a bachelor's degree, you need to get a master's degree in occupational therapy, which takes two to three years depending on the program you choose. Through her work, she's found that many doctors aren't always aware of the skills they have. What would be most helpful for you? With rehab-based occupational therapists and COTAs, a big focus is transfer training. He might be the only reason you get up in the morning. 4. 5 out of 10 are bored out of their mind. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I just want to point out that I am changing careers, after getting a masters in one field and working in that field for over almost 14 years. You may not know what floats your boat. Evidence-based practice trumps your gut feelings. If you are male and reading this, understand that you will be outnumbered by females regardless of where you decide to worka hospital, a rehabilitation center, a school, or a nursing home. As OTs we are trained to analyze and assess-the individual, their skills/needs, the demands of each task, and determine the ways to either bring the person back to a functional state or adapt the task/environment/tools to facilitate success. Im so glad I did, because I finally got that call back and am so grateful to be an OT in the hospital-setting. I'm sticking with my decision to pursue OT, but there is a frustration since information and feedback are limited and there isn't widespread knowledge about the profession; thus, the resources that I can tap into to find out more are limited. Becoming an occupational therapist is expensive. Being an OT is definitely not equal to being a glorified CNA. I am interested in changing fields of OT, I have worked in mental health OT for a while and want to build my skills in other areas. I wanted to respond about that negative Indeed link and the concern about ethics. I love what I do as a health proffesional! If you are burning out in one area (yes it happens) there are many other areas to switch to. I graduated in August 2020, and ever since - I have not found a position within OT that feels satisfying to me. The school system had another student (very similar situation and age) whose parents were told that their son could not return to the school after he had been with the school for 3 yrs. Especially important if you are a new grad. You might find your second or third choice is actually a great fit for you. I agree with this. I've also chatted with many OTs. If I sat around listening to people I would be homeless and unemployed right now. I hope the kiddies heard us loud and clear on this one. Back home in the Philippines, occupational therapy is deemed to be a profession in demand . Whats the setting? I'm going to strive to keep that idealistic motivation intact throughout my education and career! What type of sites/jobs would be the best fit? OT came to me like an epiphany and for the past two years I thought I was preparing for my dream career. Honestly I am not feeling confidet in my knowledge, I'm always pretending I know everything I do but it's just a fassade. But my daughter is in early intervention and she is making great progress. Hear about the nasty things too, if you are willing to push through regardless then this is the career for you. I found this to be the case when I graduated, and ended up in a setting I wasnt crazy about. You Arent Alone! This post outlines what occupational therapy is and the steps you can take to get certified and launch your career as an OT. Some may also have a doctorate. An occupational therapist cares for patients with disabilities, chronic illness or injuries that cause them to need help with daily tasks. Because more people are wanting to become occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants, schools in bigger cities are creating more programs and pumping out more and more new grads every year. While the Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the average salary for OTRs is $86,280, the average for new grads is quite a bit less (tens of thousands of dollars less). This one might be a little controversial, since weve been programmed since we were young to think we have to work as much as possible at least5 days a week job from graduation until we retire. But how to get the training when you're expected to know from the start and the productivity demands don't allow for that kind of time? As you decide what you are going to do with your life there's always going to be someone to change your dreams and there's also that person who will have something negative to say. I thought about creating its own section but I think (and hope) that therapy companies are getting better with less staffing shortages and less overloaded caseloads, and there are now more open job opportunities for therapists needing to leave those chaotic companies that havent changed for the better. Step 3: Advance Your Education. I just retired after 40 years as an OTR. Thanks! Answer: Depends on the setting. A) You should expect to need to do Con Ed every year to keep your license and certification. No, we actually dont work on getting people jobs. This will also increase tuition considerably, without any foreseen comparable pay raises for either OTRs or COTAs with these pricier degrees. With that said, ALL professions have pros and cons, and the pros just have to outweigh cons for someone. Upon arrival, it was the entire IEP team. Our results indicated that the average salary among the participants was actually $70,732. For those considering a career in the medical field, but are unsure of the direction they should follow, occupational therapy can be a valuable opportunity. 9 popular non-traditional OT jobs There are many avenues your non-traditional OT career could take, but here we highlight nine of the most common. Fortunately, most rural parts of the country have a desperate need for occupational therapists. (My OT Spot), Is Occupational Therapy a Good Career? The politics in my program are unbearable; grading is extremely subjective and favoritism is endemic. If youve landed here, you may have been Googling something like Im unhappy with my occupational therapy job or feeling burned out as an OT or maybe even feeling sick of my OT job.. Oh man, I really feel you buddy. Hi, Im from Brazil and just got my OT degree, even being from another country i agree 100% with the post! even when they continually show me otherwise. The special ed department broke IDEA and other federal laws regarding my grandson also. How important is it for an OT to have a creative side? One of the joys of OT is that there are so many areas to work in. Started looking for OT jobs since May 2021 after everyone in the household was fully vaccinated. And you wonder if youre missing out by working in a setting that isnt everything youve imagined. Unfortunately, this pandemic is going to have a negative effect on all students. Fewer and fewer settings are paying for this, so expect to pay for the courses. A newly qualified NHS OT can expect to start on a minimum of 21,000, with more experienced OTs earning 25,700-34,500 . I cant speak for occupational therapy assistant (OTA) programs. NOTES: I HATE THIS ABOUT OT :SNF OT EDITION : NOT . It is always a good idea to get some experience and shadow people in the field to see if its a right fit for you and if you are willing to put up with the crap you would have to deal with in that field.because there is crap in every field different kinds of crap, but still crap. =). You can certainly find a position, whether permanent or travel, but you might have to make the choice to leave a bigger city. A career in occupational therapy has many potential benefits, but it can also be demanding. You can make it work for you if this is what you really want. Need some words of encouragement or advice. OT is a complex, growing field, and who knows how it will evolve in our lifetime. Many settings also involve long periods of standing when youre not doing transfer training. Because of the over-saturation previously mentioned, your ideal setting might not have any openings when youre done with OT school and boards. First, most new grads feel unprepared and usually your first job out of school isnt the one that sticks. This generally takes 4 years of full-time study. I don't believe I ever said that schools are businesses; I think they shouldn't be. "They will remark disparagingly, 'I'm just a clinician,' I don't know what else I could do," Fork says. Of course, you are free to do what you want but it's sentiments such as the one you describe that enable schools to charge exorbitant rates of tuition to desperate students. The great thing about our profession is that we have theflexibilityto work when we want. I know it's a "HOT" field and whatever but I know a lot of people that are in it for the money and they will have sad sad lives. Why. The disparity in financial compensation is just awful, honestly. Think about the skills and knowledge youve obtained (not to mention a graduate degree), where else can you put them to use? My problem is, I don't know how honest they're being with me as most people and any profession to glamorize their careers, unless it's just some dead-end job with no use in putting on a "front," if you will. An occupational therapist may work with anyone suffering from a chronic mental health condition, learning disability or physical disability to help them live the best . If you come into it unsure or you're just doing it for the money, you're gonna have doubts and be disappointed. Travel therapists LOVE taking time off between each three month contract to relax and recharge. An older person obviously can have many capabilities, but if a person is lifting and moving from age 25 to age 65, there is likely to be a toll on the body. Im so sorry to hear this! I volunteered in 7 different places in preparation for the OT application. This was one of the schools where I contracted OT services. Immediately I could smell the incontinence, and the abnormal behaviors exhibited by the dementia patients. Many spokes on a wheel: Using our training, expertise, & skills to meet our clients' needs Our Values This is will improve your odds of getting into a program. I think it is the rare program that really prepares their students, and I agree the psychosocial was SO over emphasized in my program because its emerging practice. I agree with what you said above, but Id also like to add that pay cuts and no raises for several years have been rampant in our profession due to Medicare cut backs. I have been reading the Indeed boards a lot and they are usually so negative. There are a lot of policy questions here: why isn't the government regulating these schools so that they can't charge 100k+ for a degree which will earn you 50k as an entry level practitioner? and visual impairments. I have to say, I do not at all regret having had another career before getting into OT. 1. There are pros and cons to everything. Most (60%) of OTs work in the health service; 40% are career changers. We don't know. become an ot/ota. These settings will typically have considerably less physical demands. while my physician medical resident peers complained about a $30,000. I could go on and on and ON about how much I hate my old field and every job I've had in my old field. Non-profits supporting people with disabilities? The ACOTE decision to move degrees is in abeyance as of September 2018: https://www.aota.org/Education-Careers/Accreditation/acote-doctoral-mandate-2027.aspx. Loved every minute. But, this is especially applicable in home health therapy. Now that I have a little bit of a routine and really really great working colleagues, I am pretty lucky and fine by now but it is hard as an OT. I think it is fine to feel like a bad practitioner the first couple years. We learn in school how meaningful our profession is (which it is!) It's all about finding where you fit in. I have a 7 yr. old grandson who has Autism, ADHD, and sensory dysfunction. Consider applying to hospital positions, many have outpatient clinics in the hospital and you may have the opportunity to 'cross train' even if you're hired in a different setting of the hospital. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. They'll call the profession a complete joke. While ADL retraining is always important in our profession, other interventions you do to address specific deficits can always be switched up. As a school and hospital OT, I found that the lack of resources and sheer amount of paperwork and red tape interfered with my ability to actually spend time with patients and make a difference. Being an occupational therapist assistant (OTA) offers a combination of benefits such as: Enhancing Quality of Life OTAs help people gain or regain an ability to perform tasks in everyday life such as eating, having a conversation, getting dressed, etc. I think being an OT part time is very difficult as the work load is rarely reduced on a proportional basis especially in a community role. Medicare Benefits and Costs of Occupational Therapy. Thats where I got my mentorship. If you would like to request support for a child from the Occupational Therapy Service, please complete this form>. However, working with children requires lifting children and managing various movements and positions, which are fine for a younger person, but may not be reasonable for an older person. I went through three before I found me permanent one and even with that I have a per diem one that I keep on the weekends and I often think about leaving this one (but it has a pension and Ive been here so long its no longer worth it.) I just started working for a pediatric HH agency; the regulations, compliance, and documentation is enough to drive any sane person crazy. Another thing I really admired about this article, was the reference to physical demands. Ive learned that point of service (documenting while treating the patient) is really hard when Im trying to do either a hands-on treatment or quality ADL retraining. Buy Hate Being Sexy But I'm Funny Occupational Therapist Therapy T-Shirt: Shop top fashion brands T-Shirts at Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY and Returns possible on eligible purchases Amazon.com: Hate Being Sexy But I'm Funny Occupational Therapist Therapy T-Shirt : Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry Press J to jump to the feed. Every career will have things people love and things people can do without, that's life. That's an exhausting list of things to do to get a job. Abstract. You're not going to know everything and that's okay The biggest obstacle I had to overcome during my first few months working as an occupational therapist at a SNF (and I still struggle with this sometimes) was my feeling of inadequacy compared to my co-workers. I don't feel like the person 3 years ago that wanted to be an OT. For 12 years I have been a special needs paraprofessional and have worked so closely with OTs and have many mentors. and we come out thinking every job will be fantastic. (St. Catherine University). Permanent + 1. If you want to do research, go to a Tier 1 program with an attached OS or OT PhD program. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Writing is awesome, though. I just want to hear real life experiences so I know how to prepare and what to expect. This article has been incredibly helpful. Your input will help me one cope and 2 fight for change. With productivity targets at 85% or above, providing quality patient care becomes difficult to accomplish. This is super common. I feel you. Look at places like state hospitals or the VA for different jobs. Leave your reasons down below. Would I personally change my career choice? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. C) The area you end up loving might not even be on your radar nowa lot of OT students dream of working in the schools. Got my OT Spot ), and i feel a lot and they are interesting but i 'm going strive! Do research, go to a Tier 1 program with an attached OS or OT PhD.! Not to look for be peak COVID helpful advice on these forums but this particular comment was very condescending unnecessary... Clear on this one for making ppl as independent as possible of 10 are bored out school. A client not pay for the OT application another country i agree %! 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R/Occupationaltherapy! this is what you really shouldnt believe what people have to say about becoming an therapist..., you 've offered some helpful advice on these forums but this particular comment was very condescending and unnecessary always... Are tired and/or cranky therapists and COTAs, a big change is! is the career you. The nasty things too, if you want to feel uncomfortable in job...