When looked at nonjudgmentally, sprawl can be defined as __________. restrictive/protective covenants are terminated in all of the following ways EXCEPT: the type of zoning that permits a higher priority use in a lower priority zone is called: which of the following is not a permitted deviation from the standards of a zoning ordinance? - flood insurance is available under the National Flood INsurance Program, A property owner is reimbursed for loss when: - the NCDOT has approved the street plans prior to the subdivision plat being recorded One group proposes to convert the base to a new city suburb, with low-cost housing for several thousand of the current inner-city residents. They have been outlawed in most cities. - a variance people in smaller cities tend to use mass transit more than they do in large cities a. They usually discourage sprawl. The Justice Department has taken enforcement action against municipal governments that have tried to reduce or limit the number of Hispanic families that may live in their communities. reduce urban sprawl Since the line was already in existence, tearing down structures would not be necessary. Most cities would be better served by having both a bus system and a commuter rail system. a neighborhood in which people can live, work, eat, and shop all within walking distance The majority of the Justice Department's pattern or practice cases involve claims of race discrimination. a few single-family dwellings near the edge of an enormous forest, adjacent to some cabbage farms and a small town situated 15 miles to the north light rail systems A residential developer's deed restrictions would probably include all of the following EXCEPT, All the following are true about historic preservation zoning EXCEPT, A tire company has a manufacturing plant located in an area that has just been rezoned for residential use. Most zoning laws are imposed by the state or federal government. oil companies, Which of the following follows the philosophy of "building up, not out"? As elsewhere, in the world of accounting and finance, it often helps to be fluent in abbreviations and acronyms. Vernon Taber deposits $600 into an ordinary annuity after each quarter for 4 years. Thecastoffourengagingperformerswakeupandbeginhisorherday.\underline{\text{The cast of four engaging performers wake up and begin his or her day. - creation of subdivisions Massachusetts laws MGL c.40A Zoning Gives cities and towns authority to adopt ordinances and bylaws to regulate the use of land, buildings and structures. c. nonconforming use permit. What is the greatest negative environmental impact that occurs when people live in suburbs instead of living in cities? There are several types of land-use regulations, including subdivision regulations, zoning, building codes, housing codes, curve-cut permit systems, historic preservation . While Kayla is driving along a busy highway just outside a major city, she suddenly comes to a standstill in traffic. She is engaged in the real estate business as a Celeste asked whether the word scissors is considered singular or plural. landscaping with AstroTurf in dry environments. The planted trees will be cut down to produce construction materials for the athletic program. conserves water by using treated city wastewater instead of city tap water for irrigation, conserves water by using treated city wastewater instead of city tap water for irrigation, The bioenergy garden at Georgia Southern University is used to show plants that can be used __________. c. No contract to purchase any lot is allowed until the final subdivision plat is recorded. Research and compare the reasons why both the United States and China experienced civil war. light rail. The spread of low-density urban or suburban development outward from an urban center. building with mahogany imported from Brazil encourage the consumption of local foods, conserve energy and water and improve indoor air quality, One common way to increase the sustainability of a food system is to buy and consume __________. light pollution. c. individuals. towns. Cities generally obtain the food for their citizens from _____. the steadily increasing prices for gasoline The cast of four engaging performers wake up and begin their day. Wayne Rogers, an administrator at a major university, recently said, "I've got some CDs in my IRA, which I set up to beat the IRS." have gone further by passing a bill capping population in all major cities, passed a bill giving property owners the right to ignore UGB's, The requirement in Oregon for every metropolitan area to establish an urban growth boundary is intended to ________. is more than twice as high for automobiles as it is for any other form of transportation Which of the following occupations is tasked with designing cities in such a way as to maximize their efficiency, functionality, and beauty? widely spaced homes spread evenly across a vast tract of land What is specifically restricted outside of urban growth boundaries (UGBs) as mentioned in the video concerning the UGS put into place in 2007? A subdivision is any parcel of land divided into five or more lots for the purpose of sale or development, now or in the future. d. for only five more years before meeting the new zoning requirements. Several homes are already located within the area proposed for rezoning. The Fair Housing Act defines discrimination in housing against persons with disabilities to include a failure "to design and construct" certain new multi-family dwellings so that they are accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities, and particularly people who use wheelchairs. Garbage from New York is distributed to Kentucky to fill up abandoned mines. He is engaged in the real estate business as a - ppwer of taxation, building codes require which of the following? It may be frailits roof may shakethe wind may blow . a. developer. d. be required to be physically moved to a residential use area. c. A pre-existing use that varies from the current code The use of privately owned real property may be regulated and restricted by Pat and Terry are considering moving from near the center of a large city into the suburbs. are urban golf courses, are links that provide pathways for wildlife to travel between parks and preserves, Urban sprawl typically results in ________. in locations where explorers first landed Streets, curbs, and sidewalks in a new subdivision are usually provided by the Essentially, zoning laws determine which types of properties can coexist in different areas of . - the Act is administered by HUD place of zoning. In recent years, the Department's focus in this area has been to challenge sexual harassment in housing. Since New York City adopted the first zoning ordinance in 1916, zoning regulations have been adopted by virtually every major urban area in the United States. The Fair Housing Act makes it unlawful to discriminate in housing on the basis of sex. b. variance. For the underlined section, choose the revision that most improves the writing. municipality changed the zoning ordinance, prohibiting buildings that exceed six stories in height. a. local zoning laws are enforced. True or False? \text { Investment } & \text { Single amount } & \text { Investment life (years) } \\ a. gift deed. Buses are inefficient when there are few people riding on them. commuter rail a. widely spaced homes spread evenly across a vast tract of land white flight, the loss of working-class people from traditional neighborhoods as housing prices become too expensive, The birth of __________ initiated the phenomenon of the sprawls. small cities in the southern United States, such as Austin, Texas, and Raleigh, North Carolina History. This Joint Statement focuses on the Fair Housing Act, not on other federal civil rights laws that prohibit state and local governments from adopting or implementing land use and zoning practices that discriminate based on a protected characteristic, such as Title II of the All of these are factors that led to this migration EXCEPT __________. a few single-family dwellings near the edge of an enormous forest, adjacent to some cabbage farms and a small town situated 15 miles to the north MAYBE along trade routes, Since 2009, for the first time ever, more people in the world are living in __________ areas than __________ areas. buildings painted green to help reflect sunlight bus, Which of the following occupations is tasked with designing cities in such a way as to maximize their efficiency, functionality, and beauty? nuclear power plants venting excess heat into the urban landscape Junie is excited to go running on the city's newest running and bike trail. Improve the soil through organic waste and wastewater techniques, Greenways ________. their own agricultural areas within city limits a shortage of water for irrigating lawns and landscaping developer's fees Air pollution from the Midwest and "Rustbelt" states is exported to the northeastern United States and Canada. It is a bustling urban center in a developed country. people sought out the better public transportation options present in the suburbs. an empty, ruined temple surrounded by nothing but grasslands and herds of wild animals, widely spaced homes spread evenly across a vast tract of land. c. restrictive covenants. Which of the following attempt(s) to design cities in such a way as to maximize their efficiency, functionality, and beauty? use renewable energy sources and recycle materials 62% 30 MWh c. Zoning will prevail over any conflict with restrictive covenants. a. All of the following are landscaping features of green buildings EXCEPT: The planted trees will sequester carbon dioxide from the air as they grow. Agricultural zoning is generally used by communities that are concerned about maintaining the economic viability of the agricultural industry. An example would be an ordinance prohibiting housing for persons with disabilities or a specific type of disability, such as mental illness, from locating in a particular area, while allowing other groups of unrelated individuals to live together in that area. - zoning c. until residences are located within a quarter mile of the station. Some of the Department's cases have also alleged that municipalities and other local government entities violated the Fair Housing Act when they denied permits or zoning changes for housing developments, or relegated them to predominantly minority neighborhoods, because the prospective residents were expected to be predominantly African-Americans. A local TV station claims that 60%60 \%60% of people support Candidate A,30%A, 30 \%A,30% support Candidate B, and 10%10 \%10% support Candidate C. A survey of 500 registered voters is taken. a. A place in an urban area in which one can grow vegetables. use zoning to keep small neighborhoods intact Because of its dense population and lack of available land, City X must import most of its food. John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. What is the most likely explanation of how the city planners accomplish the building of such a trail in a heavily developed urban area? make the city transportation "bus only" use tiered taxation to maintain inner cities as vibrant, livable communities A companys suppliers send it separate invoices for each purchase. For the first time ever, she notices that alongside the highway are stretches of forest and wetland. She hears the noise of frogs and insects and birds that she never would have noticed if not trapped in traffic. Building codes provide access to rail and bus transportation in the inner city or other high-density areas, Historically, large cities have tended to develop ________. urban; rural, What is the goal of "new urbanism"? Which of the following is a positive effect that cities have on the environment? 5%, The student report estimated $45,500 in electricity savings. thermal pollution promoted programs that reduced fossil fuel use and sequestered carbon An old service station is located in an area recently zoned for residential use only. b. ordered to cease work on the project. This figure shows the population of Portland, Oregon, from 1850 to 2015. - power of escheat - the act is administered by the Environmental Protection Agency better schools. Zoning ordinances specify whether zones can be used for residential or commercial . The number of cases filed since 1968 alleging religious discrimination is small in comparison to some of the other prohibited bases, such as race or national origin. With the help of her financial advisor, Clare has isolated four equally risky investments, each providing a single amount at the end of its life, as shown in the given table. This is referred to as legal nonconforming use, or being grandfathered in. Other areas of the country have experienced an increasing diversity of national origin groups within their populations. urbanism cities in the northern United States, such as Chicago, Illinois, and Portland, Oregon, in developing nations, such as Delhi, India. Zoning regulations and restrictions are used by municipalities to control and direct the development of property within their borders. Which of the following is true regarding zoning laws? - placing a factory in an area zoned for residential only global warming Which of the following consume the bulk of the electricity used in the United States? Sustainable cities tend to be livable cities that provide a good quality of life for their residents. a. CLUE:___________ b. real estate broker. d. subdivider. They include: Agricultural zones Commercial zones Industrial zones Recreational zones Residential zones Rural zones Some areas, or sections of the city, are designated as multiple use zones. Below each passage, write (a)(a)(a) the clue that led you to the meaning, and (b)(b)(b) the meaning itself. - regional planning, REAL ESTATE: Review Questions Chapter Five, Chapter 2: estates in real property and forms, Lesson 2: Basic Residential Appraisal Princip, North Carolina Statutes and Regulations for C, Commercial Insurance Coverages (Casualty), The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography, AP Edition, Arthur Getis, Daniel Montello, Mark Bjelland, Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences and Social Sciences, Karl E. Byleen, Michael R. Ziegler, Michae Ziegler, Raymond A. Barnett. If the plant is destroyed by fire or other hazard, the tire company, If the buyer of a vacant lot builds a house that violates the restrictions in the deed, the buyer may face all of the following types of enforcement EXCEPT. d. Environmental restrictions. Select all that apply. keep business in a central location, near transportation centers, develop walkable communities, with homes and businesses close together, Of the following, the benefits of green buildings include ________. All of the following statements are true regarding zoning EXCEPT Which of the following statements is true? zoning developed; urban The spread of low-density urban or suburban development outward from an urban center. automobiles d. The Act has no exemptions. limit construction to the use of recycled materials People sought out the better public transportation options present in the suburbs. For the first time ever, she notices that alongside the highway are stretches of forest and wetland. grew very rapidly in the 19th and early 20th centuries B Restrictive covenants a. are no longer effective when the title is transferred. Which of the following approaches best helps congested cities deal with the problems related to transportation? growing at a faster rate than the global population as a whole. D. Correct as is, classify areas for different types of urban development and land use. What was the approximate cost of electricity in cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) used to calculate this savings? The taxes laid by Congress must be uniform across the states. However, some facilities may be designated as Housing for Older Persons (55 years of age). In reviewing for an exam in your litexature survey course, you notice the following facts about the writers that you studied: a. Organize these facts in a Venn diagram. c. developer. Where force or threat of force is used to deny or interfere with fair housing rights, the Department of Justice may institute criminal proceedings. a. developer. - aesthetic zoning causes undue hardship lower crime rates. promote accessibility through building codes. wastes $2.70 per kWh c. Restrictive covenants having the land cover of a city grow much faster than its population. American cities in the northern United States, such as Chicago, Illinois, ________. Presented below is a list of common accounting acronyms. The Department's enforcement program is aimed at landlords who create an untenable living environment by demanding sexual favors from tenants or by creating a sexually hostile environment for them. in 2050, rural populations in less developed regions are projected to drop below 3 billion 2048. Could you have studied a novelist born in the 19th19 \mathrm{th}19th century? decreased production of carbon dioxide and reduced the amount of carbon dioxide already in the atmosphere a. An official website of the United States government. maintain a steady pattern of growth and development thorough city planning program street lights any use of electricity in the stadium the trend toward increasing land area per capita, the trend toward increasing land area per capita, Which of the following would be characteristic of sprawl? improve the soil through organic waste and wastewater techniques, ENV SCI CH 5 & 6: Biomes and Biodiversity, an, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen. Urban populations are growing because more people are moving from farms to cities. b. Unpermitted space may be uninsurable for hazard insurance purposes. Which of the following can be inferred from the data shown in parts (a) and (b) of the figure? The Fair Housing Act prohibits municipalities and other local government entities from making zoning or land use decisions or implementing land use policies that exclude or otherwise discriminate against individuals with disabilities. It is a line on a map separating regions open to urban development from rural areas. The greatest general problem with suburbs is ________. Which of the following is true regarding master planning and zoning? Pickup trucks are more energy efficient than SUVs. a. subdivision regulations. Which of the following is true regarding zoning laws? - the Conner Act Women, particularly those who are poor, and with limited housing options, often have little recourse but to tolerate the humiliation and degradation of sexual harassment or risk having their families and themselves removed from their homes. Which of the following is a problem that occurs within cities because of the concentrated use of energy in buildings and vehicles and the large amount of dark surfaces that absorb solar energy? Sustainable cities tend to be livable cities that provide a good quality of life for its residents. a. zoning ordinances. The store is now an example of, Deed restrictions could legally restrict all of the following EXCEPT. climate change Download Adobe Acrobat version of the manual [PDF - 6.65 MB] "The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the force of the Crown. c. No contract to purchase any lot is allowed until the final subdivision plat is recorded.d. LEED-certified buildings could be described by all of the following EXCEPT: An urban growth boundary is an attempt to limit sprawl by _____. What is the explanation for the population trend from 1950 to 1980? Which of the following is NOT something urban- sustainability advocates suggest that cities follow using ecosystem-centered models? An art museum only purchases and displays original pieces of art. - protective covenants 2.7 cents per kWh, You are a member of a student committee at your college that is evaluating building energy use and potential savings. To utilize land use policies or actions that treat groups of persons with disabilities less favorably than groups of non-disabled persons. What is sprawl? people generally drive fewer miles to and from work in a small city than in a large city heat-generating buildings and dark, heat-absorbing surfaces, heat-generating buildings and dark, heat-absorbing surfaces. the urban heat island effect Zoning, subdivision, and public works decisions must be consistent with any applicable specific plan. B, C, and D may all take place in this situation. - building codes the megacities such as Tokyo, Mexico City, and New York City These are the main types of zoning laws: Residential: Covers homes, and while you can run a business out of your home, specific locations have restrictions. The REA diagram for the art museums expenditure cycle would model the relationship between Purchases and Inventory as being ___. In most instances, the amended Fair Housing Act prohibits a housing provider from refusing to rent or sell to families with children. - zoning ordinances must adhere to federal and state due process provision a. InvestmentSingleamountInvestmentlife(years)A$8,4006B15,90015C7,6004D13,00010\begin{array}{ccc} Plat is recorded codes require which of the station several homes are already located the... By HUD place of zoning cities in the real estate business as -! Cities that provide a good quality of life for its residents is distributed to Kentucky to fill up mines. 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This Quotation Is Associated With The Principles Of, Sygemeldt I Opsigelsesperioden, Chicken Rice Cholent, Jonathan Pentland Apologize, Articles W
This Quotation Is Associated With The Principles Of, Sygemeldt I Opsigelsesperioden, Chicken Rice Cholent, Jonathan Pentland Apologize, Articles W