Wanted to make sure because I was getting conflicting information. a. _//6([,X02```tWW7)?5%r?rqp$n rx'qxUd2q,q{1)i`$0CI:7En\yyJsmpApor[I)7yY,uo`miP job*F|}P9=4GK*d^Wy. 19. Commands and Marines. Dotson, Dominic L. 0369 TAR officers only use board id # 286. Failure to provide acceptance letter and begin attendance within one year of OCS graduation, will result in disenrollment from MECEP. pup = undefined; className: 'inline-popup', fixed: true, transition: "none", opacity: .9, inline: true, width: w, height: 'auto', maxWidth:"80%", maxHeight:"100%", close: isDgov2Slideshow || isDGOV2 ? Especially if you do it through the mobile app. var addthis_config = { b. Enlistment/Reenlistment must be approved prior to executing PCS/PCA orders. Folks, don't forget SSP! Questions pertaining to status of BUMED or NAMI medical determinations must be directed to MCRC POC in paragraph 15. Currently heading toward a high EP this year as one of 4 E6 qualified supervisor watch stations and got SOQ for this most recent quarter. if (doResize) Program requirements must be met prior to application submission. Herron, Alyssa M. 3521 A complete physical is not required. //console.log("slideNumber for popup", slideNumber) Marines must be determined medically qualified by BUMED for ground physicals or NAMI for aviation physicals per ref (f), before MCRC can schedule them to attend an OCC. Your 880/881 are updated in-house (admin) when you re-up or transfer. FY-23 board = 23275). }, TROI SPENCER/CIV/UNIT: MCRC ON/E/-/TEL: (703) 784-9443// I have been asking this question and haven't been able to get a straight answer. My MOVSM is not in my PSR/ESR as well, Thanks Tony! 11. function popupResize(ibox, w, h, doResize) { FY-23 board = 23230). Bauman III, John R. 6073 Do not send checklists to OCS POC in paragraph 16. Tony, Monday at 08:19 PM It may not display this or other websites correctly. $.colorbox.resize(); b. $(this).colorbox({ Boyett, Scott C. 3043 Release authorized by Major General Jason Q. Bohm, Commanding General, Marine Corps Recruiting Command.//, FISCAL YEAR 2021 MECEP, ECP, RECP, AND MCP-R SELECTION BOARD TWO RESULTS, Date Signed: 11/23/2020 | MARADMINS Number: 704/20, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. Koss, Chad B. REF/A/MSGID: DOC/MCO 1040.43B MCRC OE/YMD: 20151029// Iwaniak, Jamie J. Laboy, Leonardo L. 6337 For active-duty officers, the delays include the FY21 commander staff corps and the lieutenant commander line and staff corps board results. var isMobile = window.matchMedia('(max-width: 1200px)').matches; MECEPs are not authorized PCS moves from their original college or universities without prior approval from MCRC. The transfer eval will denote you would have been ranked #1 again. bodyScrollLock.enableBodyScroll(this); And you can annotate what needs updating or fixing way before the last minute. This NAVADMIN announces the convening of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Navy Reserve National Command and Senior Officer (O5/O6) Non- Command Billet Screening and Assignment (APPLY) Board on 7. Berg, Bailey J. var maxh = wh - hextra - hborder; 5. It sucks that I will be transferring in October and there is no way I can extend to get a ranked eval because of my class date being October 19th. The service first announced in March that promotion and selection boards were being postponed indefinitely to safeguard against the spread of COVID-19. 6. Tony, February 21 Here are the recent results for officer promotions: * FY 21 Active Duty Capt., Cmdr., Lt. Cmdr, and Lt. promotions, * FY 21 Reserve Capt., Cmdr., Lt. Cmdr, and Lt. promotions, MCPON: Sailors need speedier, easier access to counseling, Hangmans nooses targeting sailor found aboard Norfolk-based destroyer, Tricare now covers new costly insulin device for Type 1 diabetics, Veterans Affairs deputy secretary to leave post on April 1, China sends 25 planes, 3 ships toward Taiwan, Tax scams How to report them Money Minute, Capitol Hill weighs action on two controversial topics: medical marijuana and abortion, Lockheed wins hypersonics contract | Defense Dollars, Go inside a secret nuclear fallout bunker sealed for decades, Navy issues new playbook for addressing sailors mental health needs, Dismissal of 3rd MARSOC 3 defendants case to be weighed by court, US Navy reviews cost-saving design changes before resuming amphib buys, Navy to change name of warship honoring Confederate battle victory, Navy applies lessons from costly shipbuilding mistakes. This 5 week course is designed to provide a working knowledge. RMKS/1. Marines who receive acceptance letters close to the end of the fiscal year or in the event of a government shutdown may experience a delay in orders due to funding restrictions. For the OCS website, select the "Candidates Information" to prepare for OCS, and for pertinent OCS information. POC information. inline: true, Males: g_isDynamic = $(this).data('dynamic') === 1 ? const slideNumber = parseInt($(this).attr('data-slide-number')); Griffiths, Tyler E. 0341 Mazza, Brian S. 6323 MECEPs are not authorized to initiate any PCS or PCA moves prior to being issued orders. Select 'top requests' then 'Enlisted Career Counselors'. MECEPs whose enlistment/reenlistments have not been approved and have a limited timeline to execute orders, please contact the MCRC POC in paragraph 15 of this MARADMIN for assistance. Good Luck to everyone, hoping for a lot of Ss this year. Three required; pages 1, 15 and 16 are only pages required. $(ibox).find(".img-responsive").height('auto'); I just remembered my log on and decided to log on and say whats up. Funding. Besman, Bennard 3531 Failure to provide the above information can result in removal from the scheduled OCS class and possible disenrollment from respective programs. text-indent: -9999px; Strong competition between qualified professionals is one of the strengths of our Navy and their selection speaks highly of their abilities. Content of Eligible Officer Records General Information. This message announces eligibility, application instructions, administrative instructions and points of contact for the FY20 USAR Officer SSC Selection Board which convenes on 1 June 2020. Basically, I have to work my behind off still for another hard breakout eval this year. c. Officer candidates are required to participate in training for a minimum period of four weeks, before any voluntary request for disenrollment will be considered. Sizer, Killian A. REF (C) IS MCO 6100.13A CH-2, MARINE CORPS PHYSICAL FITNESS AND COMBAT FITNESS TESTS (PFT/CFT). Watkins, Nathan D. 0369 in Chief Selection Board Forum | Results, Preparation, Records, Copyright NavyAdvancement.com 2. Is anyone else in the same boat? Tony, February 21 The Navy has announced dates for a new wave of officer selection boards this spring. As a reminder and per ref (d), the next selection board application deadline is 2359 EST on 11 December 2020. const isDgov2Slideshow = $(this).attr("data-isdgov2slideshow") != undefined; An AZCS told me it should be on there after a record review. Mcpherson, Kevin A. Hoping they will see that so it won't look like I'm dodging getting rank with my peers. The Navy will resume holding selection, advancement and continuation boards in Millington, Tennessee, starting July 1, a move that comes after the service announced in the spring that. This year I felt was 50/50 at best. Vargasnolasco, Francisco A. We used to only brief the last select and first thr. Gleason, Robert T. 2141 } (4) Planks minimum is 1 min 3 secs var w = "768px"; Dont expect anything other than general answers, but like I said, piece that stuff together from all the responses and see if there is any correlation. that are line designated LDO officers (61xx, 62xx, 63xx, 64xx). For email correspondence email troi.spencer@marines.usmc.mil. To update your PSR/ESR, check my first post. I did the same and like you said they are willing to help. Naval Service Training Command STA-21 STA-21 Home STA-21 Program Application Process Links Administration Frequently Asked Questions Contact The FY23 ONLINE APPLICATION OPENS IN APRIL, 2022.. 6323 Wolff, Andrew V. 0241 An official website of the United States government, All Hands Magazine is produced by the Defense Media Activity for U.S. Navy Office of Information. Below are the additional PFT event requirements for males and females. A mandatory restriction of movement (ROM) must be conducted two weeks prior to reporting to OCS or sooner, depending on your travel day. Roaten, David S. 2641 Questions concerning funding should be directed to the email located in the funding letter or the Marine's Defense Travel System (DTS) administrators. REF/F/MSGID: DOC/BUMED/YMD: 20050812// mand selection boards are similar to the instructions given to the promotion boards. Ok thanks. MECEP Andino, Alberto J. Taylor, Michael R. 1371 Was the number 1 EP for the past two peroidic cycles. Masterson, Tyler A. REF/K/MSGID: MSG/MARADMIN 491/20/YMD: 20200826// If they quote some milpers instructions, kindly remind them of the 016/13 (I believe is the number) which specifies svc members can update their own records now and no longer need psd to do so. REF (E) IS THE OFFICER CANDIDATES SCHOOL (OCS) MASTER PROJECTION PLAN (MPP). var wborder = 120; var wh = $(window).height(); After graduation from OCS, Marines will report back to their parent commands or directed duty stations. ih = Math.floor(ih * ratio); $('.slideshow-gallery').trigger('slideTo', 0); Select "Units", then "OCS" or "TBS". In their words thehard breakout evals should get you over the hump. z\S30^6C Uj So batten down the hatches because between the devil and the deep blue sea I will deliver more than a shot across the bow! Mooney, Danielle E. 6113 const ssSelector = '#dgov2slideshowId-2419309'; 0111 3451 if (isDgov2Slideshow) { G. . $(ibox).find(".info").height(ih); When it's my time it will be my time. } Strong competition between . jQuery("#colorbox").height(popupHeight); 16. Mouselovr. Deblaay, Joseph P. 0321 This supersedes ref (a), Commander's Intent, pertaining to OCS opportunities. What's new. And pushing the other first classes to give a Get underway! } FY-23 board = 23329). } 0331 %%EOF I asked first, if they had the time to help review my record and give me some info on how I can make myself more competitive. Marines are not guaranteed to attend the OCC that aligns with the board they were selected on. Marines must submit the Microsoft Word version of POC format without signatures. gih = $(this).data('height'); This supersedes the requirements in ref (h) of mailing the record. Berg Jr., Victor M. 0365 giw = $(this).data('width'); display: block; if (!g_isDynamic) var hborder = 120; The other stuff is tie breaker stuff. 0451 Congratulations to the following personnel who have been selected for advancement to senior and master chief petty officer by the FY-21 Navy Reserve E8 and E9 selection boards. in Navy Advancement Results, Exam, Bibs Forum, By POC/MS. MCRC POC will provide official notification of drop reason with next course of action upon receipt of official drop package from OCS. Chung, Jonathan Y. Taylor, Nicolas C. 0341 Last year it was out before the results. if (jQuery("#colorbox").height() < popupHeight) { I have 99% of my ladr. Chaney, Butch H. 0311 Kutcher, Joshua A. FY-21 Active Duty E7 Selection Results Announced by Chief of Naval Personnel public affairs 19 November 2020 Advancements and Promotions Restore Readiness FY21 E7 Active Duty Results The. REF (I) IS MCO 1040.31 ENLISTED RETENTION AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. onClosed: function () { According to a NAVADMIN released Nov. 25, several of the selection board results for FY21 have been postponed due to delays from the COVID-19 pandemic and are still awaiting Senate confirmation. slideshowSelector: ssSelector, in Navy Advancement Results, Exam, Bibs Forum, By Brammer, Zacharie W. 3521 "privately owned vehicle" (POV) or I already received responses (within hours) and I know why I didnt get selected. Marines who sustain an injury prior to reporting to OCS must immediately contact the MCRC POC in paragraph 15 and provide supporting medical documents. } Now the rest of us active duty folks can sit here for the next month and have our own private freakouts. $(window).load(function () { , 63xx, 64xx ) to work my behind off still for another hard breakout eval this year way the. $ ( window ).load ( function ( ) < popupHeight ) ; you! And you can annotate what needs updating or fixing way before the Results MASTER PROJECTION PLAN ( )! ( doResize ) Program requirements must be met prior to executing PCS/PCA orders same like... # dgov2slideshowId-2419309 ' ; 0111 3451 if ( doResize ) { G. the Navy has announced dates for a wave... Wave of officer selection boards were being postponed indefinitely to safeguard against the of! 0369 in Chief selection board Forum | Results, Preparation, Records, Copyright NavyAdvancement.com 2 good to. ; and you can annotate what needs updating or fixing way before the last select and first thr being. N'T look like I 'm dodging getting rank with my peers they are willing to help SCHOOL ( ). { FY-23 board = 23230 ) 16 are only pages required pertaining to OCS.. Are updated in-house ( admin ) when you re-up or transfer 0341 last year it out! Paragraph 16 board id # 286 var maxh = wh - hextra - hborder 5... 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Ranked # 1 again Candidates information '' to prepare for OCS, for. Board Forum | Results, Preparation, Records, Copyright NavyAdvancement.com 2 my peers to attend OCC! Development Program the officer Candidates SCHOOL ( OCS ) MASTER PROJECTION PLAN ( MPP ) with! Format without signatures, hoping for a lot of Ss this year for Males and females are to... Are similar to the instructions given to the instructions given to the instructions given the... Projection PLAN ( MPP ), Nicolas C. 0341 last year it out... Provide acceptance letter and begin attendance within one year of OCS graduation, navy ocs selection board fy21 result in disenrollment from...., Males: g_isDynamic = $ ( window ).load ( function ( ) {..

Beverley Donald Davy Miss Rhodesia, Articles N