Garafola somehow escaped prosecution when Gravano defected. Eddie Garafola was married to Sammy Gravanos sister Fran He was a guy who benefited from having the powerful Sammy as his brother in law. The Colombos were a powerful family but wouldnt have been much of a match for the Gambinos who had much larger numbers. Lynda Milito, wife of deceased Gambino soldier Louis Milito, and author of Mafia Wife, took issue with a new reality show and its leading star. Nicky began acting like a cowboy afterwards, doing scores without paying Sammy and blowing thousands of dollars away on drugs. John Gotti had started a plot to take over the Gambinos, and a number of powerful capos were backing his move. He was ready to go to war if necessary with Frank DeCicco and John Gotti backing him. Testimony Of Gambino Underboss Sammy The Bull Gravano Part 11 While he genuinely knew and liked Mikey and his family, he wasnt about to let a crack addict take down his empire. Mr. Milito, who was slain in. In any case, this isnt precise according to Sammy in light of the fact that he denies any inclusion in Louis demise. It's a sinister energy.". The reasoning for the murder is somewhat unclear. Now, the dead man's widow tells her story, about her life with and without her husband. To me, these examples shows that Aurello was very respected. Vallario, Sammy, Gene Gotti and Gotti hitman John Carneglia were there. He gave Scibetta several warnings. The murder of Fiala was never solved until Sammy Gravano became a stool pigeon and testified in court on the murder during the trial of John Gotti. It was Stymies balls of steel that got Sammys respect. He was a long time friend of Gravano. He had one sister named Rosanna DeBatt-Massa. Gotti would soon be heard on a wiretap discussing the murder and why it happened, leading to his downfall. The bullet pock marks left from the DeBatt and D'Angelo gangland slaying still remain in the restaurant's brick wall as of 2008. He told DeBatt to get closer to Fiala and told him that he wanted to continue working as a bouncer after Fiala purchased the Plaza Suite, and told him Gravano always underpaid him. He left behind a wife and several children. The killing showed his higher ups that young Sammy Gravano was a stone cold killer. It was a dangerous game. Fiala right away moved in and began exerting his power in the club, before the deal had been completed. When Mackey died, the bookies started shaking down the family and young Mickey was ready to get revenge. Huck got busted for the plot on Sammy, and in 2003 received a 70 year prison sentence. He was exposed after cooperating with the FBI. Gravano decided to close the door on the rivalry and Spero was shot to death in February 1980. Sammy Gravano later said, "For one week he (himself) would be flush with cash, but two weeks later he would be broke. Kyle Lawson | STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- While a recent tell-all interview with former Gambino underboss Sammy (The Bull) Gravano approaches 2 million views on YouTube, the. Louie Louie, oh no, we gotta go. Later when Gravano became underboss, his best friend Louie Milito became disgruntled and complained too loudly. Shortly before he died, Sammy personally performed an induction ceremony, fulfilling Parutas dream of being a made man in the Gambino Family. It is unknown if his wife knew about his addiction to cocaine and crack. DeBatt did not inherit his father's gambling addiction. Mafia Wife : My Story of Love, Murder, and Madness: 287 Pages plus Acknowledgements. However, the instant Lynda met Gravano; she knew Gravano was nothing but trouble. Johnny Keys was tough, showing no fear and going down as a mans man according to Sammy. Eventually, Gravano and his partner Louie Milito would convince Simone to take a ride together. Help make Anthony Fioravanti's special day even more memorable. Garafola was involved in the high profile killing of Frank Fiala, the rich drug dealer who attempted a hostile takeover of one of Sammys nightclubs The Plaza Suite in 1982. Gravano, Louie Milito and another crew member Michael DeBatt then ambushed Fiala outside of the club that night. He grew up with two older sisters in the Bensonhurst section of Brooklyn, an Italian-American neighborhood of mainly blue-collar residents. Even Carmine The Snake Persico was impressed. Thomas Spinelli At 77 years old, Thomas Spinelli was a longtime Gambino associate who had never been made. To not arouse suspicion from Fiala or anyone in his group of partiers, DeBatt stayed positioned at the front door of the club maintaining the ruse of being a bouncer. Also, we have no idea about his brother and sister, and we dont know their names either. Mafia Wife: My Story of Love, Murder, and Madness Lynda Milito. Sammy stationed his fellow associates in locations outside The Plaza Suite ready to ambush Fiala. Related Story: Sammy Gravanos 19 Victims. Fiala started to act very strange and unstable. Hes now in his eighties and still serving time in a prison hospital in Rochester, Minnesota. The outwardly pleasant old man was an ice cold hitman always ready to take on any job assigned to him. While Gravano has spoken at length over the years about the burden of having to carry out orders of violence, some have questioned his true motives. His huge smile would light up the room. You try to move on with your life, and every so often this rat appears on TV or in newspaper, he said. Louis Milito was a solider of Gambino wrongdoing family. He was a good man, Mike, until this. It is also suggested that his father Mackie suffered from the psychological disorder of being a pathological gambling addict. After Sammy left that crew and became a Gambino, the two men became adversaries and their rivalry lasted for years. Big Lou was well connected and someone who showed he was ready to climb the mafia ranks. They came to my parties. Gravano said that Gotti ordered it through Angelo Ruggeiro, while Gotti claimed on a wiretap that Gravano wanted to do the hit and he just approved it. She is also a survivor of abuse, organized crime insider, advisor on mental abuse, expert on crime . Michael DeBatt later became a habitu of Sammy Gravano's other after-hours club, the Bus Stop also located in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. His genuine name was Liborio "Louie" Milito. Previously during the spring of 1997, the State Crime Victims Board and State Attorney General Dennis Vacco launched a similar lawsuit against Sammy Gravano and many of the same co-defendants during their criminal trial. He said recently that he was plotting to kill Gotti after the Dapper Don asked him to take the fall, but instead decided against it. Gravano waited in the car while Bisaccia got out and shot Oliverri to death on May 3, 1988. ". He had cooperated with the police after being beat up by a Gambino associate, getting the man arrested. Eventually, Louie graduated to more prominent ranks, becoming a made member of the Gambinos, a capo, and architect for . Gravano later described the surreal feeling he had as the bullets left his gun and entered Coluccis head. Lynda Milito was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. She's educating the public about Mafia activities and its members. Milito had put in a lot of work through the years. After the shooting, pandemonium broke out on the street. In 1990, he had his own cousin who had an eerily similar name, Edward Garofalo murdered. More Store Description All True Crime books - Mail Order only When interviewed by homicide detectives DeBatt told them that he did not know who owned the Plaza Suite and had never seen or met the owners in person. When Sammy turned on the mob, the Gambinos enlisted Huck once again. He was shot several times in the head and neck with a handgun on November 3, 1987. The killing of Alan Kaiser was a case of mistaken identity. Spero was the nephew of Shorty Spero, Sammys original boss. He made attempts at building his own crew. Regarding the pinnacle of DeBatt's drug addictions, Gravano stated: I lost control of him. Nick Mormando Nicky Cowboy Mormando was a longtime member of Sammys crew who had developed an addiction to crack cocaine. Sammy Gravano would later say about DeBatt's childhood friend and acquaintance, Nicholas Mormando: He became like a renegade. Stymie was a tough as nails street guy who took no crap from anyone. The backup plan was to kill Mr. Gravano from a distance with a hunting rifle that had once belonged to a Gambino soldier named Louis Milito, the investigator said. Liborio Louie Milito was Sammy Gravanos top soldier and also one of his best friends. He held the door shut so nobody could get in or out of the Plaza Suite. When Gravano got in trouble with Castellano, DeBatt did not leave Sammy, instead he was ready for war. They did well enough in business to afford a summer cottage on Long Island. this was a message to others about the danger of disrespecting Sammy Gravano. Police investigators stated that while DeBatt had no criminal record, he was reputed to have associated with members of the Gambino crime family. As Gravano said, "John was always talking, bad-mouthing Johnny Gammarano, talking about him, and Louie believed it right away, that he was going to be killed ." Robert DiBernardo He was a captain in the family who was instrumental in aligning Gotti and Gravano for the takeover. His life remained financially unstable, along with Sammy Gravano's until he took over ownership of his father's restaurant and settled his late father's loanshark and bookmaker debts. Lets take a look at who they are and what role they played in Sammys journey. Sammy not only took care of the problem, he liked Mickey and brought him into his circle. I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question. Big Lou has been to prison multiple times over the years. Big Paul and Bilotti were left dead in the streets in what is the most infamous mob hit of all time. Sammy and Louie were looking for a man named Aldo Candido who was responsible for a recent robbery one at one of Gravanos nightclubs. He successfully played on the team for a while as a linebacker (in Witness to the Mob Vincent Pastore playing DeBatt says he was a tight end) but eventually left before earning his certificate or diploma and returned to New York City where he pursued a life as a career criminal in organized crime like his father had. DeBatt was a huge and intimidating man. He was a friend of Mickeys father Mackey who had large debts to local mobsters. They came to my house. He was making lots of money with pump and dump style stock frauds and with Sammy in the construction industry. In the complaint it stated that the plaintiffs were seeking, ""monetary and punitive damages from all defendants for their intentional failure to comply with New York's Son of Sam Law and their deliberate scheme to circumvent same." After Milito tumbled to the ground, John shot him again under the jawline. For one thing, he would believe it --- because he knew that John Gotti hated Johnny Gammarano. Who Was Sammy The Bull Gravano Friend Louis Milito? Gravano later said, "He went crazy. Same thing for Louie Milito who was made pretty early and against the wishes of the soldier he was on record with (John Rizzo). Louie was a participant on all of Sammys big hits through the years. Milito got in hot water after Sammy was promoted to consigliere after the Castellano hit. They shot the leader of the gang but he lived. When Sammy got in trouble for the unsanctioned hit, Nicky Cowboy was ready to go to war with Sammy. To solidify his support, he knew he had to get the support of Sammy Gravano and Frankie DeCicco. Comedy Crime Fantasy Lynda Lustig is a Jewish Juliet to Louie Milito's Italian Romeo. From a young age, he had run a massive stolen car ring that went international. Parked across the street from Sparks Steak House in Manhattan, Gotti and Gravano watched as their team of chosen shooters gunned down Castellano and Bilotti as they arrived. These people came to my farm in Jersey. Unfortunately, Louie pulled a vanishing act of his own two weeks after the conversation and couldn't confirm the story. Gottis version, recorded by a government bug on Dec. 12, 1989, is contradictory. The Colombos balked at first when asked to give up their soldier. Favara disappeared in March of 1980, never to be seen again. Gotti felt like he was duped into allowing the murder so Sammy could make more money for himself. Francessco Oliverri Shortly after having his best friend killed, Gravano was on site for yet another murder. Gravano hoped that as a result, nobody would think the murder was related to the Gambino crime family or organized crime in general. son who had never known any other kind of life. Several years later, two men confessed to being responsible for his murder (although the body has never been found). [Editors note: The video below contains vulgar language. When Colucci found out, he threatened to kill the Speros and Gravano. Joe got in the backseat and shot Nicky twice in the back of the head". It was a plan that required perfect execution or Garafola and Huck could be the ones who ended up dead. And they cant do anything about it, because hes in witness protection.. His wife actually approached Sammy Gravano pleading for help for her husband. When Gravano became annoyed and confronted him, Fiala pulled out an Uzi. Paul Castellano & Thomas Bilotti It had been a relatively lengthy three years since Sammy had been involved in a murder. He had become heavily addicted to crack cocaine among other things, and was a liability to become a stool pigeon like DeBatt. He shopped for clothes, picked up tabs at restaurants and night clubs, handed out huge tips and dined on champagne and filet mignon at the Copacabana. Hes now youtubing and podcasting about his mafia days, and its drawn massive interest. Gravano. Download Mafia Wife Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle. To support his habit he began pulling home invasions. (Boca Raton, Florida: John Zarrella) The insistence of Lynda Milito, the widow of New York mobster Louie Milito and author of "Mafia Wife," that the HBO TV show "The Sopranos" is based on her family featured; excerpts & family photos shown; statement from HBO quoted. He also got closer to the new boss and long time friend John Gotti and his crew in the late 1980s. From the potent narcotic he fell into a paranoid schizoid state and did not want to go to work anymore. This double murder would be unlike any other, and it would make world wide headlines. There have been various stories about his crew but much about them remains a mystery. The two men had done many joint ventures together in the early 1970s. Sammy basically just tolerated Eddie as did the rest of his crew. Mackie was the successful owner of Tali's Restaurant and Lounge located at 6205 18th Avenue in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. I said we gotta go . Gravano blamed Mickey DeBatts crack addiction and downfall on Nicky Mormando. Louies wife Linda sat for an extensive interview with Howard Stern promoting her book Mafia Wife. As an avid football fan he would attend the minor league football games played by Frank Gotti, the son of Gambino crime family boss John Gotti along with Junior Gotti, Victoria Gotti and Peter Gotti. In a hushed courtroom, a 23-year-old woman testified in the John Gotti trial yesterday about the day her father suddenly disappeared in 1988, never to be heard from again. . When Milito kept complaining about the situation, it was decided that he needed to be killed. Gravano was willing to kill if asked, and Shorty decided to take his young recruit up on the offer. She was devastated to find out the truth. His father Mackie was a close friend of Sammy Gravano and Gambino crime family mob associate who became indebted to loansharks and bookmakers including and Sammy Gravano. Alan Kaiser was just a sixteen year old kid when he was shot to death by Sammy Gravano and Louie Milito. Liborio "Louie" Milito (Unknown - March 8th 1986) was a soldier in the Gambino crime family. The five-foot-four-inch Gravano was a short, thick thug with a Napoleonic complex. He is known for being a prominent member of the New York Mafia and for his gangland disappearance at the hands of his best friend, notorious mobster Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano. This just tore my fucking insides out. He was caught several times in making money schemes that were off the record. We're ready." Also, we have no information about his son and daughter. Frank Fiala was a drug trafficker and a powerful and wealthy Gambino crime family associate. This was a relief to Vallario because Milito was Sammys deadliest killer and wanted what Big Lou had. They drove him to a deeply wooded back road in Staten Island. Lynda Milito, the widow of murdered Gambino capo Louie Milito and author of the Cosa Nostra tell-all "Mafia Wife: My Story of Love, Murder and Madness," has hit producers of the. During his many interviews, he detailed nearly every other killing including the one of his brother in law, never once mentioning Kaiser. He had been a criminal partner of Sammy since their teens and also later became a made man in the Gambino Family. After hearing all the things Louie was saying, he could no longer let the disrespect go unchecked. They together began their criminal excursion. While both cars were driving on West 9th Street, near Bay Parkway Mormando's corpse was thrown out of the car into a vacant lot. We have no information about his girlfriend/boyfriend. Louie was a hairdresser who dabbled in petty thievery. Besides being a top notch enforcer, Louie was a big earner too. Gravano ordered Garofalo to be killed and he was shot dead on August 9, 1990. Simone put up no resistance, only asking if he could take his shoes off, which Gravano allowed before Milito shot him in the back of the head. Needless to say, many of the other bosses like Vincent The Chin Gigante were furious with Gotti for his actions. He never saved any money. Milito was lured in under the pretense of a meeting. On November 2, 1987, he was behind the bar at Talis with Huck Carbonaro and Cousin Eddie when Huck pulled out a gun and killed Mickey right in the bar. They committed many crimes together and were both now members of the Gambino Crime Family. All rights reserved (About Us). Nonetheless, Militos better half, Linda, claims that her significant other was killed by Louis, which was educated by Gambinos individuals. Sammy then told them that he would find Frezza and kill him and whoever was with him. He later worked at a short-lived restaurant called The Golden Gate Restaurant on Knapp Street in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn as a matre d', a restaurant owned by Sammy Gravano and Louis Milito. The problems started almost immediately. Family of innocent bystander murdered by Sammy (The Bull) Gravano are furious. He was there for the Fiala hit in 1982. The son of Joseph "Stymie" D'Angelo, Little Joey grew up in the world of the Gambino family. Study Gangsters, Goodfellas, Wise Guys first midterm flashcards. In fifteen years since the murder of Michael, no one has been formally charged with the murder. Nick Scibetta This was one of the most horrific murders that Gravano was involved in. Sammy was showing that his businesses were not to be trifled with. Nick Scibetta was Sammys brother in law, the brother of his loyal and loving wife Debra. this was a message to others about the danger of disrespecting Sammy Gravano. Simone went calmly, accepting his fate without struggle or complaint, only asking to take off his shoes. , New York Fiala hit in 1982 of Shorty Spero, Sammys boss... A message to others about the danger of disrespecting Sammy Gravano in trouble for the unsanctioned hit, Nicky Mormando! 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