Founded in 1948, The Pew Charitable Trusts uses data to make a difference. (See table 1.). Houston-The Woodlands, TX CSA includes Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery, Trinity, Walker, Waller, Washington, and Wharton Counties in Texas. https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any Alternatively, that relationship can also be expressed as the price of a base period market basket of goods and services rising from $100 to $107. Unable to compete with the higher pay, officials responded by offering substantial hiring incentives. Take your time guys, Im sure the cost of living crisis will wait. Covered establishments, employment, and wages in the United States and the two largest counties in Arizona, second quarter 2021, Table 2. Here is how you know. The result is then divided by 13, the number of weeks in a quarter. "With 55% of local government workers earning below 25k per annum, low pay remains a significant issue and . Employment Cost Index for total compensation and for wages and salaries, private industry workers, United States, West Census region, and the Phoenix area, not seasonally adjusted, Table 2. National employment increased 6.7 percent over the year, with 339 of the 343 largest U.S. counties reporting gains. For information on survey concepts, coverage, methods, nonresponse adjustment, and imputation see National Compensation Measures Handbook of Methods at Concerns over pay have compounded an already difficult situation for governments in recruiting and retaining staff and put additional strains on public services. Month. Police officers in England and Wales would get an increase of 3.5 . The GMB pay ballot covering all workers across local government, school & academies that follow National Joint Council (NJC Green Book) pay, terms and conditions across England, Wales and Northern Ireland is now open. Some states, cities, and school districts have started confronting these growing wage pressures, but the public sector generally has been much slower than private companies to implement changes. (This is a large PDF with multiple articles; scroll down to Article 12 on page 94. Twelve-month percent changes in wages and salaries for private industry workers in the United States and Phoenix, not seasonally adjusted, Chart 3. Also referred to as the Fiscal Year 2023 Early Supplemental Bill, HB 14 secures an 8.7 percent cost-of-living pay increase for all state team members and a $2 per hour shift differential for state congregate care staff. A maximum increase of 3k for those earning above 60,000. Visit our, Croydon opposition blocks first set of budget proposals, Government minded to agree 600m bailout for Thurrock, Abdool Kara: What the local government finance system could look like in 2030, Minister: No wholesale reform to council tax in this parliament, City to appoint fourth finance chief in a year, subject to the 1.25% national insurance rise, Dont miss your latest monthly issue of LGC, Homes for Ukraine: It was unclear where to turn to for help, Pam Smith: We cannot ignore the need to invest in housing, Council tax tracker: Never a decision we take lightly, Idea Exchange: Our new service has transformed recycling and cut refuse, Roundtable: Freeing councils to control their digital destinies, Minister insists Oflog will be a protective shield amid sector scepticism, York and North Yorkshire to press ahead with devolution deal, Leisure staff at district facility to be balloted on strike action, SEND reforms do not go far enough, sector says, LGC Net Zero Webinar Series: Net Zero Goals and National Policy: Collaboration on the Ground, How councils can move to a circular economy, WEBINAR: How to speed up electric vehicle charging roll out to reduce emissions, Roundtable: Talking tough on social value, WEBINAR: How councils are using CRM to support residents with the cost of living emergency, Key Cities the local engine room for the national economic recovery, Assistant Director Customer Services and IT, Assistant Director Corporate and Financial Services (Deputy S.151), Senior Pensions Consultant (Benefits and/or Governance specialist). Copyright 1996-2023 The Pew Charitable Trusts. Thursday 28 July 2022. Here is how you know. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measures of the average change in prices over time in a fixed market basket of goods and services. The decrease was mainly due to lower prices for gasoline (-23.6 percent). Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Despite a 2.5% pay increase for much of the departments unionized workforce that summer, the starting hourly wage for corrections officers was still nearly $9 below what FedEx was offering. United States Department of Labor . 09/15/22 2023 Minimum Wage Increase. (See chart 3. the table to ensure sufficient funding is available to give our dedicated local government workers the fair and decent pay rise they deserve. Phoenixs 3.5-percent gain in wages and salaries over this 12-month period compared to rates ranging from 5.4 percent to 2.4 percent in the four other western localities. Over-the-year percent change in covered average weekly wages among the largest counties in Arizona, second quarter 2021, Average weekly wages in Arizonas smaller counties, Additional statistics and other information, Table 1. Similar debates played out in other school districts. Average weekly wages were at or below the national average in the remaining 253 counties. The site is secure. Accordingly, bi-monthly changes may reflect seasonal influences. Early indications suggest that the bonuses are generating substantial interest, with a fivefold increase in applications in December 2021 compared with previous months, she said. On the other hand, the federalminimum wage, which hasn't budged since 2009, will stayat$7.25 an hour (or $2.13 for employees who regularly receive tips). In addition, somecities have their own minimums set abovethe levels in theirstates. The Federal data shows particularly large differences for service work. Pima County had a 4.0-percent increase in average weekly wages. (See chart 1 and table 1.) The .gov means it's official. 2022 Minimum Wage - $12.80 per hour . How they respond has important long-term implications for their budgets, potentially causing challenges if revenue fails to keep up with new spending commitments. Definitions of the four Census regions of the country are noted below. ITS TIME FOR YOU TO HAVE YOUR SAY ON PAY! Last year, however, differences in year-over-year growth rates more than doubled to the highest levels in nearly four decades in the wages and salaries component of the Labor Departments Employment Cost Index, which measures changes in labor costs per hour worked. Locally, wages and salaries, the largest component of compensation costs, advanced at a 3.5-percent pace for the 12-month period ended June 2021. The annual increase in compensation costs in Phoenix was 3.7 percent in June 2021, compared to changes that ranged from 4.5 to 2.1 percent in the three other metropolitan areas in the West (Los Angeles, San Jose, and Seattle). "For the lowest paid (currently earning 18,333 per annum), the offer equates to an increase of 10.5 per. Currently, adjusted data are available only from BLS press releases. GMB is set to ballot over 100,000 local government staff on the offer of a 1,925 pay rise made by the National Joint Council last month. Doctors and dentists in England would get 3.5% in 2023-24. Digital self-sufficiency allows all staff to contribute to a local authoritys shared, EMAP Publishing Limited Company number 7880758 (England & Wales) Registered address: 10th Floor, Southern House, Wellesley Grove, Croydon, CR0 1XG, We use cookies to personalize and improve your experience on our site. The Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale metropolitan area covered in this release consists of Maricopa and Pinal Counties in the State of Arizona. State personal income fell nearly everywhere in the second quarter of 2021 compared with historically high levels a year earlier, when Americans received the first round of temporary relief payments to help weather the pandemic. ), The annual increase in compensation costs in Phoenix was 3.7 percent in June 2021, compared to changes that ranged from 4.5 to 2.1 percent in the three other metropolitan areas in the West (Los Angeles, San Jose, and Seattle). Last Modified Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2022, Chart 1. In addition to the data presented here, national data by industry, occupational group, and union status, as well as data for civilian, private, and state and local government employees, are available at The 1.75% pay rise offered to local government staff for the 2020-2021 year was backdated from April 2021 but was subject to the 1.25% national insurance rise which came into effect in the same month. %PDF-1.7 Regional Commissioner Chris Rosenlund noted that one year ago, Phoenix also experienced an annual gain of 3.7 percent in compensation costs. Pew helped reduce harmful fleet subsidies that drive overfishing, expand broadband to more Americans, and save consumers billions in 2022. Adjusting for these administrative changes allows users to more accurately assess changes of an economic nature (such as a firm moving from one county to another or changing its primary economic activity) over a 12-month period. On the other hand, differences between data in this release and the data found on the BLS web site are the result of adjustments made to improve over-the-year comparisons. Wages and salaries and benefits for state and local government, 12-month percent change, not seasonally adjusted. Information in this release will be made available to individuals with sensory impairments upon request. State and local agencies also have touted bonuses as a recruitment tool. The private sector, which is always quick to respond to opportunity, is picking off some of our best and most talented, warned Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon (R) at a recent state legislative hearing. In many states, lawmakers view raising pay as critical to holding on to employees wooed by private companies. 2022 General Schedule Pay Raise: From 2021 to 2022, the GS pay rates were raised a total of 2.2%. ), AZ State Minimum Wage Poster 2023 (English), AZ State Minimum Wage Poster 2023 (Spanish), [ What posters are employers required to post? A 5% increase for those earning between 39,000 to 60,000. The inflation rate has pushed highersince then. 5.4%. Definitions of the four geographic regions of the country are noted below. (Data in this report are not seasonally adjusted. "HB 14 is a critically necessary step in working to reverse the recruitment and retention . (See chart 2.) (See table 5.) (2) Totals for the United States do not include data for Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands. Northeast: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Council staff have been made an offer of a 1,925 pay rise from 1 April 2022 in a move that has been estimated to will add just over 1bn to the paybill. This publication is typically published in September of the following year of the reference period or shortly after the QCEW first quarter full data update. The County Employment and Wages full data update for third quarter 2021 is scheduled to be released on Wednesday, March 9, 2022. ), Locality compensation costs are part of the national Employment Cost Index (ECI), which measures quarterly changes in compensation costs, which include wages, salaries and employer costs for employee benefits. This analysis is based on the wages and salaries component of the Employment Cost Index published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Some might not want to work because of health risks or family considerations. QCEW data are not designed as a time series. It is applicable to rates of pay from 1 April 2021 onwards and the LGA has encouraged employers to implement this pay award as swiftly as possible.. The recognised Unions (GMB, Unison & Unite) submitted a pay claim for: An increase of RPI + 2% on all spinal column points. (3) Ranking does not include data for Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands. It is to be noted, therefore, that over-the-year wage changes for geographic areas may reflect shifts in the composition of employment by industry, occupation, and such other factors as hours of work. Arizona is seventh-highest in 2022. The challenge to be trusted to do the big, bold, brave things, 23 August 2022
Theres some hesitancy to make long-term commitments, said Leslie Scott, director of the National Association of State Personnel Executives. New York-Newark, NY-NJ-CT-PA CSA includes Bronx, Dutchess, Kings, Nassau, New York, Orange, Putnam, Queens, Richmond, Rockland, Suffolk, Ulster, and Westchester Counties in New York; Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union, and Warren Counties in New Jersey; Fairfield, Litchfield, and New Haven Counties in Connecticut; and Carbon, Lehigh, Monroe, Northampton, and Pike Counties in Pennsylvania. The site is secure. Because the sample size of a local area is smaller, the local area index is subject to substantially more sampling and other measurement error than the national index. Lisa Kelly, a recruiter with the department, said wages were a big factor for younger employees, who tend to be less concerned with health or retirement benefits. This table shows the base pay amounts for all General Schedule employees based on the 2022 GS Pay Scale, as published by the Office of Personnel Management. (See table 2. https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any A 2 month long consultation? Wages and salaries are defined as straight-time average hourly earnings or, for workers not paid on an hourly basis, straight-time earnings divided by the corresponding hours. The focus will now be pushing for an inflation-busting rise for 2022, Mr Short added. In December, the Minnesota Department of Corrections began offering hiring bonuses of $5,000 after two years of service as it sought to fill about 200 officer vacancies. Wage levels in 12 of the 13 smaller counties were below the national average of $1,241 in the second quarter of 2021. 2022/23 Local Government & Schools Pay offer is for one year and it is as follows: With effect from 1 April 2022, an increase of 1,925 on all NJC pay points 1 and above. Prices for food at home increased 0.3 percent, led by higher prices for fruits and vegetables (4.9 percent). Atlanta--Athens-Clarke County--Sandy Springs, GA Combined Statistical Area (CSA) includes Barrow, Bartow, Butts, Carroll, Cherokee, Clarke, Clayton, Cobb, Coweta, Dawson, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Forsyth, Fulton, Gordon, Gwinnett, Hall, Haralson, Heard, Henry, Jackson, Jasper, Lamar, Madison, Meriwether, Morgan, Newton, Oconee, Oglethorpe, Paulding, Pickens, Pike, Polk, Rockdale, Spalding, Troup, Upson, and Walton Counties in Georgia. Any real terms pay cut risks deepening the staffing crisis, but its for our members to decide whether they want to accept this offer.. Pew addresses the challenges of a changing world by illuminating issues, creating common ground, and advancing ambitious projects that lead to tangible progress. Wages and salaries increased 4.7 percent for the 12-month period ending in December 2022 and 2.7 percent a year ago. A Pew analysis of Labor Department data shows that the year-over-year growth rate for hourly private sector salary and wages in each of the past four quarters has exceeded that for state and local governments by the largest margin on record. Corrections agencies in other states have done the same. Unison has said it will consult with members this month to decide its next steps. Employment Cost Index for total compensation and for wages and salaries, private industry workers, United States, Census regions, and localities, not seasonally adjusted, Top Picks, One Screen, Multi-Screen, and Maps, Industry Finder from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, and Wages (QCEW) program, also known as the ES-202 program. Benefits. If new ongoing spending commitments such as salary increases are not offset by recurring revenue, governments could face long-term budget imbalances. The increase offers workers an additional 3% plus the 4.5% average pay . Prices for food at home advanced 11.2 percent since a year ago. The !kCsJ0,)X.^*2dUh={}%L}6f(MVo*F +Cae %KQ.18D@/6@.,5 a I)&vYt!&lc`W0SFB&L$l`eaaaw"oW R* cAc~_Y\LK!(XWHA(cUaA42@X(zDEE~;V_m There are 53 locality pay areas in 2022 and a "rest of the U.S . This represents a reversal from the Great Recession, when public employee wages initially held up better. All rights reserved. (See table 2. Nonpartisan forever. Contact Us: Phoenix Office 800 W. Washington Street Phoenix AZ 85007 Support local journalism. The three unions representing council and school staff in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have today (Monday) reacted to the 1,925 flat rate pay offer from the local government employers: UNISON head of education and local government Mike Short said: "Council and school workers are enduring a major cost of living crisis, with inflation . Visit our, Pay increase agreed but strike threat remains for some, Croydon opposition blocks first set of budget proposals, Government minded to agree 600m bailout for Thurrock, Abdool Kara: What the local government finance system could look like in 2030, Minister: No wholesale reform to council tax in this parliament, City to appoint fourth finance chief in a year, Dont miss your latest monthly issue of LGC, Homes for Ukraine: It was unclear where to turn to for help, Pam Smith: We cannot ignore the need to invest in housing, Council tax tracker: Never a decision we take lightly, Idea Exchange: Our new service has transformed recycling and cut refuse, Roundtable: Freeing councils to control their digital destinies, Minister insists Oflog will be a protective shield amid sector scepticism, York and North Yorkshire to press ahead with devolution deal, Leisure staff at district facility to be balloted on strike action, SEND reforms do not go far enough, sector says, LGC Net Zero Webinar Series: Net Zero Goals and National Policy: Collaboration on the Ground, How councils can move to a circular economy, WEBINAR: How to speed up electric vehicle charging roll out to reduce emissions, Roundtable: Talking tough on social value, WEBINAR: How councils are using CRM to support residents with the cost of living emergency, Key Cities the local engine room for the national economic recovery, Assistant Director Customer Services and IT, Assistant Director Corporate and Financial Services (Deputy S.151), Senior Pensions Consultant (Benefits and/or Governance specialist). The Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes CPIs for two population groups: (1) a CPI for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) which covers approximately 93 percent of the total U.S. population and (2) a CPI for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) which covers approximately 29 percent of the total U.S. population. Phoenixs 5.0-percent gain in wages and salaries over this 12-month period compared to rates ranging from 6.2 percent to 4.5 percent in the three other western localities. A MissionSquare Research Institute survey released Jan. 27 found that 52% of state and local workers were considering changing jobs, retiring, or leaving the workforce for other reasons. Among these 15 largest areas, over-the-year percentage changes in the compensation costs ranged from 4.5 percent in Los Angeles to 1.7 percent in Houston in June 2021; for wages and salaries, Los Angeles registered the largest increase (5.4 percent) and Houston registered the smallest (2.1 percent). make sure you're on a federal government site. (as listed in the 2022 NJC pay agreement circular dated 1 November 2022) This offer would achieve a bottom rate of pay of 11.59 with effect from 1 April 2023 (which equates to a pay increase of 9.42 per cent for employees on pay point 2) and everyone on the NJC pay spine would receive a minimum 3.88 per cent pay increase. Another possible reason for governments being slower to implement pay increases is the vast size of workforces that span numerous agencies. (See chart 1 andtable 1.). Covered establishments, employment, and wages by state, second quarter 2021, Chart 3. The CPI-U includes, in addition to wage earners and clerical workers, groups such as professional, managerial, and technical workers, the self-employed, short-term workers, the unemployed, and retirees and others not in the labor force. La Paz County ($833) had the lowest average weekly wage in the state. The annual increase in compensation costs in Phoenix was 4.4 percent in December 2022, compared to changes that ranged from 5.7 to 3.2 percent in the three other metropolitan areas in the West (Los Angeles, San Jose, and Seattle). Average weekly wages in Maricopa County ($1,209) and Pima County ($1,028) were below the U.S. average of $1,241 and ranked 104th and 234th nationwide, respectively, in the second quarter of 2021. Before sharing sensitive information, Don't miss our latest facts, findings, and survey results in The Rundown. The Employment Cost Index (ECI) measures the change in the cost of labor, free from the influence of employment shifts among occupations and industries. Washington-Baltimore-Arlington, DC-MD-VA-WV-PA CSA includes the District of Columbia; Baltimore city and Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Calvert, Carroll, Charles, Dorchester, Frederick, Harford, Howard, Montgomery, Prince George's, Queen Anne's, St. Mary's, Talbot, and Washington Counties in Maryland; Alexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church, Fredericksburg, Manassas, Manassas Park, and Winchester cities and Arlington, Clarke, Culpeper, Fairfax, Fauquier, Frederick, Loudoun, Prince William, Rappahannock, Spotsylvania, Stafford, and Warren Counties in Virginia; Berkeley, Hampshire, and Jefferson Counties in West Virginia; and Franklin County in Pennsylvania. Also excluded are such items as payments-in-kind, free room and board, and tips. The site is secure. Dallas-Fort Worth, TX-OK CSA includes Collin, Cooke, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Grayson, Henderson, Hood, Hopkins, Hunt, Johnson, Kaufman, Navarro, Palo Pinto, Parker, Rockwall, Somervell, Tarrant, and Wise Counties in Texas and Bryan County in Oklahoma. Conserving Marine Life in the United States, International Boreal Conservation Campaign, Protecting Coastal Wetlands and Coral Reefs, U.S. Public Lands and Rivers Conservation, HIAs and Other Resources to Advance Health-Informed Decisions, 'Emerging Leaders' Program to Help Philadelphia. (See chart 2.). Many jurisdictions either dont have enough fiscal wiggle room or are hesitant to commit to the recurring costs of permanent pay raises. However, while Unison and GMB have agreed the rise, some of Unites local government members will this month stage industrial action after rejecting the 1.75% increase. . The metropolitan area definitions of the 15 published localities are listed below. Components contributing to the increase included shelter (17.0 percent), household furnishings and operations (12.4 percent), and medical care (7.5 percent . The key features of the 2022-23 Public Sector Pay Policy are: setting a guaranteed wage floor of 10.50 per hour, going beyond the current real Living Wage rate of 9.90; providing a guaranteed cash underpin of 775 for public sector workers who earn 25,000 or less; providing a basic pay increase of up to 700 for those public sector . (See chart 1 and table A.) Among the 13 smaller counties in Arizona those with employment below 75,000Greenlee ($1,377) had an average weekly wage above the national average of $1,241. Last Modified Date: Thursday, January 12, 2023, Area prices were down 0.7 percent over the past two months, up 9.5 percent from a year ago, Chart 1. Unions agree National Employers pay offer | Local Government Chronicle (LGC) EMAP Publishing Limited Company number 7880758 (England & Wales) Registered address: 10th Floor, Southern House, Wellesley Grove, Croydon, CR0 1XG We use cookies to personalize and improve your experience on our site. Tell Wilko: don't cut your sick pay. Top Picks, One Screen, Multi-Screen, and Maps, Industry Finder from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages. Additional information for regions, states, and local areas may be accessed via our regional homepage at Chicago-Naperville, IL-IN-WI CSA includes Bureau, Cook, DeKalb, DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kankakee, Kendall, Lake, La Salle, McHenry, Putnam, and Will Counties in Illinois; Jasper, Lake, LaPorte, Newton, and Porter Counties in Indiana; and Kenosha County in Wisconsin. Interest rates on U.S. Treasuries are projected to be much higher in the next few years than CBO projected in May 2022: This raises net interest costs a whopping $1.6 trillion (19.7 percent) over the next decade compared to May 2022 projections. [gaufPIscuz9Hs"ui$23T[YJdJvAQt^R( Dear Sir/Madam. In calculating the index, price changes for the various items in each location are averaged together with weights that represent their importance in the spending of the appropriate population group. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Footnotes: (1) Average weekly wages were calculated using unrounded data. An official website of the United States government (3) Data not included in the national ranking. Local government employers have again refused to offer the same pay increase to council chief executives as to the rest of their staff. The pay offer was for a flat rate payment of 1,925 on each scale point with effect from 1 April 2022. Pay spines for 1.4 million council staff are negotiated via the National Joint Council for Local . Here is how you know. Local Government Pay Ballot. The The CPI is based on prices of food, clothing, shelter, and fuels, transportation fares, charges for doctors' and dentists' services, drugs, and the other goods and services that people buy for day-to-day living. Exemptions include peopleemployed by a parent or a sibling,those who workas ababysitterin anemployers home on a casual basis and peopleemployed by the Arizona state or federal governments. In addition, state and local government employees paychecks arent just lagging behind those of their private sector peers; they also are not keeping up with high inflation. Pima County had a 4.0-percent increase in average weekly wages. The Employment Cost Index for March 2023 is scheduled to be released on April 28, 2023. The Local Government Association said on Thursday that council employees at about 350 local authorities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland had been offered an increase of at least 1,925 for . In Florida, the Sarasota County School District countered a union-proposed 6% across-the-board increase in November with $2,500 bonuses for all teachers and $1 hourly raises for unsalaried staff. Among Arizonas two large counties, employment was higher in Maricopa (2,031,400) in June 2021. Staff including carers, school staff, social workers, refuse collectors will vote on the proposed settlement from the local government employers. Unite's local government members are currently holding strike ballots in response to the 'pathetic' 1.75 per cent pay offer branded as 'completely unrealistic', given the scale of the looming cost of living crisis.. Unite today (Thursday 27 January) called for a resounding vote for strike action as inflation is set to soar in the spring with the energy price spike. Seattle-Tacoma, WA CSA includes Island, King, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, Skagit, Snohomish, and Thurston Counties in Washington. Employment rose in Arizonas two largest counties from June 2020 to June 2021, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Employment and wage levels (but not over-the-year changes) are also available for the 13 counties in Arizona with employment below 75,000. Santa Clara, CA, had the highest average weekly wage at $3,516. The minimum wage for larger employers inSeattlewill increase in 2022 to $17.27 an hour from $16.69, and theminimum in Flagstaff will rise to $15.50 hour from $15. It remains in effect in 19 states, mainly in the South and Midwest but also including Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah and Wisconsin. Before sharing sensitive information, Production bonuses, incentive earnings, commission payments, and cost-of-living adjustments are included in straight-time earnings, whereas nonproduction bonuses or those not directly tied to production (such as end-of-year and profit-sharing bonuses) are excluded. Total state and local government employment was down 3.7% in January 2022 from February 2020, just before the pandemic took hold, compared with only a 1.7% decline for the private sector. . It was 6.8% overthe 12 months through November. The .gov means it's official. Show table. the index for all items less food and energy advanced 10.2 percent. This year, Unite has already rejected the NJC pay offer without consulting members stating that it was a pay cut masquerading as a pay increase. . The data are derived from summaries of employment and total pay of workers covered by state and federal unemployment insurance (UI) legislation and provided by State Workforce Agencies (SWAs). 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Why Do We Need To Preserve Cultural Dances, Articles L