Saudi Arabia As the terrorist threat has evolved and significantly expanded geographically in recent years, ithas become clear that mitigating this threat depends on the political will and enhanced capabilities of our partners to counter terrorism. Location/Area of Operation: Afghanistan, Syria, Trkiye, Uzbekistan, and Europe. Guests can enjoy an on-site restaurant, a lounge, and breakfast during their stay. In March, FARC-EP claimed responsibility for a car bomb attack at the mayors office in Corinto, Colombia, which injured 43 people, among them several public officials; and for a June attack against a Colombian Army base, which wounded 44 people, including 2 U.S. military advisers. The United States prioritized multilateral engagements to advance its counterterrorism priorities, bolster partner capacity to implement international obligations and commitments, and promote greater burden sharing. Description: Designated as an FTO on July 13, 2004, the Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA) is a terrorist splinter group that became operational in 1986 as the clandestine armed wing of Republican Sinn Fein, following its split from Sinn Fein. In January 2021, ISIS claimed responsibility for twin suicide bombings in a busy market in Tayaran Square in Baghdad that killed at least 32 people and wounded at least 110 more. AAB also has promoted violent activity against the British, Saudi Arabian, and U.S. governments over social media. Its offshoot, Kahane Chai (translation: Kahane Lives), was founded by Meir Kahanes son Binyamin, following his fathers 1990 assassination. That same year, two Indian soldiers werekilledand six others injured when an alleged HM militant attacked their patrol with aVBIED. That year, AAB claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing outside the Iranian Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, which killed 23 people and wounded more than 140. Anatoliabecame the scene of significant violence, with some estimates suggesting at least 40,000 casualties. This attack was followed by a series of attacks throughout Yobe State in Nigerias Northwest. IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) As defined by section 2656f(d) of Title 22 of the U.S. Code, the terms terrorist sanctuary and sanctuary exclude the territory of a country the government of which is subject to a determination under section 4605(j)(1)(A) of Title 50 [deemed under Section 1768(c)(2) of the NDAA of FY 2019 to refer to section 1754(c) of the NDAA FY19 as of August 13, 2018]; section 2371(a) of Title22; or section 2780(d) of Title 22. Ansaruclaims to identify with Boko Harams objectives and struggle, but it has criticized the group for killing fellow Muslims. The ROYG, with Saudi and Emirati support, continued counterterrorism operations to degrade al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and ISIS-Yemen operations in the country. Next to my room, security door straight to outside is not even locked. JI (Jemaah Islamiya), EUROPE The East Asia Summit which includes the 10 ASEAN members plus Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, Russia, and the United States issued several statements in2021, including one on Women, Peace, and Security, noting the importance of womens roles to addressing root causes of terrorism. Activities:IM is known for carrying out multiple coordinated bombings in crowdedareas tomaximize terror and casualties. Burma and the Peoples Republic of China used counterterrorism as a pretext to crack down on opposition movements and to repress members of religious and ethnic minorities, respectively. LeT was responsible for the 2008 attacks in Mumbai against luxury hotels, a Jewish center, a train station, and a popular caf that killed 166 people including 6 U.S. citizens and injuredmore than 300. Al-Qaida and its regional affiliate in the Indian subcontinent, AQIS, kept a low profile in accordance with Taliban directives. The organization uses the tribal belt along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border to train and deploy its operatives, and the group has ties to al-Qaida (AQ). Alsoin 2018, a roadside bomb struck a bus carrying workers from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, killing 7 persons and wounding 13 inDiyarbakir ProvincesKulp district. The objective of this workplan is to provide an implementation framework to guide relevant ASEAN sectoral bodies, organs, and entities in carrying out the necessary activities and monitor effectiveness in preventing and countering terrorist radicalization and recruitment. . Greece The group may also receive funding from external sources, including remittances from overseas Filipino workers and Middle East-based sympathizers. The table below shows bilateral assistance provided to Pakistan for fiscal years FY 2019, FY 2020, and FY 2021. Strength: Estimates of SLs strength vary, but experts assess SL to number between 250 and 300 members. Of course, we take your critics very seriously, which will help us to constantly improve our services and hope that we can convince you on your next stay. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the ASEAN Regional Forum, and the East Asia Summit. ISIS-P (ISIS-Philippines) For additional information on money laundering and financial crimes regarding many of the countries in this report, see the International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, Volume II, Money Laundering and Financial Crimes: Terrorist groups primarily aligned with AQ and ISIS conducted attacks against civilians, humanitarian workers, government personnel and facilities, and security forces, which resulted in deaths, injuries, abductions, and the capture and destruction of property across Sub-Saharan Africa during 2021. Such human rights issues included, among others, unlawful and arbitrary killings, including extrajudicial killings, forced disappearances, torture, and arbitrary detention (all of the preceding by both government and nonstate actors); harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; violence against and unjustified arrests of journalists; substantial interference with the rights of peaceful assembly and freedom of association; widespread and pervasive corruption; repression of religious freedom and violence against religious minorities; and forced and bonded labor. What are some restaurants close to Wyndham Duisburger Hof? These included al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) affiliate Jamaat Nusrat alIslam walMuslimin (JNIM) and ISIS-affiliate ISIS-Greater Sahara (ISIS-GS). AAH also receives funding through illicit activities such as kidnapping for ransom, smuggling, and taxing/extortion of economic activities in areas where the group is dominant. Leon Sheriff Employment The hours of the breakfast on Sunday are terrible (7-10am). (4) with respect to each foreign country from which the United States Government has sought cooperation during the previous five years in the prevention of an act of international terrorism against such citizens or interests, the information described in paragraph (3)(B). The CT Bureau funds, plans, and oversees capacity building programs that provide law enforcement and criminal justice officials with the tools needed to address security vulnerabilities and counter terrorist threats on their own. HUJI-B (Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami/Bangladesh) HUM (Harakat ul-Mujahideen) In 2019, AQIM claimed responsibility for an attack on a UN camp in northern Mali, killing 10 Peacekeepers and wounding 25 others. The explosion killed 5 Israelis and 1 Bulgarian and injured 32 others. The IMU has had a decade-long relationship with al-Qaida (AQ), the Taliban, andTehrik e Taliban Pakistan. The United States continues to support people-to-people exchanges to alleviate misunderstandings and complications in the bilateral relationship. PLF (Palestine Liberation FrontAbu Abbas Faction) In 2009 the now-deceased leader of al-Qaida in Yemen, Nasir al-Wahishi, publicly announced that Yemeni and Saudi al-Qaida (AQ) operatives were working together under the banner of AQAP. I was surprised the kitchen was not available on Sundays. In 2017, Roupa was arrested by Greek police in Athens and later sentenced to life and 25 years imprisonment. In 2017, al-Shabaab is believed to have conducted a double truck bombing in a Mogadishu intersection with heavy vehicle and pedestrian traffic that killed more than 500 people and injured 300 others. Arango, also known as Ivan Marquez, is the founder and overall leader of Segunda Marquetalia. Inappropriate comments, comments not related to the purpose of the page or comments not related to the specific post are subject to deletion by the administrator of this account. Libya remained politically dividedduring the year between the Government of National Unity (GNU) and eastern-based parallel institutions and groups. Timothy A. Betts Social, legal, economic, and political discrimination against the countrys Shia minority continued. The United States routinely engages in military-to-military discussions on how it can help Egypt defeat ISIS-SP and other terrorist groups in Egypt, including at the U.S-Egypt Military Cooperation Committee in September and the U.S.-Egypt Strategic Dialogue in November. ISIS-K (ISIS Khorasan) While numerous AQ leaders have been killed in recent years, including Usama bin Laden in 2011, AQs current leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, remains at large. In 2020 a PKK-claimed rocket attack on theGrbulakCustoms Gate withIran killed two Turkish Customs officials. (See Chapter 5, Foreign Terrorist Organizations, for more on ISIS-K.), 2021 Executive Order (E.O.) By Scott Engle. In 2020, Turkish security forces launched a nationwide operation across 12 provinces, arresting 93 individuals linked to the DHKP/C. The India-based terrorist group has been responsible for dozens of bomb attacks throughout India since 2005 and caused the deaths of hundreds of civilians. In December, ISIS-SP claimed responsibility for an IED attack that targeted a pro-government militia vehicle. The Council of Europe hosted a December 7-8 conference on the Roles of Women and Children in Terrorism, where the United States highlighted funding for the Mother Schools: Parenting for Peace program. The continued ability of terrorist organizations to operate in the southern Philippines reflects the centuries-long challenge of governing effectively in the countrys more remote areas and of establishing consistent security in a region characterized by a strong separatist identity, endemic poverty, and religious differences. The TTPand other designated terrorist groups continue to conduct attacks against Pakistani military and civilian targets. Niger Strength: ISIS-Bangladesh has severalhundred armedsupporters. A month later the PFLP claimed responsibility for several rocket attacks along the Lebanese-Israel border. OnJuly 8, 2014, Israel launched Operation Protective Edge in Gaza with the intent of preventing rocket fire into Israel; the rocket fire from Gaza had increased following earlier Israeli military operations that targeted Hamas for the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers in 2014, including 16-year-old U.S.-Israeli citizen Naftali Fraenkel. HQNs founder Jalaluddin Haqqani established a relationship with Usama bin Laden in the mid-1980sandjoined the Taliban in 1995. During 2021, governments in East Asia and the Pacific faced diminished threats from U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations, REMVE, and terrorists inspired by ISIS. Additionally, senior AQ leaders continued to reside in Iran and engaged with other AQ elements from the country. A few days later, members of KH broke into theU.S. Embassy compound and participated in a violent attack against the facility, setting fires inside, which destroyed security checkpoints and reception rooms. The group continued to evade pressure from Lake Chad country forces, including through the regional Multinational Joint Task Force. Under the Swedish chairmanship, the OSCE in April held its annual OSCE-wide Counterterrorism Conference as a virtual/in-person hybrid event. ISIS-GS emerged when leader Adnan Abu Walid al-Sahrawi and his followers split from al-Murabitoun. Funding and External Aid:AOI receives much of its funding from a variety of criminal activities in Gaza. Description:Islamic States Khorasan Province (ISIS-K) was designated as an FTO on January14, 2016. In 2012, IRGC-QF operatives were arrested in Trkiye and Kenya for plotting attacks. Leon is a county in the State of Texas. ISIS-SP also kidnapped and assassinated civilians who were collaborating with Egyptian security forces. ISIS-SP (ISIS Sinai Province) Denmark Simultaneously, the Secretary designated FARC dissident groups Segunda Marquetalia and FARC-EP (Ejrcito del Pueblo, in Spanish) as FTOs and their leaders as Specially Designated Global Terrorists. Before the Taliban takeover of Kabul, the Afghanistan and U.S. governments also continued to work to implement comprehensive strategic trade controls and to strengthen Afghanistans border security; however, since the Taliban takeover of Kabul, U.S.-Afghan cooperation in border security has ceased, potentially increasing the possibility of WMD trafficking. Activities: BH crosses porous Lake Chad-region borders to target civilians and military personnel innortheast Nigeria, the Far North Region of Cameroon, and parts of Chad and Niger. The U.S. Department of State funds INTERPOL counterterrorism-related programs through INTERPOLs General Secretariat and INTERPOL Washington,the U.S. National Central Bureau (USNCB) of the U.S. Department of Justice, to help countries affected by the FTF phenomenon provide access to I-24/7 to frontline officials. In 2016 the group claimed a VBIED strike againstrnakProvince police headquarters, which killed 11 people and wounded more than 70 others. Iraqi security forces arrested two individuals assessed to be members of AAH in connection with the attack. In 2020, the National Socialist Order (NSO) announced itself online as AWD's "successor." UK authorities note that AWD is almost certainly now operating under the name NSO in the United States. This support has made Hizballah a dangerous terrorist partner with Iran and the most-capable terrorist organization in Lebanon. NATO is a member of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS and provides Airborne Warning and Control System surveillance flights and staff-to-staff support. In 2018, Germany uncovered 10 IRGC operatives involved in a terrorist plot in Germany. Since the end of 2001, DHKP/C has typically used IEDs against official Turkish and U.S. targets. Cameroon In September, the United States engaged with Twitter, Facebook, and Google/YouTube senior representatives to discuss the digital security of Afghan nationals with U.S. connections who may be targeted by the Taliban and other designated terrorist groups in Afghanistan. In 2016, AQIM carried out an attack on a hotel in Burkina Faso that killed 28 people and injured 56 others. Located next an old theater. Location/Area of Operation: Iran, Iraq, Syria, Europe, and the Gulf. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant-Libya, AkaIslamic State of Iraq and the Levant-Libya; Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in Libya; WilayatBarqa; Wilayat Fezzan; Wilayat Tripolitania; WilayatTarablus; Wilayat al-Tarabulus. Activities:Jaysh al-Adlclaimed responsibility for a 2009 suicide bomb attack in Sistan and Balochistan Province that killed more than 40 people and was reportedly the deadliest terrorist attack in Iran since the 1980s. The FDS and RDF, with support from the SADC Standby Force, also began to conduct counterISISM operations in Niassa Province, which borders CDP to the West. In 2014, ABM officially declared allegiance to ISIS. Pakistan. Location/Area of Operation:Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cote dIvoire, Libya, Mali, Niger, and Tunisia. Leon County Booking Report: Jan. 2, 2021 (WCTV) By WCTV Staff Published: Jan. 2, 2021 at 3:49 AM PST TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) -Below is a PDF file containing all bookings at the. From 2004 to 2006, RS carried out IED attacks that included a 2004 attack outside a Citibank office in Athens. To generate leads, RFJ issues reward offers for information covered by its statutory authority. SogoKenkyusho; Aleph; Aum Supreme Truth. U.S. citizensoverseaskidnapped as a result of incidents of terrorism:0, U.S. citizensoverseaskilledas a resultof incidents of terrorism: 0 Recipient law enforcement organizations have used the skills and assistance to crack down on terrorists globally and save hundreds of lives from planned attacks. Funding and External Aid: LeT collects donations in Pakistan and the Persian Gulf states as well as from other donors in the Middle East and Europe particularly the United Kingdom, where it is a designated terrorist organization as Lashkar e Tayyaba. In 2017 the group selected a newleader, Ismail Haniyeh, who is based in Gaza. / Iran In March 2021, CIRA claimed responsibility for an attack on a police station in Fermanagh County, Northern Ireland. Russia JAT maintains ties to JI and other terrorist groups in Southeast Asia. Activities:JeMcontinues to operate openly in parts of Pakistan, conducting fatal attacks in the region, despite the countrys 2002 ban on its activities. Common themes motivated the attacks, including antivaccine sentiments, xenophobia, and socioeconomic inequality. AOI did not claim responsibility for any attacks in 2021. Under their direction, the group aims to overthrow the Peruvian government and names the United States as a principal enemy. In 2021 the RFJ program announced the following new reward offers for information: Throughout 2021, RFJ readvertised reward offers across the Middle East, Africa, and South and Central Asia, including Afghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen, for: The United States continues to cooperate with Pakistan on regional security and counterterrorism. Al-Shabaab obtains funds through illegal charcoal production and exports, taxation of local populations and businesses, and by means of remittances and other money transfers from the Somali diaspora (although these funds are not always intended to support al-Shabaab members). MONTGOMERY COUNTY JAIL BOOKINGS FOR JANUARY 29, 2020 . Funding and External Aid: BH largely self-finances through criminal activities such as looting, extortion, kidnapping for ransom, and bank robberies. In 2020, ISIS-Bangladesh claimed responsibility for an IED blast near a police box in Chattogram and a bomb attack at a Hindu temple in theNaogaondistrict. Y1TAlAN
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m@j 1/qf/r299us&pl 7H6YhbFQ};\{ t%p m^Qc! In 2015, Irish police carried out 20 searches aimed at known dissident republicans across Ireland. Hitta is a JNIM senior leader and commander. Description: Designated as an FTO on May 18, 2009, Revolutionary Struggle (RS) is a radical Marxist violent extremist group that has conducted attacks against both Greek and U.S. targets in Greece. If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. TTP claimed responsibility for an increased number of attacks in the months following the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, claiming 32 attacks in August and 37 attacks in September. Activities: Members of AAS-D were involved in the 2012 attacks against the U.S. Special Mission and Annex in Benghazi, Libya. The Department also amended the FTO designation of the Islamic States Khorasan Province (ISIS-K) to add additional aliases. Members also concentrated on furthering the APEC Counterterrorism Working Group (CTWG) Strategic Plan 2018-22, which set priorities in areas such as the evolving threat of FTFs, terrorist financing, border and critical infrastructure security, and information sharing. Booking Report 2-15-2021 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. In 2014, ISIS was responsible for most of the 12,000 Iraqi civilian deaths that year. In 2019, ISIS-WA attacked the convoy of the then-governor ofBornoState as it drove from the capital ofMaidugurito a town near Nigerias border with Cameroon, killing as many as 10 people. At least 13 police officers were killed in the attacks, and hundreds of civilians also were killed. Does Wyndham Duisburger Hof offer any business services? U.S. efforts also include ensuring appropriate funding for the OPCWs Investigation and Identification Team, which is responsible for identifying individuals or entities involved in the use of chemical weapons in certain cases, regardless of whether the perpetrators are state or nonstate actors. In 2020, Indias National Investigation Agency arrested 10 alleged al Qaida-affiliated operatives from Kerala and West Bengal. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, Members of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, Chapter 1 -- Country Reports on Terrorism, Chapter 3 -- The Global Challenge of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, or Nuclear Terrorism, Chapter 4 -- Terrorist Safe Havens (Update to 7120 Report), Chapter 5 -- Foreign Terrorist Organizations, Chapter 6 -- Legislative Requirements and Key Terms, Appendix A. Annex of Statistical Information, Appendix B. JRTN also is known to have used VBIEDs against Iraqi government security forces. The U.S. government continues to work with the interagency and partners to take steps to address the global challenge of chemical terrorism at the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). Before the French intervention in 2013, Malian citizens in towns under AADs control allegedly faced harassment, torture, and death if they refused to comply with the groups laws. You must be logged in to post a comment. AAD (Ansar al-Dine) Location/Area of Operations:Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. In 2017 the U.S. military fighting with local Syrian allies announced the liberation ofRaqqa, the self-declared capital of ISISs so-calledcaliphate. There are significant transnational linkages between REMVE actors and networks on both sides of the Atlantic, and both the United States and the EU work together to tackle these threats. In the 1990s, Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi organized a terrorist group called al-Tawhidwal-Jihad to oppose the presence of U.S. and western military forces in the MiddleEast as well as the Wests support for, and the existence of, Israel. Counterterrorism support strengthened security at airports and land borders, augmenting security for direct flights to the United States. Activities: The PLF was responsible for the 1985 attack on the Italian cruise shipAchille Lauroand the murder of U.S. citizen Leon Klinghoffer. The lack of formal ties between the REMVE groups and lone actors significantly limited the ability of law enforcement to pursue charges, legal designations, or sanctions against the groups inspiring the attacks. ETA is responsible for killing more than 800 civilians and members of the armed forces and police, as well as injuringthousands, sinceit formally began its campaign of violence in 1968. JRTN aims to overthrow the Government of Iraq, install a new Baathist regime, and end external influence in Baghdad. For access to the city centre the location is unbeatable. In 2015,Sirajuddin Haqqaniwas appointed deputy leader of the Taliban. HUJI seeksthe annexation ofthe Indian Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmirinto Pakistan and has supplied fighters to the Taliban in Afghanistan. In 2019, former FARC commanders, including Luciano Marn Arango, alias Ivn Mrquez, created Segunda Marquetalia after abandoning the 2016 Peace Accord. In 2019, HQN released two hostages, including a U.S. citizen, who had been kidnapped at gunpoint in 2016. Significant human rights issues influenced the state of terrorist activity in many countries in this report, which may have impeded effective counterterrorism policies and programs or supported causes and conditions for further violence. Conclusion: Good business hotel with some ifs (not VeryGood but also above Average but unfortunately TripAdvisor has no Good mark). The group, composed primarily of Turkish Kurds, launched a campaign of violence in 1984. As a countermeasure to this threat, the United States published a National Strategy for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Terrorism in 2018 and continues to work proactively to disrupt and deny ISIS and other nonstate actors CBRN capabilities. The group has claimed responsibility for several high-profile bombings and shootings throughout Somalia targeting AMISOM troops and Somali officials. The government sustained aggressive military and law enforcement operations to denysafe havento such groups and prevent the flow of FTFs through its territory. Strength: ISIS-P is estimated to have a small cadre of fighters in the southern Philippines, but exact numbers are unknown. Tajikistan approved the national strategy on countering extremism and terrorism for 2021-2025 and adopted a law on combating terrorism. It maintains training camps in remote areas under its control and acquires weapons through smuggling and captured or black market purchases of Philippine military arms. HQN (Haqqani Network) Some media reports alleged the groups involvement in an attack that year on an Indian Army camp inUri, in Jammu and Kashmir, which killed 20 soldiers. Stayed 4 weeks on a business trip. PIJ claimed responsibility for launching rockets into Israel throughout 2018 and 2020. Thus, this report will discuss terrorist acts as well as other violent incidents that are not necessarily international terrorism and therefore are not subject to the statutory reporting requirement. In Eastern Europe, the United States maintained many strong counterterrorism partners. Description:JamaatuAnsarulMusliminaFiBiladis-Sudan (Ansaru) was designated as an FTO on November 14, 2013. Activities: During the Second Palestinian Intifada in 2000, AAMB primarily carried out small-arms attacks against Israeli military personnel and settlers. ISIS-K has also claimed responsibility for attacks on civilians and government officials in Pakistan. In 1987, for example, the group killed three U.S. soldiers in four separate attacks in Angeles. Numerous BH militants reportedly joined ISIS-WA following Shekaus death, but BH remnants remain active around Lake Chad. In 2020 the United States and ASEAN negotiated a new five-year Plan of Action, which outlined continued and increased engagement on counterterrorism and countering violent extremism efforts. ), On December 1 the Department of State designated Segunda Marquetalia as an FTO and under E.O 13224. In 2021, KH remained active in Iraq and Syria and continued to conduct rocket and drone attacks against U.S. military forces and U.S. facilities. Globally, the Ministry of Intelligence and Security remained Irans primary actor involved in supporting terrorist recruitment, financing, and plots across Africa, Asia, Europe, and North and South America. Please accept our apologies for any inconveniences caused.. best regards Christian Knne Front Office Agent, Dirty , not fresh sheets, stains and holes. In January, Pakistani authorities convicted LeT commander Zaki-ur Rehman Lakhvi on terrorism financing charges and sentenced him to 15 years in prison. While coordinated regional forces enjoyed some success in containing ISIS-M in CDP, ISIS-M attacked several villages in the Mecula and Marrupa districts in neighboring Niassa Province beginning in November. Againstrnakprovince police headquarters, which killed 11 people and wounded more than 70 others conclusion: Good business hotel some! - Free download as PDF File (.pdf ), 2021 Executive Order E.O! 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West Bengal out 20 searches aimed at known dissident republicans across Ireland attacks on civilians and government in.
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