So yeah, theres really NOBODY looking over Driscolls shoulder. Hours . I would be interested in hearing about churches your tried or are trying. We all know that Gateways Crisis Manager Lawrence Swicegood is helming the 2020 Committee, so this is not surprising. Personally I do not want to create that kind of hardship for the surviving relatives of those who made my youth group experience a nightmare. seeing the beauty of the deposit of God in them. No more Moses behind a veil. The Didache and letters of Ignatius and Clement confirm this, as well as other writings from the early second century. Its Greshams law applied to religion: bad drives out good. This is how all men will know that you are my disciples, because you have such love for one another.. He stands to shield me from danger Of course, we dont know; there are AFAIK no extant early post-biblical church documents from the Jewish churches. It allows us to pour more money into local ministries and needs as well as overseas ministries. They existed to serve him as *yes* men and in that respect, they are quite accomplished. Vague and almost never supported accusations, e.g., the posting of it on this website is unfortunate, as are many of the false rumors in the commentshere is always, in my experience, just a smear from someone whos actually rather cowardly and just looking to defame. No judgment from me. Fred not only took out debt to fund new purchases, he took out additional debt on already encumbered buildings. We can all agree that negative public discourse about a specific person or church is rarely good., thousands have been saved, and no one wants to see a vibrant church be harmed.. This is not to defend JM or associates, but to note that the vision of eternal punishments that motivates (or justifies, or both) a lot of ministry in churches in the Western theological tradition (I keep coming back to that; sorry, but I have come to believe its important) puts a very heavy weight on one side of the cost/benefit calculus in ministry. But not genuine relationships. Perpetua herself (the presumed writer of most of the Acts) also spends a lot of time talking about prophetic dreams and suchlike. The wheels of justice turn slowly. The manipulation, gaslighting, covering up, mismanagement at an epic level, and complete dysfunction leading to multiple teachers leaving in the middle of the year (some without any notice simply walking out because of the issues which were not being acknowledged or addressed) were devastating to many families. This helped to hit the revenue target and qualify for Executive bonuses.. Yet another reason why the financial transparency laws for religious non-profit entities needs to change. Sadly, I was guilty of the same in my day, taking the word of the pastor that those who left us were never one of us. But I suspect that since McDonalds first job is being a pastor, it would not surprise me if this was a canned hunt. What is significant about Clements first letter is how he describes the church offices as an established fact rather than as something he was trying to invent from scratch. Harvest Christian Academy currently has more than 500 students, more than 60 staff members, and continues to move forward with a high leadership focus. Bidding me still to fight on. It is designed to provide a worship experience for people in remote communities or for those who otherwise cannot join us live for the service. The bear was later seen using the gun to defend itself against local mice and rabbits.. Together, they developed a vision for this church, which grew into the Four PillarsUnapologetic Preaching, Unashamed Adoration, Unceasing Prayer, and Unafraid Witness. Knowing what we now know about this bunch, Dallas did a remarkable job at his craft! Or would they even care? Amy Moore: Truth the WHOLE truth is the only antidote More leaders must take a stand and shine the light of truth. temperate God says he is the author and finisher of our faith which is a comforting truth. I am sorry for your pain. I agree that there is hierarchy in the churches from very early. And now hes trying to explain to all of us how the 2000 people that left and who were shunned by the Harvesr machine that we somehow need to let the Lord work to save Harvest? , I would disagree. but i have gained a newfound joy in being a member of the human race. Dallas Jenkins As many others have also said, I couldnt care less about what house or car James owns. In a Good Way. Indeed. The Niles Campus became our third location in 2004. God doesnt need Harvest and in fact Id be willing to say the spirit of Jezebel has been leading that place since the early 2000s. Trust (Cambridge Dictionary): to believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you, or that something is safe and reliable. Built on the foundation of Jesus Christ and framed by these pillars, Harvest Bible Chapel was launched on September 18, 1988, meeting at Rolling Meadows High School. This will always happen, there is no way to avoid it. Whatever we do as a church family, this is Gods work among us this is His church and His mission, to the glory of Jesus Christ. SiteSeer: This is so very true! Its also possible it wasnt a continuous period of teaching, that there were times when they all had to go to work because they had families to support. I do not believe this is an endorsement of P&P, but I do believe this shows fear. PRESBUTEROS = EPISKOPOS = POIMEN i mean, why does it matter, any more than what elastigirl thinks, or what Max thinks, or what any of the other cast characters thinks? But the manner in which these charlatans lead indicates they dont really know Him they just use Him. TS00: That community is you all, for whom I am so grateful! dee: You sound like an attorney who just sent me a letter stating that I posted false statements by a victim. That said, the bishops, priests, and deacons are supposed to be models of humility and servanthood. Having the equipment available to produce, record, and stream the services completely online, Harvest was able to continue to preach Gods Word unapologetically and worship unashamedly. Ive read that the sweet spot in church size, that combines small enough to know the flock (and small enough that all the flock can know the leaders) and large enough to be endowed with a diverse array of gifts is around 300. But, I aint Paul, so I suppose I will just have to wait and see how this sorts itself out in eternity. Ken F (aka Tweed): Are we any better? Few here are likely to be browbeaten into silence by a misuse of Matthew 18; or any other scripture. The elders, set in place by God Himself (Ephesians 4:11), are to watch over, tend to and care for the flock of God. They deserve each other. Too many are like big box stores that shutter all of (the little churches on) Main Street, and then close their own doors forever. No more sin sacrifices. When people look back on the history of the American evangelical movement in the first years of the third millennium, I sure hope they will shake their heads and ask why we put up with this nonsense for so long. He moved to Plano. Through prayer and provision, a permanent location for our North Shore Campuswas found in Highland Park, in September of 2015. Many a victim of domestic or spiritual abuse might have been better protected by understanding this reality. Many will say to Me on that day when I judge them, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, and driven out demons in Your name, and done many miracles in Your name? And then I will declare to them publicly, I never knew you; depart from Me, you are banished from My presence, you who act wickedly disregarding My commands. (Matthew 7:21-23). As Lauren Diagle says it so very well: Im losing my religion/ To find You/ Im losing my religion, and finding something new/ Cause I need something different/ And different looks like You/. Therefore, churches today need to endeavour to attain a point where they are able to have elders. Also such leaders do have authority (God-given). Im also going to be annoyed if James McDonald pulls a Mark Driscoll and starts up a new church. I have to admit that Philippians 1 often comes to mind as I look at these mega-messes the American church is in. Remember, God is the master designer!!. So it doesnt really matter what I think, I suppose but what I know has made a huge difference in my life. MacDonald gave Mark Driscoll $50,000? This place needs to be shut down. ++++++++++++++++. Amy Moore: execs like CFO Fred Adams and COO Scott Milholland going into church consulting are the most dangerous. Id say largely because the leaders themselves have been told to believe this. It is the internal nagging I have following Dees post on Friday about JD Hall and Braxton Caner. Notice that Fred brags about Negotiating more than $100 million in church mortgage financing. I havent read the comments, and Im just going to say that seeing a dead bear there with James McDonald behind it made me sick. Many parents contacted the school about it, and it was one of the first of many, many issues that arose there. He is faithful, gracious, merciful, kind and always desires and seeks out your best. * Apparently, many of the leaders sent their kids to Harvest Academy and there is fear that their kids will be thrown out of school. A flock without herdsmen will quickly go astray. Keep tuning in to TWW. If I find solace anywhere, its in the quiet moments of solitude and silence wherein I sense anew that the mysteries of life are vast, and that my continued pursuit of that which is beautiful and simple and true is enough for now. Unfortunately, the American church is such a mess that it provides sufficient wiggle room for charlatans to launch another ministry and drag the precious name of Christ through the streets again. BTW, I am 99.99% sure that my 86-year-old mother can be trusted. For the one or two people who read ALL the way through these comments to my own. I mean, everyone thought Willow Creek was that church. There is no such thing as a single pastor leader role that even exists. Just a thought. It appears he has been a poser, a bully and a thug for a very long time. There are many claims on this blog but very little proof from original sources, only alleged copies and pastes. Sovereign Grace Ministries Or an attempt to conceal more? Not. This man is a disgrace to humanity. Consider the following Scriptures: Now the apostles and elders [PRESBUTEROS] came together to consider this matter. (Acts 15:6), Let the elders [PRESBUTEROS] who rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially those who labour in the word and doctrine. (1 Timothy 5:17), For this reason I left you in Crete, that you should set in order the things that are lacking, and appoint elders [PRESBUTEROS] in every city as I commanded you (Titus 1:5), Is anyone among you sick? Those extra-Biblical portions comprise 95% of what's been in the show thus far, according to Jenkins, but that and everything else is still run through a proofing process involving scholars of the Bible and people in full-time ministry to make sure it is in harmony with what's in Scripture. Hey, if you look at JMACs Instagram he has a pic from fall of 2018 praising Mark Driscolls new book? These head pastors will gladly pay SM large fees in exchange for helping them become secret multi-millionaires. In case this has escaped your awareness, most folks on TWW have experienced abuse in churches. Both Steve Carter and Jenkins waited for public outcry and then expressed their moral outrage. You and the other TWW regulars feel like family. Is anonymous code for little people or pew peons? Registration is now closed. The true Body of Christ answers only to Christ, the shepherds/elders as well. Tagged Harvest Bible Chapel, James MacDonald | Leave a comment. Will they stay quiet on "awkward" victim stories? Noevangelical: Lowlandseer, Or are we to believe he just held back on refuting all this defamation out of a righteous desire to turn the other cheek? Ken F (aka Tweed): LET EVERYONE REVERE THE DEACONS AS JESUS CHRIST, THE BISHOP AS THE IMAGE OF THE FATHER, AND THE PRESBYTERS AS THE SENATE OF GOD AND THE ASSEMBLY OF THE APOSTLES. There are other places for the truly repentant to serve in the church. Thanks for confirming the authenticity of the content, Dallas. so, for sensible folks (like you and me) who actually remember the simple meaning of the gospel (the bridge built between us and God so we can know each other in real time, every day), it is only logical to assume Paul is no more unique than all the others who are part of the enormous harvest mentioned in the NT. I hate using this corporate example but if you have a CEO of your company who does not meet the qualifications for that job, what happens? These charlatans cannot be allowed to get away with this. No more tithe. . Lowlandseer: The elders [PRESBUTEROS] who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder [PRESBUTEROS] and a witness of the suffering of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed; shepherd [POIMEN] the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers [EPISKOPOS], not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly. (1 Peter 5:1-2). We swore our allegiance to him. Many a victim of domestic or spiritual abuse might have been better protected by understanding this reality. Weve drifted so far from the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth, Im not sure the institutional church can find its way back. MacDonalds lavish lifestyle drove Thompson to leave the church. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop them (Acts 5:38-39). And after a brief pause in this mission, Harvest is returning to planting more and better churches by raising up more and better Christian leaders across Chicagoland, America, and around the world. That dog dont hunt. Dallas Jenkins (born July 25, 1975) is an American film and television director, writer and film producer. I believe that if I hadnt been a strong donor, I would not have been considered and wouldnt have vaulted through Harvest leadership over more deserving peers. One church on six campuses serving together in this purpose: to glorify God and fulfill the Great Commission! Craig French: Thanks for confirming the authenticity of the content, Dallas. I find it very comforting to know that Jesus entered into a world that was very similar to what we now face: Religion had become a caricature of what God desired, and Jesus gently called people to follow him, rather than fear men. We must put our unreserved trust in God alone, and to at least some degree view all men even our most trusted loved ones by their fruits. They are all one and the same. I read that as a statement, not a post open for discussion, and an appeal to stop the speculation and kibitzing over a tragic situation. ++++++++++++++++++++++++. If anything, out of all the ashes has come a humbling of my spirit. I initially read that as bought him years of support. I was then presented with opportunity to post another letter that gives insight without including insulting and painful observations about others. His client, the alleged molester, told him they were false. This disturbing senior pastor made fun of other HBC church leaders for their physical attributes that he deemed not up to snuff with his obvious sartorial sense and unsurpassed personal good looks. Every single person there loves Harvest so much that they cant leave?? That is because genuine relationships among people are an existential threat to the cult. Thats it right there. Jenkins is a former member of the Executive Leadership Team at Harvest Bible Chapel where he served as the Executive Director of Vertical Church Media. 4107 N Steele Blvd, Fayetteville, AR, 72703, United States. Even during confusion, never-ending drama, attacks and Thats when the insanity really began. I was just telling my wife this morning, that all the corruption that gets exposed on TWW is actually quite consistent with the NT warning of beware of wolves in sheeps clothing. 3/1/2023 - 7:00pm-8:00pm. theres a massive problem with the deference thats given but the level of deference given to pastors is completely unhealthy and all because a book kind of indicates that they need to be heeded. Runnin bear dove in the water, little white dove did the same ++++++++++++++++++++. etc. Elder Dan George corralled the statements from the authors and distributed to the other Elders. It is a position of authority and responsibility. Dallas Jenkins: Neither Dean Butters nor I wanted our letters published. Dallas Jenkins is the creator, director and co-writer of The Chosen, which in addition to being the first multi-season series about the life of Christ is also the most successful media crowdfund of all time. The Evangelical Bubble proclaimed it a Witnessing Tool (as if that was the only reason for anything) and then bought out so many showings a lot of the theaters had to discontinue group tickets. If I were you, I would review what happened at Mars Hill and the Mark Driscoll implosion. Are you kidding me right now? Thing is, if it were Bill MacDonald, a little-known pastor of a tiny church from Podunk, Alabama, and he and his wife were having marital troubles that didnt involve his abuse of others, it likely wouldnt be anyones business but his close friends and perhaps his little church. The NT clearly outlines the positive attributes I am talking about.. Having re-read the letter a few times now I find it to be more of a CYA document than anything else. He believes hes entitled, and hes gonna do what hes gonna do, and no bunch of pew-sitting rabble-rousers are gonna get in his way. The Bible says that one of the top competitors for our commitment to Jesus is money (Matthew 6:4). Such a man would admit every corrupt money scheme, every trap used to blackmail and extort, every wicked threat and retaliation against those who dared to object and every dollar put to personal wealth building rather than ministering to the lost and needy. Yes, we must preserve the right to arm bears. All of these men, who were deeply involved long-term under visible, ungodly leadership have a lot to answer for. Dallas Jenkins And The Mormon's Counterfeit Jesus According to Ingrid McCullough: Mr. Jenkins claims that he felt God speaking to him 3-4 times in his life. Register today! We challenge students to develop strong academic skills and provide opportunities to become a well-rounded person through participation . God bless. Oh Dallas, for heavens sake, cut it out. .. Law Prof: I dont know if its just that I got old enough and wise enough to start seeing it or cynical and hardened as I got older, but after going through the 1980s and 1990s able to find what I thought were decent churches, for over a decade I havent to find a place that isnt abusive, heretical, led by a narcissist or all the the above. I was a strong donor who loved the church and served in multiple areasI was in a good place spirituallybut I didnt meet the qualifications. And for keeping ones mouth shut on the way out? Thats a rare bird, indeed, in the American church. Whew! Thank you John for your honesty and insight into elder selection at HBC. information from others can be beneficial. Muff Potter: The daughter of Matt Slick (big-gun-reformed-apologist) converted to fundamental atheism. It is unwise, and unsafe to loyally declare, But I know and love so and so. Sadly, clever manipulators can deceive very well. The daughter of Matt Slick (big-gun-reformed-apologist) converted to fundamental atheism. The vast majority of those martyred died for the sake of rejecting false authority and false teaching. Everyone who is of the Truth, who is a friend of the Truth and belongs to the Truth, hears and listens carefully to My voice. (Jesus, John 18:37). Shame on you. Sunday services, weekly small groups, other events all give meaning to peoples lonely lives, and the rest is mostly fluff. Watch Video. All who have enriched themselves in the name of serving God and on the backs of the working people are suspect, as that is certainly not what we were called to, nor a reflection of the sacrificial love of Jesus who came to serve. Giving is another way we worship Him and it allows us to demonstrate that He is more important to us than material things. Cool bands, espresso coffee, relevant sermons, fun and fellowship, etc, In the words of the Prophets Emerson, Lake, and Palmer: Max: And to link them together as a Body of Christ, each one uniquely gifted to be a part of the whole something the institutional church just doesnt appear to get.Whose job is the ministry?Every believer has a part!When we separate believers into clergy vs. laity, pulpit vs. pew, us vs. them failing to equip and mobilize the saints to do the work of the ministry we miss what God intended for His Church and fall short of living in the Kingdom of Heaven here and now.Jesus talked a LOT about living in the Kingdom we would do well to read His words living in the church doesnt always mean living in the Kingdom.Based on my 70-year snapshot of the institutional church, theres a vast difference in what Christ describes vs. what we have put together in this thing we call church. He was also a member of a team at the Harvest Bible Chapel. Cool band, relaxed atmosphere, relevant sermons, espresso coffee, come-as-you-are-stay-as-you-are. Maybe that was why Elmer Gantry had such impact. You have been on the pulse, on target, and on the money with each and every post I have read on Twitter and now on TWW. CJ Mahaney spread $$$ which brought him years of support from the Calvinista leaders.. A narcissist is very good at manipulating people, and very patient. If a church tries to appoint elders who dont meet the qualifications for eldershipthe church dies. Another campus grew out of the prayers and intercession of a core group in Chicagos North Shore. Dallas has at long last come out, along with a long list of other former top Harvest leadrs. He claimed he felt God "laying on his heart" that "in several years The Chosen was going to be what people thought of when they pictured the disciples." More sober-minded Just let go of the reins, lil woman, and submit to your God-given, masculine authorities . LLS, honest question in all of these elder rule setups Ive ever seen, there is no mechanism at all for pew peons to do as you note and hold elders accountable for anything. Harvest Bible Chapel began meeting the Rolling Meadows High School building. TS00: What will it take to make him accountable for at least the dollars, which should be somewhat trackable? If Paul was out of line, then certainly Luke was to blame for not exposing the sham. And it is bad form to hijack a thread to comment on a topic when asked not to. It seems fairly common that if the truly informed Reformed do not return to their faith in a God who loves all men they eventually end up atheists. And check your privilege while youre at it. Hard to imagine that they would ever voluntarily fission into smaller groups. I dont see how were in opposition. Who are you to tell people to shut up anyway? I certainly have my doubts that Paul would be rejoicing over the likes of MacDonald, Hybels, Driscoll, and countless others who have taken advantage of the Body of Christ over the last 2,000 years. One can only guess at the motive behind their inaction, but even with the most basic discernment skills one could easily surmise that the money train was at the heart. He is best known as the creator, director and co-writer of The Chosen, the first multi-season series about the life of Jesus of Nazareth. When people look back on the history of the American evangelical movement in the first years of the third millennium, I sure hope they will shake their heads and ask why we put up with this nonsense for so long. maybe a z darn, its just the right word. In 2021, Camp Harvest was sold to a ministry to continue the maintenance and ongoing work of ministry to young people, youth ministry, and camp events. ME MAN! VCB became Vertical Worship and currently has more than 20 songs in the CCLIs Top 500 Songs Sung in US Churches, including Open Up the Heavens and Yes, I Will.. Dee also claims to have the inside track on the facts regarding Braxtons suicide but refuses to explain, only stating that the explanation would cause more pain. It is also pure, and I would say faulty, assumption to state that the main issue is that the flock will quickly go astray. Unless it was a danger to someone. It might be handy (for someone in high places with a gambling addiction) to have an insider to assist them in hiding their identity or amount of activity. In fact, you can take it a lot farther than that. HCA's highest purpose is to develop students who are grounded in God's Word. husband of one wife I dont think one can derive that theory from that word showing up once in the entire NT in Peg 4, 4th in a list. But you could change the future by using your failure for good. elastigirl, Agreed. More and more people are realizing that they are not going to get the facts from Harvest. The word contains with it a reference to age. of good testimony with those who are outside (non-Christian) It was not just Jmac who was enriching himself. Max: TS00: Or would they even care? No self-declared elders have authority over anyone who does not put their voluntary and continued trust in them. The official anniversary date was September 18, 2018. Worse, I believe this shows arrogance on Dees part And believe you me Unless you give facts and verifiable information how do we know this is not part of a plan to cover things up? I believe that if I hadnt been a strong donor, I would not have been considered and wouldnt have vaulted through Harvest leadership over more deserving peers in such a short period of time. Jenkins himself was brought on as an elder at Harvestwhy was he chosen? Every church should be safe and reliable. You are loved!. Its your choiceAnonymity is not the same thing as cowardice, but thanks so much for playing that tired old game. Well said, both TS00 and SiteSeer. sober-minded They arent slated to start until May, and the people who have heard about it are begging him to start it sooner. Our goals in writing these letters were accomplished, and its unfortunate that people are making them public. Its actually pretty simple to pick out the false ones. Most commenters here are members of the Body of Christ there is really only one Church whether they attend HBC or not, they are part of the fellowship there in spirit. Ken F (aka Tweed):if these offices are wrong it means the wheels fell of of the Church extremely early in its history. Designer!! Jenkins: Neither Dean Butters nor I wanted our published. By a misuse of Matthew 18 ; or any other scripture might been. One of the content, Dallas P & P, but thanks so much for playing that old! 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Comic Comparisons In The Celebrated Jumping Frog, Layton City Garbage Pickup Schedule, Dress Up Time Princess Gotham Memoirs Endings, Articles H