My 3rd year at Hogwarts starts in five days. "I know, my beloved son. And she goes nowhere without her twin brother For as long as he can remember Harry Potter and his twin sister Magnolia have been together never separated together they witnessed their mother be murdered by Lord Vold Leilani Lupin is one fourth of the Golden quartet, Remus Lupin's daughter. The newspapers were slandering him so much that he couldn't step foot in the Wizarding World without being shouted at. Al knows that Harry, if he would let himself enjoy it, would surely also love ithe would love sinking into Als bodyAl who was forged in Harrys image, crafted and brought into this world by Harry, for HarryAl who is a nearly identical copy of Harry himself, carrying the reborn soul of Harrys long-lost soulmate. Harry doesn't mind trying out the products from the Weasley's new line even if it's not with his wife. Ron nodded his head towards Harry's bed. Harry is pulled out of his sleep on the early hours of Halloween, but hes not in his bed. The fact that she died and came back. On the night . The walls were covered in moving pictures of old men that Harry assumed were previous headmasters. Im sorry! Large Breasts. But the Dursley's had done anything but that. Kiss Goodnight, a harry potter fanfic. The Perennial One Was Perhaps the Greatest Witch Ever Lived Since Lady Grindelwald and such a Powerful Witch Couldn't Possibly Lose to some infants could she?On that Fateful Night in Godric's Hollow, Lady Voldemort Didn't only managed to get trapped in her body while she was trying to protect her legacy but also managed to mark a living legacy in Hardwin Potter Himself, the-boy-who-lived was Cherished and loved by the entire Wizarding world, celebrated as their saviour who protected their kind and their future however there was another potter sent away from the very world his brother was being Cherished in.Growing Up Under the Watchful eyes of Ignorance, Neglect and Mental Stress, Harry Grew Up to be a Very Cold, Detached, Independent and a very resourceful man But when He finds about the existence of a happy family, The Toll Breaks His Already shattered soul into pieces and makes him question his faith in people whose deaths he once dignified.Will The Potter family manage to resolve their dysfunctional relationship while an old foe is rising once again or the entire world will face the consequences of their ignorance on one innocent boy whose innocence was torn apart from him. 'Period. Ahh! He couldnt help the small scream at the sudden blinding pain, although that proved to be a mistake as a foot quickly planted itself inside Harrys ribcage. Lucius took care of the financial side, aided by those who were also skilled in that area. Harry's smile faded and he began to protest. Snape is the first to care for him as Harry, not as the Boy Who Lived. On Angels 11th birthday she received a letter that informs her that she is a witch and is accepted in Hogwarts school. Why did Harry name his kids James and Lily Potter if he didnt intend for them to fuck? Harry had told her that he very, very vaguely remembers their parents giving it her her when she was born. She was the golden girl.The paragon of all things good and light. He glanced over at Alison every once in awhile with a small smile on his face. Harry P Little Rosemary Potter is the 5 year old sister of Harry Potter, she has been trapped with past memories from the past and has to figure out to escape them. Join her as she plunges into her life as an animagus, Potter, and the twin of the most famous wizard ever to walk the earth. He whispered softly. Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione, just started their third year at Hogwarts, when they found out about Sirius Black, an Askaban escapee who helped murder Harry's p. romione. A selection of Harry Potter oneshots, including previous and next generation characters. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. 1 - Flesh and Blood. Saying that Harry had stepped up to the role as a responsible older brother was defiantly an under statement. Julianna Lily Potter and Harry James Potter were their parents pride and joy. Harry would do most of the cooking and would occasionally let Ali do the little things like buttering the toast or getting out ingredients he needed. He pulled his glasses on and looked around the small cupboard that he his seven year old little sister Alison were forced to live in. ", Dumbledore stroked his bread as he thought before kidding to himself. 1648 guests Part 1 of Breeding Ground. What would happen if James and Lily didn't die? Petunia followed her gaze before swallowing nervously. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He wrapped his arms around her and noticed a burnt piece of toast in Petunia's hand. for twelve long years, the dreaded fortress of Azkaban held an infamous prisoner named Sirius Black. Whilst alone with Harry in the house, Lily notices something that she is unable to take her eyes off of. #harrypotterlittlesister As the Order of the Phoenix frantically try to destroy Voldemorts Horcruxes before hes resurrected once more, a reluctant Harry and his brother are shuttled off to Hogwarts for their fifth year. Chapter 4: Fred & George. ", "She needs to be here to water my plants.". Harry rolled his eyes and sat down at his seat next to Rose. This curse draws people to her, it makes them fall in love with her. She is also a metamorphagus!!!!!!!!!! The boy who, strangely enough, was completely identical to Harry, down to the last messy black hair. On most days, Vernon and Petunia would pound on the cupboard door to wake Harry and Ali up and order them to make breakfast. Work Search: #weasley, "Look what you've done you stupid, stupid child!". "Look what you've done you stupid, stupid child!" 55. He smiled when he saw her eyes light up when he walked into the great hall and she saw all the food on the tables. He immediately climbed out of the cupboard and ran into the kitchen where he saw Alison holding a hand to her cheek, cowering away from a very angry looking Petunia with tears streaming down her face. Lillian Potter, a fiery, slightly crazy, brave girl, has lived most of her life so far in misery, raised by the Dursleys. ~The ones that love us never really leave us~ Harry Potter and his sister Alison Fanfiction. The Girl Who Lived by Sofi Q. Vernon released the small boy and went back to reading the paper while Harry retreated back to his and Ali's 'room'. The door slowly swung open and Harry stepped through and looked around at the ginormous office. kind of not really since Harry is a Black now but still Lily's Games Part Four: Nastily Ever After, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter/Lily Luna Potter, Tales of the Cursed Duchess, Lorraina Morgan, friends with benefits James Potter/Sirius Black, Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor Harry Potter, Tom is obsessed with Harry in any timeline. The Potters shared a smile. Lily and James were killed when Harry was three and Alison was just a couple months old Becomes a Draco Malfoy love story later on I do not own any of the Harry Potter story or the original characters in it - J.K. Rowling does. He whispered as he shut the small door then turned to his sister. And besides, she's still young enough to get in free. Morning Of Albus was fourteen when his older brother moved abroad. After explaining to him about the things Ali liked and didn't like, he gave her one last hug and a kiss on her head before walking to his first class hopping and praying that she'd be good for Dumbledore and that she'd be okay. Then she is one of Harry's bestfriend and mother. The small dark-haired child soon fell into a fitful sleep only caused by crying and being emotionally exhausted and troubled. Harry but his lip and slowly turned around and saw one of the faces he hated seeing most. He saw a large desk on top of some steps and he slowly walked up to it. The Potter twins Harry and hope are learning about being a witch and a wizard now going to attend to Hogwarts while they bond with new people and fight off evil creatures and people. in which theodore reminds aurelia potter of her hidden chivalry. #lilypotter They, of course, would never dare call him that I'm front of anyone but each other in fear of a beating from both Vernon and Dudley. When Albus Dumbledore dumps a five-year-old child in an alleyway on the other side of the ocean, he has no idea that he has given her the best chance at life she could have. Harry wasn't the only child who survived in the potter family. This torture lasted for hours ranging from punches and kicks to whips and knives. And all the adventure along the way. I was always a daddys girl and still am! If he was allowed to come then why not Ali? "You stupid, worthless child!" this all belongs to J.K Rowling, except for my original character Miriam Potter. She hadn't thought about having to explain to the people why she wasn't in school. ", Snape raised an eyebrow. He was the one who got her dressed, cut her hair when it grew too long, or comforted her when she was sad or scared or upset. Why? "Hey." When Lillian and her twin brother Harry are tol. 58.3K 981. by melanie_anderson. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. As Al starts getting memories back from his past life, he decides that he needs to have Harry Potter all to himself, and he will settle for nothing less. But Harry and the girl survived, destroying him. Harry glanced up at Snape and held Alison tighter when he saw the Potions teacher once again, staring at the girl. This story is pretty much pure smut with a bit of plot within each chapter. Albus hated attending anniversary events, but he did it because he knew his dad found them easier when he was there. she has no clue shes a witch. Train Rides and Old Friends Made New Taking place in the canon HP universe, this story chronicles the many sexual adventures of the Potter family, and only examples of inbreeding are chronicled here. Shopping "Hagrid, I get that one of them is Harry but who's the second. Belladonna Blackwell had lived at St. Annes Orphanage in Limehouse, East London for as long as she could remember. #hermione A bright, sarcastic, fiery, brave girl has lived with the Dursleys and her twin brother, Harry, for as long as she can remember. "One less nuisance to take care of. Tom looked hopeless. In a different world, Harry had a baby sister born right before his parents were murdered. He walked over to it and carefully laid Ali down, doing everything he could to be as quiet and gently as possible so he wouldn't wake her. +22 more. Is she awake?". Please consider turning it on! If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Thought so , I am the Identical twin of Harry Potter and I also live with the Dursleys. #voldemort Even Tom, having retrieved his Horcruxes and putting his soul back together and his sanity returned, was concerned for Potter. But I need someone who will pull my hair, spank my arse and tell me what a slut I am., Erstwhile Epilogue for Lily's Games. I'll try to get you an ice pack." The fact that children do it better than adults. She practices in the shreiking shack with a stray black dog she found when she runs away from the dursleys. Think a long-lost twin would throw a spanner in the works? Fear coursed through Harry's veins as realization hit. The story of Sarah Lily Potter who passed 10 years of her life in Azkaban. // A very different Harry Potter, one who was born a twin and whose parents were very much alive, lands in an alternate dimension where his parents aren't alive, he's known as the Boy Who Lived, and the war hasn't started up yet. convicted of killing thirteen people with a single curse he was said to be a dedicated follower of the dark lord, Voldemort. But after awhile he didn't cry as much, he was beginning to realize that his parents weren't coming back. 6. He taught his sister how to talk and walk. Work Search: ", Harry smiled a little and nodded. Updates Tuesdays and Saturdays. "Thank you so much Professor. Along the way, they face numerous obstacles, including the looming threat of Voldemort's return. She mumbled sleepily. (Slow update fic, i have like 6 other fics to write lol.). Being Harry Potters sister adds some challenges to your years at hogwarts. That is until the rest of his clothing is ripped off and crippling pain explodes in his backside. Harry Potter Has a Large Cock. I leave for Hogwarts in five days. He has a son and happily lives out the rest of his days caring for his family until his world comes crashing down again at his Christmas dinner party. Bre Amelia Lily Potter? When a platinum haired boy changes your mind. Lucius and Severus were frantically looking for the boy, Cissy helping. A long running anthology featuring Harry Potter and a variety of women from different fandoms(including his own) in smutty situations. He even saved Fleur's little sister during the second task. Eh, wrong. Harry had lived 17 years as a horcrux, and Ginny was possessed by another one, so is it all that surprising that their middle child reminds them a little bit too much of another boy they once knew? "Now are you going to show me where he is or not?". Could you get guardianship papers ready by tomorrow night?" Ongoing. He took a deep breath as he walked down the stairs and back to the Griffandor common room. hinny. Will include different ships from the next generation of Harry Potter. Its overdramatic and ridiculous and might not make much sense. All of Slytherin House, alumni and present students, kept an eye and ear out for the abused and scared Little. They hadn't even changed their minds when one of their neighbors had come over to help Petunia with her garden and noticed Alison through the window. Will she make her daddy proud? More detailed description in the notes.). Severus agreed with them, healing the boy's wounds when the child slept. Harry awoke by the sound of his Aunt Petunia yelling and screaming. Diane Allan-Becker thought so too. Diane was getting the chance to live the Y/N life, and oh, was she ready to fuck shit up. He couldn't remember how long he sat there, or when he fell asleep, but he jerked awake when he felt someone shake his shoulder. Harry Potter is a proud Hufflepuff and the older brother of Willam Potter, the saviour of the wizarding world. harrypotterlittlesister. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. What if Harry had a little sister? 10. What gives you the idea that you can wander the corridors after curfew?". On Angels 11th birthday she received a letter that informs her that she is a witch and is accepted in Hogwarts school. Most people, when finding out that their niece and nephew had become orphans and they were their only living relatives, would take in the children and give them a room with an actual bed, feed them well, buy them good clothing to wear, and give them hugs and kisses like any good people would. Now it was up to his sons' and daughter in law to complete their part of the plan. #siriusblack Chapter 1: Draco/Harry. Harry wanted to run up to the man and give him a huge, tight hug. Tom laughed as the owl was sent. 9. His appearance was regal and he made for a very good image of a young grandfather, speckles of grey in his hair. I know it's shorter than normal and its late and I'm really sorry about that. He had wet himself again and Aunt Petunia would not be pleased. Becomes a Draco Malfoy love story later on Vernon grabbed the boy by the collar of his shirt. Maybe he could be re-sorted. The universe had given her a gift. Petunia screamed and he heard her slap someone. =). What if Harry had a little sister? It started off with Uncle Vernon getting Dudley from his bedroom to witness his shame while ordering his wife to grab one of the "baby" toys. "Does it hurt?" *Drabble*. #hogwarts She yelled at no one but still made the siblings jump. She's sick and tired of him pushing people around and ruling over everybody's liv My version of Harry Potter Anyway, I hoped you liked it and thanks for reading . He doesn't need a brother and he's just fine on his own. They have had many hilarious conversations about their cousin. Hermione, Lucius, and Draco are competing against each other, and Narcissa reaps the benefits, if you wanna call it that. She nodded feebly. Ones name is Grace Lillian Potter Krum and the other one is Harmony Lillian Potter Krum. "Yeah that's Alison. Please consider turning it on! Work Search: He squeezes my arm letting me know to pull something out of his robe pocket. Especially when the world you are being reborn into is one you'd always wished could have been real, and that you could have been a part of it. is a pretty accurate way of describing Quinn Lily Potter's existence. Everyone else in #12, Grimmauld Place were slumbering peacefully, but he was lying awake, mentally berading himself. Slytherin Greetings But as soon as Olivia returns to the Wizarding world, she sets herself apart from everyone's expectations. For the past six years, James had been expected to secure the Quidditch Cup for Gryffindor, and now he had finally done it. He asked as he looked back at the old man. And new friends, like Hermione Granger, and Professor McGonagall, and Professor Quirrell. My mum took Harry Upstairs while Dad faced Voldemort with me , in his arms. She does practically everything with her best friends Ron and Hermione. When her brother arrived he was put in the cupboard under the stairs with her. Imagine being related to that. When Harry is sorted into Slytherin, he's quickly disowned by his family. And next generation of Harry Potter is a proud Hufflepuff and the older brother of Willam,... Girl survived, destroying him so much that he very, very vaguely remembers their parents pride joy! Lasted for hours ranging from punches and kicks to whips and knives mind trying out the products from the.... How to talk and walk women from different fandoms ( including his own ) in smutty situations smile his... 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