Recorded with Rode NTG-2 Mic through , As requested for user "frank_cheese", my girlfriend saying "Hello Darling, fancy a good time? Whilst this can be frustrating for those who feel confused and would like a simple answer or some certainty, it means that the most important explanation is the one that the voice-hearer themselves finds useful. As I layed in bed I began to see a dark figure very slowly come toward me? We are not able to upload the one that the search engine uses, but this is the next best thing. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); National charity supporting people who hear voices, see visions or have other unusual sensory perceptions - and all those who support them. They may not, but you dont have to listen to them. I Love You Baby Talk. Contact Susan . This gothic sound requested by anonymous user. Then immediately hangs up. I have been hearing, seeing and feeling these unexplained thing since I was very young. Do not answer calls from numbers you do not recognize (duh). Before people begin to question me, I'm not a believer of the 'paranormal' and I don't have schizophrenia or anything like that. They can speak in sentences or say single words. or uses another question to solicit a "Yes" answer. Are they for you, or against you? american english female girl request speak talk vocal voice woman tim.kahn October 9th, 2010 3219 downloads 4 comments play / pause loop -00:01 hello.wav Currently /5 Stars. Girl Speaking, "Can You Hear Me Now" (Sound Effect - HD) G.G. Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Woman free from Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates! Cookie Notice The sound of a kid screaming. Sounds like a 55-ish year-old American man. Click here for more information. That fear of hearing voices = madness (and being locked up) is a really common one. | I never said anything else. If youre looking for someone to talk with, perhaps you could try a Hearing Voices Group as a first step to reaching out to people and making sense of all this. Want CNET to notify you of price drops and the latest stories? I had separated myself or sense of whole from my physical body of material, and i was floating above my body with a cord of pure white light attached from my stomache of body and stomach of self, dare i say (consciousness of being). Nice clear, and loud. Hello! We'll start with a screening of @DollyDollysen's short film 'INSIDE', followed by a Q&A with Dolly and then our AGM at 3pm. Great for a Halloween or for other scary things. Choose from a range of studio grade audio that is guaranteed to improve your content quality. Ive heard the same things. Someone walking quickly in high heels. It sounded automated too and very run-on sentence-like. This page contains some basic information about voices, visions and other unusual sensory perceptions. One low cost subscription. Without these people, the world would be a very different place. I call these spirits dot-people. A very quick and non obtrusive fart sound a quickie. Hearing voices may accompany symptoms related to other body systems including: Appetite or weight changes. Whatever someone believes about their experiences, the most important thing is to find ways of dealing with that belief and finding some sense of power, control and hope within it. If you include one off experiences (like hearing someone call your name when youre out shopping, or feeling your phone vibrate in your pocket) this figure goes up to 75%. hearing a crowd of people jeering at you, or discussing intimate details of your life). They feel stronger and more able to choose whether to listen to the voices or not. I am getting mental health treatment but I dont feel safe to tell them about voices as they can over react and over medicate and I have been overmedicated before. Others have taste sensations when they are not eating. Some people get a strong bitter taste in their food or drink and, understandably, start to worry that there is something wrong with it. Every single day, we cant wait until youre here, youre f*cked!) How do you explain this to your wife/husband/parents/kids/teacher/doctor?!? These voices I was able to associate with former friends I had left behind in another country as I had to leave for medical reasons. Download and buy high quality Girl Hello sound effects. I actually feel my life goes better when its back in my life. I was tired, and frustrated so I began to ask them to be quiet. Sometimes its triggered by a sound, usually the sound ssssss, but for the most part its always a low whisper saying, Hey, Hi, or Help. Matt Elliott, a technology writer for more than a decade, is a PC tester and Mac user based in New Hampshire. Ofcourse, there are lots of different ways of making sense of it but having someone to speak to who can help you work things out is really helpful. A woman or female talking asking someone to open the door. My daughter Norah laughing and being cute she is 4 in this audio recording. I said my age, it said "can you please repeat that?" They offer email support, so would be able to talk through these things with you. Take care. McGee (Artist, Record Producer and Executive Vice President of Grind Time Official Records, founded by Killer Mike) to give independent creatives access to high quality content for film and audio projects.FAQ:How can I grow my YouTube channel?Get resources to grow your channel here - How do I download this sound effect?Follow the link and head over to for free download. Other times these voices become quieter, less intrusive or even disappear altogether. Please help. Like from where does this voice arise? No processing. It's because it gets your attention. NeoPhyTe 550314 4/5 Sampling Plus 1.0 Siren Great siren sound effect that is free and under creative commons sampling plus. Toilet flush sound effect is public domain so use it however you want. Feb. 1, 2017 4:15 p.m. PT. 141 views, 2 likes, 2 loves, 5 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from First Methodist Church Ardmore: Traditional Service February 12, 2023 Voices can shout, whisper, be clearor muffled. If you do answer and are asked questions that seem to be fishing for a "yes" or "no" answer, do not respond and hang up immediately. Its hard to know what is happening for you son but having experiences like hearing voices and feeling disconnected/dissociated isnt necessarily the start of something more worrying. Diagnoses like these are a hotly contested area with some finding that they are useful and others finding them a barrier to healing. Recorded in stereo with a Gigaware microphone headset. This might be when they are hearing a voice, watching a TV programme or thinking about something. Never give out any personal information over the phone when you are unsure of the caller (also obvious but worth repeating). 1.) You can use these sound effects in your videos without infringing copyright. Are these sounds Royalty Free?Yes. When we talk about voices and visions, we simply mean someone is hearing, seeing or sensing something that others around them arent. AND LETTING ME SHARE!!! Great for phone conversation, or scene. Hello there, Everybody. Female Saying Hello How Are You Today 03 . I suppose the best option would be to tell my psychiatrist, but I have this fear that shell just lock me up and throw away the key, even though Im a completely functioning individual that goes to school and everything. It left for a long time and came back years later. Nice clear, and loud. These include: The truth is that we do not know why people hear voices or see visions. I answered the call with state my businesses name and my first name. Shes a good lady even if she is my mother in law :). as if it couldn't hear me, so I said it again louder and more clearly and it hung up on me. I was expecting a call and answered. It sounds like you could really benefit from someone to talk with about all these worries and the things youve been through you might want to check out Voice Collective (a UK-wide service for children and young people who hear voices). Good luck! it is hard tho. More items by Sound-Design View author portfolio More similar items Take up to 50% off SFX Use code SFX50 First Purchase Only. 12 ) }}, {{ capitalize(currentUid.userName) | truncate( Great little kid sound effects. It simply isn't an option for me to just avoid answering the phone at risk of spam calls when 99% of the calls I get are legitimate, especially since I turned on screening. The vast majority of people with experiences like this dont get a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Download Girl Hello sounds . They might interpret it as a sign that the voice is trying to support them. Ive experienced the exact same thing several times. This has been going off and on since I was in the 8th grade, but sometimes I hear a voice or voices whispering to me throughout the day. Has me a bit concerned, because my company does publish my full name in a directory on its website. This was requested by Scott. Companies don't normally just send a message that sounds like that with no advertising at all. it can surround not being able to communicate normally .like being a long distance and have not met them yet. Now I just believe its lower entities bothering me because my energy is in a lower field. This can lead people to worry that they are being poisoned, or that someone is tampering with their food. In none of the reports, however, has an individual been scammed out of any money. Ive been diagnosed with dyspraxia and sensory perception disorder so I dont know if that had anything to do with that. American male, I waited and listened and said nothing after the initial greeting. License details Other voices can be confusing, perhapsechoingthoughts or repeating strange phrases. These systems spam out hundreds of calls at once and only bring in agents after you answer (why there is often a big delay). Female Voice How Are You Doing 0:01 Hi there, I just found out yesterday that my 9 year old is hearing lots of voices. Nobody can steal your identity by recording your voice. Plus, it would be a great help for my music and other stuff. 119K views 5 years ago Woman or girl saying "Hello, can you hear me" over a phone sound effect. Female Voice How Are You Doing Today 0:01. If Corsica_S or anyone can help me out, I would appreciate it very much. Indian under the water. You've probably gotten the call. but sometimes when you hear something as to my kids I would be wrong and a bad mother and a sick person if I didnt try to follow these voices which than makes me look crazy but what if it were REAL!! Hi everyone, i hope someone could benefit from my experience. So I pick up, I say hello, I here a "bloop" sound and then an automated/text-to-speech female voice saying "Hello, can you hear me?" I say "yes" thinking it may be a call from my doctor's office or something, and it continues "I'm just calling to tell you that- how old are you?" I said my age, it said "can you please repeat that?" . Very cute :). Hi Amber, That sounds really intense. For more information, please see our Requested by somnath, My mother in law talking to my kids saying Nana Can Take Care of It. You can find their site at and they offer online support as well as in person. I never understood what it was we were doing until I was much older and decided I didnt want to do it anymore. Little girl sighing sound effect,or sigh of a little girl. She sometimes does audio for me. The sound of a baby crying. It wasn't from my laptop as I had the sound muted and sitting idle on the desktop. So, it comes and goes randomly. To play the media, your browser needs to have javascript enabled, Update Results ({{ thousands_separators(numberHits) }}). The sound of a vampire biting a human. Edit: Before you comment please read this comment I wrote in reply to a couple common questions: I unfortunately have to answer at some times, like when I have counseling appointments (and while those are scheduled, sometimes her patients before me go over time or end early so I don't really know when she is going to call and her number is private and restricted so I cannot call it back). Perhaps more importantly, people can also recover from the situations that can make voices and visions so hard to deal with. Looking forward to this tomorrow - places still available :), @HVN_England's AGM and Member's Event is happening on 2 April from 2-4pm BST. If they encourage, and entice you to do good for yourself, they are for you. Contains 12 girl farts for anyone needing this sound. It can be difficult for someone to know that theyre tasting something that others cant unless they get someone else to try it too. You might also want to find out what advocacy services there are in your area. Same here. Sometimes they have names,but not always. Girl Speaking, \"Can You Hear Me Now\" (Sound Effect - HD) reenactment of a young woman asking, \"can you hear me now?\" Great for phone conversation, or film scene. You can additionally filter the sound and make it sound like the sound is coming from a telephone. I'm the only one in my house. Excellent if lo-fi recording of three voices, two male and one female singing and building one note at a time , This is a recording of my mum saying hello about 3 times into the voice recorder on my mp3 player. Someone who was hurt by someone wearing a particular scent may, sometimes, smell this when there is no-one there to account for it. What kinda of a Priest ( someone who is supposed to be a man of GOD) does this evil sick thing to a child ?! 0:01. The FCC also shared the following tips: 1. hi my name is amber rae im from Wisconsin and I hear voices mine is not fun it stresses me out some times to the point where I cry and just want shit to end!!! A female english actor saying "Hello there". Make sure your spelling is correct. The scammer can then turn around and sell your number and others as sales leads to other solicitors of questionable repute. It turns out that we make judgments about traits like aggression and trustworthiness within a second of hearing someone's voice. It was probably supposed to connect to a person or otherwise continue but the system flaked out for one reason or another. I was greated by loved ones that had passed and future loved ones, there was no sense of time or space everything was infinite. It's also good for the voice hearers to do about their feelings & needs #NVC #hearingvoices #VoicedDialogue, Have you ever been labelled with schizophrenia and told that your experiences are 'resistant to treatment'? And nobody is gong to need to construct an elaborate recording just to make you say "hello" when you pick up the phone. Sometimes these are called triggers and some people who have these experiences see them as linked to emotions theyre finding difficult. You are meant to do great things in life. This sound was requested by July. You might find them irritating or distracting. 0:01. Anybody know anything? All rights reserved. Thats a lot to be dealing with (not just the diagnoses you have but it sounds like youve been through lots of trauma). The vocalist was in the vocal booth, I said something over the monitor headphones, the natural reaction when someone speaks , For the user "boko21", my girlfriend saying "hello, who is this? For example, some people smell gas, burning or rotting food. Woohoo sound of a Female Scream for Joy. Contact me on to discuss participation in my research. You might also find Lucy Johnstones book A Straight Talking Introduction to Psychiatric Diagnosis an interesting introduction to the debate. My girlfriend saying "hey sweety I need to talk with you" for some reason. Why buy with Envato. There are lots of different ideas about diagnoses like schizophrenia and how much they run in families some people think there is a bigger chance of being diagnosed with schizophrenia if you have family members with the diagnosis, but other people dont believe that at all and say it depends on the things you go through in your life and the support you get. It seemed like deliberate stalling, Came here cuz this just happened to me, too, My call had an American accent. Show more Blizzard Sounds for Sleep, Relaxation & Staying Cool | Snowstorm Sounds &. I have ptsd and bipolar dx but the mental health system has given me more ptsd (got assaulted in one place) I need their help but I only share so much with them, it is a matter of survival. These taste sensations can be pleasant (e.g. Effortless design and video. They have a page on telling other people about their voices here: What, exactly, would a recording of you saying "hello" accomplish? Authors, for example, sometimes talk about how the characters can come to life and write the story for them. Some people see things that others dont. Online, offline, email, or postal. This can make taste experiences particularly difficult to deal with. For others, the visions sit alongside their everyday world (an added box, person or animal for example). 2. Hello Soundboard. God Bless. Its actually my son.. he is hungry, and we are waiting in the drive through for food. - mp3.mp3 - spectrogram. But we also believe that there are half again as many spirits who existed with us in the pre-mortal life who rebelled against the plan of this earth life academy if you will, and will never get to experience mortality, and can only experience having a body by invading someone elses. Great for Halloween or a spooky movie. I had then heard a voice loud as thunder saying it was time to go. Sometimes you may even. If they are negative, they are against you. These spirits are angry, and they spend their time doing all in their power to ruin this experience for the rest of us. He said why are you crying my son you have nothing to cry about, he said look at me as in his face. Some voices can be positive providing the support and encouragement someone needs to get through the day. 2 min read. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Great slurp or slurping sound effect by some guy or girl. You may also want to contact Hearing Voices USA (a network which is nearer to you). If there's a better subreddit to post this in or it's breaking any rules please let me know. No voices or anything has happened since that point in time. It is like the wind. Sometimes they have names, but not always. Each sound effect is hand picked by G.G. This may involve hearing a voice speak to you, and could be positive, negative, or neutral. For those who have particularly overwhelming experiences that lead them into the mental health services, recovery can feel like a distant dream. ! Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Thanks to Kyanna for the sound effect. Choose the languages you want to translate to and from. Hello darkness my old friend. I dont know how to tell my family. For some, these experiences can be comforting. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. What the hell was that? People have many different experiences of hearing voices. Said Hello and the recording started. Great for halloween. Some people can feel things on their skin when there doesnt seem to be anything there. Its getting really frustrating for me. Recorded with an AT2020 microphone into an Apogee Duet and edited . I began to understand i could go through objects and move objects with just thinking about it and putting energy into said (will)..i started floating through the ceiling of the room and out of the house, i started a wonderful journey of explorations i never seen before, then when i was finished i began floating out from the beautiful scenery of the world and into the atmosphere. Requested by somnath, A woman or female talking asking someone to open the door. I say "yes" thinking it may be a call from my doctor's office or something, and it continues "I'm just calling to tell you that- how old are you?" In late 1986, I was hearing voices, nothing scary, just people whispering my name. Many people who are part of our network have met the criteria for a diagnosis at some point in their lives but no longer do. According to some reports, your "yes" could then be used to sign you up for a service you didn't ask for and -- should you protest -- the scammer will then playback your verbal agreement to intimidate you. Were all unique, so itsunsurprisingthat voices and visions can be equally individual in terms of their identity, content, interpretation and impact. I looked and then immediately looked away cause of how bright and full of light his face was, i tried again and did the same thing. Can You Hear Me Now Young lady asking can you hear me now. These smells can feel very real and leave them fearing for their safety. Hello_There. I belong to a religion that teaches that we each existed in spirit form before we were born, and when our spirits leave our bodies at death, they continue to exist throughout eternity. Female Saying Hello How Are You Today 02 . Bells and buzzing noises, or that voice inside your head that tells you to take another route and saves you from an accident, are all signs of being clairaudient. If you talk and the computer hears it, it knows your phone number is active and sellable to marketing agencies. This one is more demanding than the last. Rather than providing a dogmatic view of voice-hearing, we recognise and celebrate a festival of explanations. My daughter saying Bye Bye. They have an email support service and an online forum that may help you figure stuff out too. My eyes changed colour to yellow then switched back to normal when I was in front of the mirror, wierd thing is none of this frightens me one bit, Im generally a positive person I really dislike negativity. Listen to girls farting a great stereo clip. To: At the bottom right, select the translation language. People use to come to my mom to help with different types of spiritual entities that were either roaming around them or bothering them. The big thing is whether what you hear or smell worries you, distracts you or causes you any problems. BROWSE NOW >>> Whether you talk with your psychiatrist or not, a good first step is finding someone to talk with about it especially if youre a bit confused or worried about what to do. Recorded in stereo with a Gigaware microphone headset. These visions can be very clearand realistic, but they can also include fuzzy shapes, shadows and beamsof light. Then he said i can go back or continue forward. We watch you all! You are such a loser, my god! It can not be created because it takes two close souls. This could besomething nice, like a loved ones perfume/aftershave or a favourite food. Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Girl free from Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates! There is a body of people who know this wellbut not main stream as it is not that common. Tap Speak . Otherwise, try browsing our categories below. I can hear voices n see visions n i can also feel it.i cant explain it. also words added on the end of someone talking to me or on tv, radio, youtube?? This is the reason why spiritual beings would use your name to call you too. 45485 4/5 Sampling Plus 1.0. I would just like to know what this even counts as anymore as its just like this but to a more advance level. Auditory hallucinations can also involve experiencing a distorted sound. The name is Shadow. It seems like there has to be some sort of scam but I can't figure out what it is. But hearing voices is a relatively common experience, and the majority of people who hear voices dont have a mental health problem. When someone receives a diagnosis, this diagnosis is not necessarily for life. A person who has recently lost someone they care about may benefit from talking to them at the end of the day, or smelling their perfume/aftershave. Sound of someone in pain. Yahoo! "From the first word you hear a person speak, you start to form . The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee. For those of us who are diagnosed with something that isnt the end of the story. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Great for phone conversation, or scene. It might not be as rampant as previously thought. These experiences can happen for many reasons and are relatively common in children and young people. McGee Pro Sound FX 148 subscribers Subscribe 54K views 2 years ago Girl Speaking, "Can You Hear Me Now" (Sound Effect - HD). "Hello There" Obi Wan. Press J to jump to the feed. I began to fall through the floor of the heavenly white clouds and began to fall faster and faster, it felt like i was falling forever and then back through the galaxies and back to the solar system and back to earth then back into my body. They whisper (or shout, I guess) words of discouragement and if they can get us to kill others or ourselves, they have won. Im not too sure what to do about it. Any ideas? Horror, Video Game, Girl, Female, Voice, Creepy, Scary, Eerie, Insane, Hello, Horror, Voice, Female, Woman, Ghost, Desperate, Scary, Creepy, Disturbing, Hello, Creepy, Scary, Eerie, Horror, Female, Voice, Halloween, Disturbing, Alone, Hello, Horror, Female, Ghostly, Scary, Creepy, Eerie, Sinister, Cold, Harsh, Hello, Animals Dogs Chihuahua Female Puppy 75 Day Old Cries Extended Loud Whinny Bg Hi, Basketball Crowds Crowd Female Scream Hi Pa, Horror, Voice, Female, Girl, Scary, Creepy, Eerie, Disturbing, Hello Out There, Horror, Voice, Female, Girl, Scary, Creepy, Eerie, Disturbing, Hello Stranger, Horror, Voice, Female, Ghostly, Scary, Creepy, Disturbing, Eerie, Hello, Vintage Bakelite Phone Ringing With Female Hello, Need help? Ooh, you are . I did a test on the internet and it said that it was likely that I had schizophrenia but I cant be sure. Made online by you. anyway I hope to read more on this site thankyou I find what ive experienced as liberating and not to fear it, oh I also have seen the odd shadow person though what I see is an outline of a person but with a static look, also one that looked like those wooden dolls that have bendy parts made of steel? Daveincammas 313745 4/5 Sampling Plus 1.0 Psycho Scream Seemed kind of fishy. my daughter to be precise, saying hello. For some, the visions are very complex (like entering into another world). During the episodes he is conscious and crying and his head hurts. Woman screaming at the top of her lungs in fear or horror. For example, someone who survived a house fire may smell smoke when they feel anxious. Details of your life ) guy or female voice saying hello can you hear me be difficult for someone to open the door deliberate... 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