list of superheroes and their powers and weaknesses

Magnetism Manipulation The ability to control and/or generate magnetic fields. This means there are countless psychic characters that display telekinesis as just one of their powers. Sword Manipulation The ability to use a sword to achieve superhuman feats whether due to the skill of the sword user and/or special characteristics of the sword. more two-dimensional. Hyperdimensional Mimicry The character is a hyperdimensional being. Photographic Reflexes are also known as Adoptive Muscle Memory, Adaptive Muscle Memory, Adomopathy, Body Movement Copying, Combat Chameleon, Eidetic Kinesthesia, Mimetic Muscle Memory, Photographic Muscle Memory, Psychometric Reflexes and Reproductive Muscle Memory. Immortality (self) The ability to live forever. Firestorm the Nuclear Man is very powerful indeed. Kevin P. Sullivan. Resurrection (others) The ability to resurrect other people. Invulnerability is also known as Absolute Durability, Godly Durability, Impenetrable Skin, Impervious Skin, Imperviousness, Indestructibility, Invincibility, Meta Durability, Omni Durability, Unbreakable and Unharmable. Animal Communication is also known as Animal Whispering, Dolittling, Faunal Communication, and Zoolingualism. Alcohol Manipulation is also known as Alcohol Control, Alcokinesis and Dictukinesis. The fight between Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman will likely take place on a grand scale, given the immense power and abilities of the two fighters. Disease Manipulation The ability to control diseases. Power Sensing The ability to sense powers in another being. Flat Body (other/self) is also known as 2D Form, 2D Mimicry, 2D Physiology, Pancake Flatness, Self-Compression and Two-Dimensional Form. Breath (freeze) is also known as Arctic Breath, Cryokinetic Breath, Freeze Breath, Freezing Wind Breath, and Ice Breath. Trials on volunteers were used to make some of the scientific breakthroughs. Centipede Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a centipede. The last tip we have for you is not to be afraid of going over the gray areas of your characters lives, because thats where some of the most exciting stories happen! Cyclops Anatomy The character has the powers and characteristics of a cyclops. As we all know Superman was born on another planet which was destroyed. Marinette and Adrien live what appears to be a normal life - going to school and dealing with friends, family and growing up. Cyber Mimicry The ability to become a computer-generated being. She is now on an Earth 2 that I care not to go into but that doesnt change the fact of why shes on this list. Armor (biological) The armor is alive and/or composed of organic matter. Much like those Gods of Olympus, many of the significant heroes in DC Comics were born with their powers and were not people who got them through accidents. When said doctor tapped this cane on the ground, he became the demigod, Thor. So even if hes in the middle of a mission and his year is up, he vanishes back to Earth. But who among them truly rules? There is no space corps involved. Shape Shifting is also known as Biological Alteration, Biomorphism, Changing, Copying, Inclinkinesis, Megamorphing, Metamorphing, Metamorphosis, Morphing, Morphological Being, Nanomorphing, Omni-Mimicry, Polymorphing, Self-Transmogrification, Self-Transmutation, Shape-changing, Shapeshifting and Shape-shifting. Your email address will not be published. From Austin Butler and Cate Blanchett to a potential Best Supporting Actress toss-up, see who EW thinks will win at the 2023 Oscars. Unlike in which the character has a body only composed on one substance. Magma Mimicry The being has a body composed of magma. Green Lantern can do anything in his imagination and Thor is literally a God. Vertigo Inducement is also known as Psionic Equilibrium Distortion, Vertigo Effect, Vertigo Induction and Verigen. Sound Mimicry is also known as Audio Mimicry, Noise Mimicry, Noise Physiology, Sonic Mimicry, Sonic Physiology, Sonokinetic Form and Sound Physiology. Telekinesis The ability to manipulate and control objects with the mind, often in ways not visible to the naked eye. Jet Propulsion The ability to move via energy propulsion. For as powerful as Flash is if he runs too fast, he can destroy himself. Cephalopods include octopi and squids. The opposite of a in many ways. The group seeking disclosure is forced to rely on the good faith of the other side, and that might not be good enough to make a difference in the case. This includes, but is not limited to, the generation of new bone mass, projecting bones out from the skin or rearranging ones own bones. Embodiment (function) The character embodies a function of the universe. These life struggles should be considered and discussed to inject some reality checks in your story so your readers can deeply immerse themselves and relate to their life conflicts! Duplication (cloning) is also known as Clone Physiology, Doppelgnger Physiology, Doppelgnger Mimicry, Replica Physiology, Replica Mimicry, Replicant Physiology and Replicant Mimicry. Teleportation (self) The ability to move oneself and a person adjacent from one place to another without occupying the space in between. This same list of superpowers is also known as Actuality Manipulation, Essokinesis, Objective Reality Distortion, Reality Adjustment, Reality Alteration, Reality Bending, Reality Control, Reality Distortion, Reality Manipulation, Reality Overwriting and Self-Wish Granting. Primate Anatomy is also known as Ape Body, Ape Form, Ape Mimicry, Ape Physiology, Primate Body, Primate Form, Primate Mimicry, Primate Physiology, Simian Body, Simian Form, Simian Mimicry and Simian Physiology. Energy Constructs are also known as Ergokinetic Constructs, Energy Craftsmanship and Energy Weapon Creation. Gravity Manipulation is also known as Gravitation Manipulation, Gravitational Field Manipulation, Gravitational Manipulation, Graviton Manipulation, Gravitokinesis, Gravity Control, Gravikinesis, Gyrokinesis and Tensor Field Manipulation. Superhuman Senses (touch) The sense of touch is enhanced. However, for Billy Batson to become Shazam he has to say his name for the lightning to strike so if he is in his superhero form and says his name again, he reverts back to Billy Batson. This power can include the ability to make plants grow more quickly, mutate and move. Worm Anatomy is also known as Worm Physiology. Magic Resistance is also known as Magic Dilution and Spell Protection. Disease Mimicry is also known as Illness Mimicry and Virus Mimicry. Liquefy (self) The ability to turn oneself into a liquid. Scorpion Anatomy is also known as Scorpion Body, Scorpion Form, Scorpion Mimicry and Scorpion Physiology. But this is too classic to let go. Pinniped Anatomy is also known as Pinniped Body, Pinniped Form, Pinniped Mimicry and Pinniped Physiology. Super Friends? Precognition is also known as Foresight, Future Vision, Fortunetelling, Premonition and Prophecy. What people may not know is that even though Blade is a vampire that can walk around during the day, he is still harmed by red sunlight, which can take him out. The list of superpowers accompanying Cyborgization are also frequently known as Cyber Organic Physiology, Cyber-Biopunk, Cyborg Physiology, Nano-Aug Physiology, Nano-Augmented Physiology, Nano-Biopunk Physiology, Nanotechnological Augmented Physiology, Robot Mutant Physiology, Technological-Biological Physiology, Techno-Organic Physiology and Technorganic Physiology. Body Part Substitution (self) Ability to replace ones limbs or other body parts with those of another. This same list of superpowers is also known as H2O Physiology, Hydro Physiology, Hydrokinetic Physiology, Hydrophysiology, Self-Liquification and Water Physiology. good luck. Dragon Manipulation The ability to control and/or alter a dragons behavior. A link to set a new password will be sent to your email address. Metal Mimicry The character has a body composed of metal. If their actions are limited even with their list of superpowers, it makes them more relatable because everyone makes mistakes. Sensory Deprivation is also known as Sense Deprivation, Sense Negation, Sense Suppression and Sensory Suppression. Reincarnation (others) The ability to control the reincarnation of others. Mind Control (group) The ability to control the minds of four or more people at the same time. Superhuman Accuracy The character can use a ranged and/or thrown weapon(s) with superhuman accuracy. Immortality (other/self) is also known as Death Immunity, Deathless, Endless Life, Eternal Life, Everlasting Life and Immortal Physiology. Duplication (self) The character can create duplicate bodies of themselves. Ghost Manipulation is also known as Phantasm Manipulation, Phantom Manipulation, Shade Manipulation, Specter Manipulation, Spirit Manipulation and Wraith Manipulation. In terms of his weakness, Vision has rigidity issues. Nuclear Reactor The ability to generate nuclear energy within ones body. The ability to exorcise ghosts. Upgraded clothing was produced as a result of scientific and technical improvements resulting from research conducted by scientists. The following is a list of the Powers and Abilities displayed by different characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe . The same may be said about James Rhodes War Machine outfit and Aric of Dacias X-O Manowar costume. Daredevil is the man without fear. Technomimicry (1) The ability to become a machine and/or turn organic beings into machines. Axe Manipulation also known as Axe Proficiency, Enhanced Axemanship, and Enhanced Tomahawk Proficiency. Cloth Manipulation The ability to manipulate cloth for superhuman effects due to user skill, special powers and/or properties of the cloth. Luckily, DC eliminated this weakness and it no longer exists. Biological Manipulation (freak) is also known as Monster Form, Monster Mimicry, and Monster. (That was sarcasm, and if you had a hard time, HOLD ON TIGHT for the rest of this post, I guess). Ogre Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of an ogre. Then there is Wolverine. Cephalopod Anatomy is also known as Cephalopod Physiology, Cephalopod Body, Cephalopod Form and Cephalopod Mimicry. Considering the times in which she was created, this was a simple fix in making a woman submissive. Weather Manipulation is also known as Atmokinesis, Meteorokinesis, Meteorological Manipulation, Weather Control and Weather Modification. Molecular Manipulation (self) is also known as Auto-Leptokinesis and Self-Molecular Manipulation. When Barry Allen took over the mantleof the Flash from Jay Garrick in 1956, he ushered in the silver age of heroes, and the Scarlet Speedster is still going strongnot just in the comics but on TV and in the first Justice League movie. Mind Control (fear) is also known as Fear Manipulation, Dread Manipulation, Fright Manipulation, Horror Manipulation, Panic Manipulation, Terror Manipulation, Phobia Manipulation and Phobikinesis. Furthermore, the radioactive rabbit bite gave him exceptional kicking abilities. One of most ubiquitous superpowers after super strength. So, like, if we work for an organization called H.A.T.E. Energy Absorption The ability to absorb energy.