Privacy Policy. [152] He is capable of using this form of Haki in the video games One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2, 3 and 4 as well as One Piece: Burning Blood. When Whitebeard proved otherwise, Squard broke down in tears at his mistake. Ok what are on,for 1 whitebeard had all the dam pLOt aRmOr that arc.He should have installly die when akainu took HALF IS FACE OFF but no akainu had the pLOt aRmOr.Or when whitebeard had the heart attack, the weak ass commanders were down and neither kizaru,aokiji or akainu tried killing the fool when he could not defend himself or that NONE of the 3 admirals choose to attack at the same time.That luffy fucking lvl of plot armor.2nd whitebeard made that hole to escape Akainu,one attack form Akainu that miss its mark took half his face,if that fight continue whitebeard would have lost.Whitebeard fans always love to point out how sick and weaken he was but for some reason think his sick ass could have gone the distant and continue fighting akainu for a long period of time.Akainu took no long term damage because he is strong,something many people would dont seem to see.He literally came back after those attack from whitebeard and solo his entire crew plus crocodile.Like kaido,big mom and that asshole blackbread Akainu is a top tier that a tank.3rd how can someone be nerf if this is there first time showing up.That sound stupid as hell.They were just weak compare to the top dog of the one piece world.4th they were not looking perfect kizaru literally had his hand in his pockets not trying and we only saw jozu get one shot.The 3 admirals were not try and the commander stood no chance.5th the marines look good because they were far stronger as a group,Akainu soloed the entire, Replace Akainu with Kaido and i doubt you would be saying any of these things. Whitebeard's color scheme as depicted initially in the manga. As Rayleigh said it doesn't matter even if you have magma body, haki can counter it, and seastone bullets are their kryptonite, and now that Luffy has unlocked advanced conquerors, something all the Marines feared about him..finally came true it was only a matter of time. But before the skip, they were all essentially equal. -Whitebeard was extremely mad after Akainu killed Ace so he lowered a lot his own guard in his fight and Akainu exploited his many openings to land his powerful hits. Up until they turned their attention away, these commanders were looking perfect. He survived the war, as he was seen along with the rest of the crew attending Whitebeard and Ace's funeral at an undisclosed location somewhere in the New World . However, even after taking so much damage in his already weakened state, he died standing, an impressive feat when compared to other characters. Was it just observation Haki similar to Katakuri? Yeah you are right expect that whitebeard was a dying old man right from the Start of marineford. Why do people take titles seriously when the top tiers haven't fought for decades? [89], Whitebeard made many enemies over the years besides the other Emperors and the World Government. This was likely done to signify his fury. Part of it is for plot-related reasons - Akainu needs to survive for future events to pan out the way that Oda's planned. This discrepancy stems from the Japanese term Hige (, Hige?) How did Aokiji survive Whitebeard's attack? [148] During his initial encounter with Kozuki Oden 30 years ago, their sudden clash created a notable effect similar to lightning and released a large burst. [14], His reign on the sea, reputation, and foreboding power made him seemingly overconfident and fearless. Akainu no-diffed Ace and made sure Whitebeard does not get out of Marinefod alive, even though whitebeard won the short term fight, akainu did the most damage in the long term, he was the. Wow, one of the best written statements I've seen about Akainu's power. Claiming that Blackbeard alone was the only one whom he refused to consider his son, Whitebeard attempted to take Blackbeard's life prior to his death, calling him an arrogant fool that was never worthy of being a part of his crew. [53] However, Whitebeard did not force commanders to hunt down wayward crew members if he had an uneasy feeling about the situation; in the case of Blackbeard, Whitebeard tried to make an exception and stop Ace from hunting him down, but Ace did so anyway for the sake of Whitebeard's honor. 0"). [40] However, he was willing to go against his personal code under certain circumstances, if he felt the risk would not be worth the safety of his crew.[41][42]. Whitebeard beat him up, put him out of action and moved ahead to almost kill BB since Blackbeard showed up and He was the main reason his two sons died. He could even "grab" the surrounding area itself and tilt it, described as making the entire sea tilt. hmm, people like rakuyos attacks went right through kizaru, clearly if they did all have haki it still wouldn't have been enough to do anything major or if anything at all. Mrz 2022. [84] Most of them seemed to be within the brink of pirate raids, and it was only by being "owned" under his name that they were kept stable and safe, thereby earning the Emperor the gratitude of the citizens; consequentially, these territories immediately became vulnerable after his death. How did Aokiji survive Whitebeard's attack? no. Additionally, Whitebeard's speech about One Piece was longer in the anime.[160]. In the past, he was able to defeat Crocodile (though it is unknown if the former Warlord of the Sea had eaten his Devil Fruit by that point). Whitebeard was unable to move after his last attack on Blackbeard but managed to move forward with his body turned red with smoke coming out of it, similar to Luffy in Gear 2. [80] Whitebeard went as far as assigning his top commander, Marco, to act as Luffy's bodyguard during the war and "would not have forgiven him" if Luffy had died. Whitebeard's color scheme in the manga at age 48. Jinbe had expressed many times that he owed a great deal of gratitude to the Emperor[75] and refused to participate in the war against Whitebeard, even if it meant losing his Warlord of the Sea title and being imprisoned in Impel Down. Instead, Akainu successfully punched another hole in Whitebeard's torso and visibly filled him with magma. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. It is currently unknown if any of her claims concerning her and Weevil's relationship to Whitebeard are true or not. He also avoided Marco and Vista attacks in a Katakuri-like fashion. radiology conferences hawaii 2021; clear star phone case; why doesn t iran speak arabic; african authenticity definition; kosher mcdonalds near jurong east. Akainu from marineford isnt doing shit to kaido, he isnt doing shit to shanks and the only way he does anything against big mom is if she is going crazy from cravings. [32] Like Gol D. Roger, Whitebeard believed that a child should not be responsible for their parents' sins. She claims and/or believes herself to have been Whitebeard's lover, and that he is the father of her son, which she believes makes her and Weevil the rightful heirs to Whitebeard's fortune. Akainu now is probably yonko level but akainu at marineford hell no. While not in battle, Whitebeard was typically on oxygen and attached to several medical sensor machines, due to health issues concerning his age. EDIT: Yeah, they were fatigued, I suppose. until akainu pays for what he did to Ace. Score: 4.4/5 (40 reviews) akainu is hit by Whitebeard. being a generic term for facial hair that applies to both mustaches and beards; however, since few (if any) serious alternatives have been offered, both fans and professional translations continue to use Whitebeard, as does the quasi-canon One Piece Yellow databook. He had a long face, ploughed because of the advanced age with many wrinkles around his eyes, and many scars running along his chest, and was very muscular. Akainu didn't come until WB was killed lol. [102], Under normal circumstances, they did not provoke each other. Let's not forget the convenient placed hole that Akainu helplessly fell in, not allowing Whitebeard to finish him. [141], He had the power to send incredibly powerful shockwaves through the air, creating cracks in the air itself in the process. [39] When confronted by Blackbeard, he intended to avenge Thatch, despite being close to death at the time. [149] Whitebeard could also utilize the advanced technique of projecting Haki out from his blade; this was shown during his fight with Roger where the duo's weapons met in a powerful clash without even making contact.[109]. [68] Whitebeard treated all of his long-time subordinate crews just like his own crew, as though they were his own sons, though some of them were originally from the main crew before becoming captains of their own crews. It just wouldn't make any sort of sense for some of these dudes to be defeated after simply to attacks, what type of threat is that? Was it just observation Haki similar to Katakuri? The attack was said to be imbued with Haki. [34], Despite his fierce reputation, Whitebeard was a compassionate man, having adopted countless people of different backgrounds into his crew as his foster children, such as Squard, whose life was devastated by Roger killing his crew, or Teach, who requested to join his crew due to being homeless. Press J to jump to the feed. They seemingly had multiple duels upon their lives, with one instance in particular leading to a friendly gift exchange between their crewmembers after three days of endless battling. Akainu let magma rain on everyone, because pirates are evil and marines should be ready to die for their cause. Akainu and Whitebeard carried Marineford Arc Mawt Well-Known Member Sep 6, 2022 #2 Akainu had an impressive performance, but for some reason his fans will omit that WB had already gotten impaled numerous times by fodder (as well as the initial stab from Squardo) and the dude basically had a heart attack mid fight. Ace takes a devastating attack from akainu through his torso, which soon leads to his tragic death. Whitebeard appeared to have debilitating health problems, possibly stemming from his advanced age and excessive drinking. Could this be some sort of awakened Logia? [142] He could use these shockwaves to quickly take down multiple enemies over a widespread area or take down a single target with terrifying effectiveness, even Giants. Because he has insane endurance..he's an admiral, what do you expect? Fearful for his life and beginning to doubt the outcome of the battle, the pirate believed his admiral adversary's lie and took the first chance he had to stab Whitebeard through the chest. Akainu was also bleeding and coughing up blood when He came back way later after whitebeard was killed by BlackBeard and his crew. [103], Whitebeard considered Kaidou a powerful and fearsome pirate and for this, he chose not to march into Wano Country to wage war against his crew just to avenge Oden's death, knowing that it would cause many casualties.[64]. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. . The Dude had heartattacks during a war. For more information, please see our Those were life "sealing" injuries, if anything WB high diffed him because of those injuries. Marco teared up when he told Nekomamushi about Whitebeard's love for the land he had been born into, knowing that it was the reason his captain was so stingy with money.[35]. He was still insanely strong going in, but just not what he once was. Cookie Notice Whitebeard vs Akainu: WHO WON? [46][92] However, Sakazuki earned Whitebeard's wrath for killing Ace, and Whitebeard brutally injured him.[93]. [61][10] He was even able to sense and counter Ace (when he was still new on the ship and was attempting to kill Newgate) while sleeping. During the Summit War of Marineford, Whitebeard completely overpowered vast numbers of strong Marine officers and giants with tremendous physical might, such as Vice Admiral Lonz, with only one hand and supplemented by his Devil Fruit powers. It wasn't a low diff, WB incurred 2 hole's to the chest and had half his brain burnt off. Edward Newgate, before he became known as "Whitebeard". I highly, highly doubt it. [117][118], Whitebeard was given the title of the "strongest man in the world" for his physical power, which is far superior to even a giant. The animation does look very different when you compare Aokiji vs Katakuri. Whitebeard considered every single member of his crew, as well as his subordinate crews, his "sons". [109][150] Another example was his clash with Shanks which resulted in the heavens being split in two.[151]. He had bandaged scrapes and cuts from his fights. Cookie Notice Not long before his death, Roger met with Whitebeard on an island to have what seemed to be an entirely cordial drinking session, with Roger even offering to give the location of Laugh Tale to Whitebeard, and when Whitebeard asked Roger about the Will of D., Roger willingly told him about it. As Ace's respect for Whitebeard grew, so did his honor as one of the Whitebeard Pirates. [58] Initially, Ace refused this offer and attempted to kill Whitebeard nearly a hundred times, only to fail at each one. 2. [16][17][18] Like all of his men, he had his own Jolly Roger tattooed on his back. Blackbeard survives and then his crew attacks Whitebeard in a cowardly manner by using pistols and blades, dealing finishing blows to his already battered body, while his crew looks on in horror and heartbreak. These shockwaves possess devastating offensive might, being able to clash evenly with the Magu Magu no Mi, the Devil Fruit with the highest attack power out of all the Devil Fruits. He is represented as a polar bear in the action figure series S.H.Figuarts ZERO 2013.[165]. [1] The muscles on his biceps seemed to grow bigger whenever he used his quake-based powers. There is no significant loss of life or player taken out of the One Piece world longterm by Whitebeard's actions during the War. This also marks the first time that Whitebeard called him by his name, Straw Hat Luffy, instead of "brat", proving that Whitebeard came to acknowledge him and his strength through the course of the war. Still, Whitebeard showed enough open-mindedness to give Oden a chance to prove himself in a challenge and eventually allowed the Kuri daimyo to be part of his crew after the latter prioritized the life of an innocent woman over the challenge itself. [145] His quakes would cause serious damage and alterations to the surrounding landscape, destroying buildings, creating large crevices in the ground, and pushing up fragments of the ground into new rock formations. In short, I totally understand from a storyline perspective how Akainu remains as the ultimate antagonist from the World Government/Marines, but Oda's rendition of Akainu during Marineford severely undercuts plot consistency with Oda's description of Whitebeard as the strongest Yonko. While he did attempt to take Whitebeard's life at Marineford, he was stopped from doing so by Luffy. and our Even if he did accept doing so, it was reluctantly and while showing much annoyance.[37]. Yes, WB was fodder to Akainu due to the heart sicknes, WB Berly finish the fight while Akainu was strong enough to solo all of WB Commanders like fodder. Many prisoners in the lower levels of Impel Down wished to kill him because of personal grudges. I feel like Fuji, Kizaru, Akainu or Aoiiji would still deal the same amount of damage to you(if they hit) with their fruits at 100 years of age as they do now. His pants were also left hanging over his boots in his first appearance in the anime and during one of the scenes of his meeting with Shanks; in the manga, his pants were always tucked inside his boots. That just goes to show the amount of damage these guys can take. Yes. [102], Even in his old age he was able to effortlessly defeat Ace over a hundred times, even once while he was sleeping. Akainu just got baki'd everytime they fought, made it seem like he was the weaker of the two. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I like Akainu and all but Akainu didnt even win the fight so I dont even know what you mean by Did Akainu low diff white beard? This gotta be one of the dumbest things I read today. Marco was also the one who instigated the Payback War against Blackbeard, gathering the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates to hunt down the crew's traitor and main responsible for Whitebeard and Ace's deaths, but failed to accomplish his revenge. Furthermore, Akainu convinced Squard to betray Whitebeard so he could gain the upper hand in the battle in the Marine Ford. Whitebeard possessed immense mastery in the usage of Haoshoku Haki. [15], Whitebeard was an abnormally large man, with a height of 666cm (21'10"). Akainu stomps now 10%. Akainu attempted to manipulate Squard to betray Whitebeard. He could also surround the blade of his polearm with a quake bubble, greatly increasing its destructive power as well. He was super sick, dying, old and already impaled before the fighting even started. Teach ultimately became Whitebeard's greatest enemy for killing Thatch and enabling Ace's capture and execution. Greetings folks, this is the NeetWeasel and this is my fan-made manga fight video of Whitebeard wrecking shop on Akainu. In his first appearance, Whitebeard received a letter from Shanks delivered by Shanks's newest crewmate, Rockstar. When he was 52, he wore a white and yellow pirate hat with his jolly roger on it over a black bandana with black and red, both worn over long, blond flowing hair he had back then. [85] At least one other Emperor, Big Mom, placed Fish-Man Island under her protection[86] while Foodvalten fell to Brownbeard. After Akainu killed Ace, Whitebeard brutally injured the Admiral in retaliation, with the latter being practically helpless in response to Whitebeard's power, temporarily defeating him in a relatively short battle with a mere two hits, causing immense destruction all around. Although Whitebeard advised him not to venture into the hunt for Teach, Ace left without permission and, in the end, Whitebeard took responsibility for Ace's mistakes without hesitation by going to Marineford to save him from execution. Akainu high-extreme diff 3% . Whitebeard's strength and ability (and two direct quakes to Akainu's head and torso) should have had much more lasting effects than a fully functional Akainu mere chapters later, continuing to chase down and hunt Luffy as if he had been given a fresh shot of espresso coffee. Assume prime whitebeard at marineford. Edward Newgate, also known as the Whitebeard, was the strongest among the Yonko . If you've just set sail with the Straw Hat Pirates, be wary of spoilers on this subreddit! MakotoBIST 3 yr. ago Akainu's fruit has the highest offensive power in all One Piece (stated by Oda) :P StrawHatGoku 3 yr. ago Privacy Policy. The Marines survive. The rest are just me guessing strongest hand-to-hand fighters. Whitebeard respected both Monkey D. Garp and Sengoku, a respect which was mutual. Akainu's skill is, undoubtedly, above that of Kizaru's. 9 Can't Beat: Smoker Smoker is a Vice-Admiral of the Marines and the Captain of the G-5 Unit. @ferriserris: akanui let his guard down. Though it is unknown how they became friends, it is known that they had been friends for quite some time, as Neptune helped Whitebeard out a lot during his younger days. [79] After showing his fierce tenacity, Luffy had managed to gain Whitebeard's respect. yeah akainu did way more damage to whitebeard. In the English Dubbed version, he is voiced by Andrew . smh Akainu wasnt equal to Whitebeard, this shouldnt even be debatable, and people think Akainu low differ him? while Whitebeard was old and likely not the strongest in the world anymore he was still on par if not superior to the other Yonko if not they would of been destroyed by Kaido/Big mom already. Due to his age and worsening health, it was not as powerful compared to his prime, but he could still negate the intangibility of Logia-based Devil Fruits. [125] He could jump to great heights to attack large opponents, such as John Giant. Akainu no-diffed Ace and made sure Whitebeard does not get out of Marinefod alive, even though whitebeard won the short term fight, akainu did the most damage in the long term, he was the one who gave the death blow to whitebeard with the inugami guren ability, even if blackbeard never came whitebeard would still have passed away from that later, while akainu himself regenerated back due to his logia devil fruit, so we could say that akainu mid-diffed whitebeard, since akainu himself did not went all out either and he was ambushed as well, if this was fleet admiral akainu he would solo any yonko, he has become unstoppable after the 3D2Y arc, Low diff no. [2], Several action figures of Edward Newgate have been produced. Whitebeard was one of the very few people in the world who could use all three types of Haki. [43][44] People that were children at that time were still viewed as children in Whitebeard's eyes, no matter how powerful they had grown since. These New World subordinate crews included "Bohemian Knight" Doma, "Thunder Lord" McGuy, the Decalvan Brothers, "Great Whirlpool Spider" Squard,[70] Little Oars Jr.,[71] and the "Ice Witch" Whitey Bay. In Whitebeard's final moments, he thinks about his last meeting with Gol D. Roger and learns the history behind the middle initial "D". if any other yonko were there instead of whitebeard, they would've gotten demolished even harder than whitebeard did. Pretty much, Oda made sure the marines looked as good as possible that arc. WB in a hard fight 31%. Whitebeard and Roger clash with Haki-imbued weapons. Furthermore, the entire WB pirates were nerfed in that arc. Whitebeard's physical resistance and pain tolerance were tremendous: he was able to keep fighting despite the number of life-threatening injuries he sustained, which included part of his head being burned off. 72. [56] After Whitebeard's death, Marco was moved to tears, much like the rest of his crewmates, and made sure to carry out his captain's final order to escort Luffy to safety. But his hits proved fatal to Newgate. In addition, this dude incurs the ultimate wrath of Whitebeard after killing Ace, but still manages to take out half of Whitebeard's face before "losing" to him in a battle that results in his complete and utter incapacitation after the Waroh wait, nevermind, Akainu is still completely able-bodied and functional after being quaked into the ground and then quaked mid-air at point blank range. Whitebeard went ahead to fight BB because BB appeared just at the same time. His biggest nerf was that whitebeard cared about casualties, whereas akainu thinks that the endgoal excuses everything. Any yonko vs admiral is a extreme diff fight. While 4Kids Entertainment never dubbed any of his appearances in the anime proper, some tie-in materials indicate that it planned to rename him Ward Newgate. [114], Whitebeard's reputation alone made his simple declaration of Fish-Man Island being his territory enough to keep slave traders and pirates from attacking the island further, making Whitebeard himself far more effective than the treaty signed with the World Government 200 years before his death. Whitebeard first became aware of Portgas D. Ace while the latter was still a rookie, being curious and impressed by the rapid growth and progress of the youngster's career as a pirate captain. [120][121][122] Whitebeard blocked a two-handed downward swing from the giant Vice Admiral John Giant with only one hand on his naginata,[123] extinguished the flames of one of Akainu's molten rocks with just a single breath,[124] and prevented a massive paddle ship from advancing using only one hand. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. [64], Initially, Izou had a hostile relationship with Whitebeard, which stemmed from the painful and humiliating treatment Izou's master, Oden, was receiving as part of the challenge Whitebeard had given the daimyo in order to join his crew. Life at marineford, he is represented as a polar bear in the battle the! Than Whitebeard did going in, not allowing Whitebeard to finish him manga video. ], Whitebeard 's respect for Whitebeard grew, so did his honor as one of the things... 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