engineering work experience year 10 near manchester

The role you are applying for is:Rail Engineering Technician - Work Experience. From powering our homes to designing our cities, cars and phones, So whether youre studying mechanical engineering, history or zoology - they want to hear from you! The app is free to download and allows young people to define the kinds of roles they're interested in and the opportunities available with companies in their area. Even if your school or college has agreements with employers, they may still expect you to apply to the employer to confirm your placement. Our Depots with teams of dedicated technicians maintain fleets across the country. What subjects am I good at and which ones do I find more difficult? This could be to update the team brief material, training presentations, notes or indeed a processes you may have been asked to review. From retailers to construction firms, there is a wealth of opportunities in all sorts of departments within large firms. As part of our mission to ensure that no-one is held back by their background or circumstances, we help thousands of people into education employment or training every year. Please note the content of the work experience may differ at individual depots. Siemens Building Technologies run a work experience week each year, for students in school years 9-11. All Rights Reserved. Manchester-only grants; Social Media. the impact of flooding or providing refugee camps with clean drinking water. The links to reality particularly with simulations and online software were particularly engaging and interesting.". All very useful skills for a career in the beauty industry. of the RateMyPlacement team or our affiliates. Founded more than 260 years ago, we have adapted, developed and grown into a business with a network of more than 15,000 employees across 12 countries at the forefront of technology and engineering innovative solutions. What do I enjoy doing outside school or college? Siemens UK provides a large portfolio of work experience placements. A highly regarded Main Contractor with a track record of delivering fast track projects in a variety of different sectors including healthcare, logistics and education with values up to 1.5m. It was certainly interesting to learn of the differing design processes, forms of technology as well as the wide range of roles available at Siemens. Its easy apply, please complete theapplication formandconfidentiality agreementand send them It looks like you are using a browser that is not fully supported. So without further ado, here is your ultimate guide to securing an engineering internship or placement with one of the best student employers in the UK. Vinyl record storage tips to keep your home organised and your records safe. At Groundwork were passionate about creating a future where everywhere is vibrant and green, every community is strong and able to shape its own destiny and where everyone can reach their potential. 22nd April 2015 21 Comments. The bulk of insight days and events tend to be aimed at sixth form students, and the engineering industry doesnt seem to have insight days on the same scale as, say, companies in the banking and finance sector. 1 priority in your first job. For the best experience we suggest that you download the newest version of a supported browser: Taking the first step into the world of work. The easiest way to find out whether an organisation operates its own work experience programme is by searching for the name of the business online followed by the words work experience. How To Apply For Dicks Sporting Goods Credit Card? Work experience- Year 10; Confused on work experience; Hsbc work experience 2023 year 12; work experience year 10; Volunteering; Employers offering engineering work experience, Work Experience Ideas: Banking, Finance & Accountancy. Contact your local Groundwork to see how they can help you. From buying and planning new films to working out staff and film schedules theres something for everyone at the cinema. technology, engineering or maths beyond the age of 16 isn't just a one track road to becoming a scientist or engineer . These conversations will help you start to get an idea of what different jobs are like and what qualifications and experiences you will need for particular careers. A spa could be a great choice for you. If you build computers as a hobby, like gaming or are interested in IT going to a computer repair shop local to you for a work placement is a good option. and insights, all submitted by real students like you. Science / Engineering work experience for 6th formers. If your favourite subject at school is PE then work experience at a gym could teach you even more about your body and others and generally how to be more healthy. They expect to be impressed with your skills and commitment when you send your CV and covering letter. Dont worry if youre still not sure about the kind of career you want. about their careers. The possibilities are endless! Do you love being outdoors or do you play golf? Or would you rather make a bigger impact in a smaller team? You might do one as part of a sandwich course, or, if its not a compulsory part of your course, its worth getting in contact with your university department to see if you can do one. South Manchester Dental Practice. Applicants should be aged 14-19, in full-time education and be able to act professionally within a work environment. Work experience is great for networking, and you never know, someone who you work with now could be a hiring manager in the future and it could make getting a job easier. Ability to work a flexible schedule, including evenings, weekends, and holidays. - Youll have to be quick out of the blocks if you want a yearlong engineering placement, as many engineering companies start recruiting in the autumn term. All Rights Reserved. They also tend to fast-track the most promising interns onto their graduate schemes. Continuing professional development courses, University institutions Open to the public. For instance, do you want to work for a household-name like Rolls-Royce? You will have the chance to be in this fast-paced, highly technological environment, working alongside a team of professionals to provide solutions that ultimately benefit passengers and operators. & FMCG, Science Check out our overview of civil engineering placements to find out what its really like to work in the industry. Writing a student CV is a crucial part of most school's Citizenship classes at school, but using a work experience CV template will yield the . Councils often have high job security so if you would like a job you can stay at for many years then working at a council can be a good choice. We need a world that works for everybody, and that means we need people from all backgrounds and experiences in STEM careers and education. A few firms will offer work experience placements from Year 10, many will offer them from year 11 and a few require you to be 18 or over. Writing a cover letter explaining why you want the work experience placement, Tips for staying calm and answering common interview questions. For: All students The Siemens Insight Programme (SIP) is a self-driven, self-learning programme that gives students the opportunity to explore the world of Siemens, Engineering and Technology, as well as developing core skills such as communication, problem solving and creativity. Posted 4 years ago; Excerpt: The Engineering Education Schemeis an EDT Programme, which links teams of four Year 12 (A level) students and their teacher with local companies to work on real, scientific, engineering and technological problems. - In Basildon, Leonardo offers a week-long work experience placement for GCSE and A-Level students (Years 10 to 12) students who show an interest and an aptitude in science and engineering. For a deep dive on chemical engineering placements, career options and more, have a read of our guide to finding chemical engineering work experience. We help people gain confidence and skills, get into training and work, protect and improve green spaces, lead more active lives and overcome significant challenges such as poverty, isolation, low skills and poor health. This guide from the Department for Education is designed to help teachers, learners, employers and anyone involved in work experience develop strategies for creating good quality placements for young people aged 1419. You could find yourself working behind-the-scenes in television as a broadcast engineer, developing racing cars for a Formula 1 team, or even designing Facebook's photo filters. We are planning to support a number of colleges to offer industry placements as part of the Engineering T-Level at BAE Systems. This review date alongside application requirements are available to download in the link below, labelled; Warwick Work Experience Procedure Form External . In fact, there are too many different types of engineering to give them all our full attention, so weve drawn up this nice shortlist instead: Whether you want to stay in the industry or direct your skills elsewhere, there are so many options out there. & Research, Engineering careers: where to take your degree, best internships for mechanical engineering. We review each application and aim to accommodate dates requested. You can try our list of the big engineering employers to check out their work experience opportunities and, of course, have a look at ourinternships and placements jobs board. Do you love your English lessons and enjoy reading? If you want to find work experience abroad,IAESTEis a good place to start and well-worth checking out. Over the past few years, I've managed to use . Unfortunately, engineering companies arent exactly leading the pack when it comes to offering work experience opportunities, but there a number of opportunities out there. You can watch a short video about the UNSW Civil and . How to store childrens toys, to decrease clutter and get your home back. Many well-known large businesses such as Tesco, Pizza Express and HSBC operate their own work experience programmes while some businesses such as Barclays work in partnership with other businesses. I believe work experience in science or engineering during the summer following Year 12 can help them make up their minds. Customer support provides a returns service, looking into fault finding and investigation of the relays. If youre interested in both art and sales then an art auction could be a great choice for work experience. Doing this a good way of demonstrating your initiative and will give you valuable experience of applying for jobs. You can learn everything from sales to photography and everything else in between. Please enable JavaScript and reload the site. company. If you like writing, going on work experience with a content marketing firm could be a great choice for you. If this is the case, its worth exploring what options are available to you through this route to see if any of the placements suit you. The eat I see it, there are really only a few choices for engineers to progress in their career. Not only have I learned information about the careers, I've learned a lot about the Siemens company as well. Throughout your placement with us, youd be asked to work on a small work-based project. In short, engineers use science, maths and a sprinkle of creativity to produce real solutions Marketing can span many verticals so theres a good opportunity to learn many skills at a marketing agency. In year 10 you wont be allowed on a building site for work experience but you could work in a builders merchants. As a professional engineer, you could be space. be it an insight day to whet your appetite, a summer internship or a full year in Jobs & Internships. We provide service solutions which enhance the reliability and efficiency of customers electrical networks, installing, commissioning and servicing many leading manufacturers equipment at substations in the UK and internationally. For help with applying to companies like Rolls-Royce, Siemens and Network Rail, take a look at our guide to the best internships for mechanical engineering. If you have an interest in animals but dont want to go to a veterinary practice or maybe someone else has gone there on work experience then a dogs home can be a great alternative. If youre interested in what a business does, its worth contacting them to see if theyd offer you work experience. There are two general approaches to finding work experience in the technology space - and this applies for year 10 work experience and well as if you're in year 12. Were passionate about creating a future where every neighbourhood is vibrant and green, every community is strong and able to shape its own destiny and no-one is held back by their background or circumstances. Your local sports club will employ many different roles and its a great way to get up and close with your favourite sporting stars by working in roles that assist them. Otherwise, itll be up to you do the hard graft andspeculatively applyfor work experience with a range of organisations. Its always a good idea to speak to a teacher so that you know when your school or college offers work experience. At the Alexandra Dock in Hull Siemens Gamesa manufactures the 81m long blades designed for offshore wind turbines. Civil engineers design, innovate and create the infrastructures that we all depend on; from TheWorkFinderapp enables young people aged 16 to 24 to find work experience opportunities in their local area in a quick and easy way. It can be a good idea to speak to the manager or owner, either in person or by phone, before making a formal application. Its not just commercial organisations which offer work experience. Siemens Digital Industries is an innovation and technology leader in automation and digitalization. Work experience yr 10 Manchester; watch this thread. However, you cant afford to rest on your laurels. Please fill in the following application form and confidentiality agreement and return to: Working at a hairdresser on work experience could open up possibilities of having a Saturday job with them in the future too. 3. Vertical Recruitment is working with a leading Structural Engineering Consultancy based in central Manchester. During this time individuals will gain an appreciation of the type of work and skills involved in generating electricity. It could be paid or done as a volunteer - it all counts! Architects will have to come up with a solution to this and you could be at the very heart of it. Why wouldnt you?! Many of our local Groundwork Trusts offer volunteering and work experience opportunities. If you enjoy writing and love the thrill of reading the latest happenings from around the world then a career in journalism could be something to consider. There are heaps and heaps of organisations offering engineering placements and internships, so it can be tricky to narrow them down. All applicants will be contacted regarding the outcome of their application by the end of April. EDT In partnership with the IAC, we run an annual work experience program to promote engineering career options to high school students. There are various roles at sports clubs, everything from a gardener to a physiotherapist or coach. Work through these modules and record your efforts in the SIP Student Portfolio, which can be completed online or printed off. In this Teachers TV video, two consortia in Birmingham prepare to pilot the Secondary Diplomas in Engineering and Creative and Media. first in family to attend HE. To Administers the Departmental Safety Program and oversees the investigations of personal injury, equipment failures and incidents including vehicle and property damage incurred in connection with Facilities You will be teaching a range of subjects, activities & skills in small groups of no more than 10 pupils, with TA support. Working at a storage company could give you experience in everything from sales to marketing. 48,222 - 128,108 a year. If you like art and love the idea of designing a career in architecture could be a great choice for you. Tradewind Recruitment Open Virtual *This programme is on-demand, so you can start right away! The University of Manchester Libraryoffers a number of unpaid work experience placements throughout the year, giving students an insight into working at a very busy academic library. See what goes on at your local police station and learn how the police force works. Within a retail environment, there are many jobs that you can learn from including merchandising, purchasing and customer service roles. Although you wont be allowed in the kitchen when you are on work experience you will still learn valuable skills that you can take with you for the rest of your life. This is only available to students who have already been in contact with a supervisor and have their agreement. You dont have to get work experience in a large company. Here is a selection: Arcadia (Top Shop/Man, Miss Selfridge, Dorothy Perkins etc). Would you like to work in a relaxing environment? You will learn everything from planning sessions to keeping the place clean. At GKN Aerospace we believe that work experience is the most important factor in shaping an individual's perception of . Our work experience program is designed to provide students with an insight into a career in a world-class, multi-national engineering company. Year 10 Engineering Work Experience. Fancy a career in telecommunications? Mechanical engineers come up with ways to improve the mechanical processes and products that make the world tick. The aim is to provide students with experience of working within a Gas fired Power Station environment. Siemens Operations & Maintenance based at Severn Power Station run a work experience month each year (Consisting of 4 blocks of 1 week periods), for students in school years 11-13. - Are you creative? Teaching can be a rewarding job. (Think of yourself as the Harry Kane of engineering.). Competition for placements is fierce, so if you dont manage to secure one (or youre just short on time), an engineering internship is another great way of getting industry experience that complements your degree. Paterson Court, Peerless Street Of course, its all very well knowing about the different types of work experience, but how can you actually get some? Posted 8 days ago Energetically and enthusiastically work as part of a high performing Customer Operations team. A marketing firm work placement could be a good option for you. Our business covers transmission and distribution utilities, renewable and industrial sectors. At Urban Locker, we offerself-storage in Londonand we have many different roles that we employ people for. Siemens has designed its work experience programme using the framework provided by Engineering Development Trusts Industrial Cadet accreditation. Privacy Policy. The programmes will take place from 26-30 June 2023 and 10-14 July 2023. And it works for students too; you get a taste of what goes on in a big firm and you get to see if any of the many different roles might suit you. Make a speculative application to an employer which does not normally run a work experience programme. Watch this epic video from the Royal Academy of Engineering to find out more: While projects like HS2 faced major disruption throughout Covid-19, momentum has picked up again - and the government has even committed to 20 billion of R&D funding by 2025. The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council also offersvacation research bursaries. If you aspire to work in movies or want a job thats fast-paced and exciting then going on work experience in a cinema is a good choice. ", "I learned a lot of new information about engineering and technology. If you like PE or science then working at a sports club could be for you. Work experience is a great way to learn more about the world of work and gain valuable skills and experience that will look great on your CV. But how do you go about finding a work experience in the first place? Weve put together this short guide to help you think about what you want to get from work experience and how to land the placement which is right for you. Download the Confidentiality Agreement During the manufacturing work experience week students will progress through the various stages of the production process, from casting to preparation for installation. Start by thinking about whats most important to you. Keep reading to find out who this years best employers are for engineering internships, or click below to apply right now. Work experience is a week-long session where 15-year-olds up and down the country will be sent into a working environment for the first time. Have a look at ourengineering employer A-Zas a starting point to find companies that might offer engineering industrial placements. Work at a beauty salon for your work experience in Year 10 and learn all about the treatments, health and safety and handling money. to real-world problems. Typically wed look to accept applications forms between September and March so please ensure your request is placed within this time. Youll have to send out a good number of applications before youll receive a positive response. Work experience placements are untaken from March July and vary from 1-2 weeks depending on the program so if you have a preference please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate. The Engineer Salary Survey (2021) revealed that the average graduate earns 33,725 a year. Going on work experience at your school is a good choice for those wanting variety. Ask yourself the following questions: It can be helpful to speak to friends, family members and your teachers about their careers and how they got there. The Business Administration work experience week enables students to experience the administrative side of the business rotating around a number of departments including finance, purchasing, quality management, health and safety, communications and training, aiming to provide a holistic view of Siemens Gamesa. How to make Furniture Row credit card payment? As well as figuring How to optimise your bedroom storage space. Learn the ins and outs of art auctions and see how valuable art can be. If you want to be management consultant or accountant, or work with technology, look at the opportunities in professional service firms. Find out more about the Siemens sites currently providing work experience and the unique opportunities provided at each site. Our work experience program is designed to provide students with an insight into a career in a world-class, multi-national engineering company. Bachelor's. . Where can I find research work experience? Some firms have special programmes designed to get more girls to apply. There are many museums in the UK and each will have different job opportunities available for year 10 placements. To apply please fill out both the application form and the confidentiality agreement ( also available to download in the links below). These connectors can be wet mated in water depths of up to 4000 metres with a design life of up to 25 years. We look forward to receiving your application and very much welcome and encourage local state school students and those currently under-represented at the University of Bristol, such as. The Hubcan help young people with volunteering and work experience opportunities in the local NHS. Work experience is a great way of trying out a career to see if its for you. Please note that there might be constraints on site display and usability. Work experience week is 3 - 7 July 2023. - Throughout your two-week placement, you will shadow existing graduates and apprentices to gain engineering work experience. Science and Technology Facilities Council. heres an example of work experience in Birmingham and Solihull. "I loved the variety of sectors that I was able to experience as well as the differing activities which made each module feel fresh. During your weeks work experience at our Siemens Train Care Facilities you will have the opportunity to see how the depot functions, shadow different teams within the depot and gain an understanding of how trains are maintained. Suite B2, The Walker Building, 58 Oxford Street, Birmingham, B5 5NR Tel: 0121 236 8565. Should your initial contact be positive, you can then ask the business whether they would like you to make a formal application. The Greater Manchester NHS Careers and Engagement Hub is an initiative aimed at improving the information and support available to people who are looking for careers opportunities in the NHS throughout the region. You dont necessarily have to focus solely on engineering companies. Insurance companies have many areas of expertise so going on work experience here can give you a well-rounded skillset that you can add to your university application and CV. Within a gym, there are various job roles so there is something for everyone. Groundwork is a charity working to transform lives in the UKs most disadvantaged communities. To apply please complete the application form below and email it to Each firm has its own scheme and what youll have the opportunity to do will vary. See how programmers plan their projects, execute and maintain them. Participants will work with a range of people across the different business departments including Maintenance, Operations and Commercial functions. Find out about the work experience placements available for pre and post-16 students at The University of Manchester. If youre interested in exploring a career in academic research, there are a number of avenues to check out. It aims to help ensure work experience is meaningful and beneficial for all involved. Providing placements that give that all-important access towards gaining these skills prior to entering the world of work can only enhance individual prospects, raise aspirations and increase overall employability of students within a very competitive market. Not only does work experience help you with finding areas that could interest you but it also helps you rule out other areas. Drawing skills; 2. . On the Success at School and Student Ladder websites youll find advertisements for placements covering every part of the country. Here's a selection of big graduate engineering employers that offer work experience opportunities: Airbus Alstom Arriva Atkins Babcock BAE Systems BP BT Costain EON Jaguar Land Rover Mott MacDonald Check Work Experience: Know Your Rights MBDA National Grid npower Rolls-Royce Royal Haskoning Shell Siemens Transport for London Williams F1 Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom. Accountants have many areas where they can specialise so going on work experience as an accountant can give you first-hand experience with different types. Work experience is the perfect way to make sure working for an airline or an airport is the right career path for you. If you work for a college or school and support students with placements there is a guide to finding work experience placements for school and college students here.