controlled access zones serve a dual purpose quizlet

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Amendment of subsection (b)(1)(C) filed 9-12-2002; operative 10-12-2002 (Register However, unlike a warning line, which is barrier that cannot be crossed, a controlled access zone establishes a boundary that can be crossed, but only by a specifically . In fact, the rule offers a staggering array of methods that may be used. If the hoist tower is not enclosed, the hoist platform or car must be totally enclosed on all sides for the full height between the floor and: The greatest hazards posed by hand tools result from: Power tools should never be carried by the cord or hose or be yanked from a receptacle by the cord or hose; and cords and hoses should be kept away from: Sharp, abrasive, pinching, or otherwise hazardous moving parts of power tools: Answer: Must have protective guard to prevent contact with workers. Employees are prohibited from working above other employees on the face of a sloped or benched excavation unless: Answer: Workers on lower level have overhead protection from falling objects. The points of access to the floor are limited and can be controlled (such as where the only means of access to the floor is by a single ladder); Each point of access (such as the base of a ladder leading to the floor) is marked with a warning sign indicating that access is restricted to Controlled Decking Zone workers; and Quiz Question 8: OSHA requires that employers pay for most required personal protective equipment (PPE), including: Quiz Question 9: The OSHA standards for Construction and General Industry are also known as: Quiz Question 10: What type of OSHA inspection is conducted when immediate death or serious harm is likely? the monitor's attention from the monitoring function. Which of these is required if the workers body, hands or clothing may come into contact with moving parts? Question 5: What are the General Industry standards also called? For example, a worker performing overhand bricklaying work near a floor hole would have to be protected as required by paragraph (b)(4) even when the hole is located within the area marked by a control zone line. Prior to starting all demolition operations, OSHA 1926.850 (a) requires that an engineering survey of the structure be conducted by a competent person. Explain why the use of conventional fall protection systems, such as guardrail systems, personal fall arrest systems, or safety net systems are infeasible or why its use would create a greater hazard. Toe-boards must be a minimum of 3-1/2 inches high and have no more than 1/4-inch gap between them and the working surface. This letter constitutes OSHA's interpretation of the requirements discussed. B) not regulated by either the federal or state governments. Why Training is Still one of the Best Ways to Prevent Falls. performance Requires operators to take and pass a written and road test (similar to a drivers education) before they can operate the forklift. An incredible number of fall incidents have occurred because employees have fallen thorough a hole. Simple pretensioned beams and slabs of spans up to about 7 meters (23 feet): Answer: Can be demolished in a manner similar to ordinary reinforced concrete, True or False: Electrical detonators can be inadvertently triggered by stray RF (radio frequency) signals from two-way radios, Answer: A competent person who uses explosives. Fall protection plans must meet the following requirements: Anyone who has ever seen a trapeze or high-wire act intuitively appreciates the purpose of safety nets. Editorial Review Policy. Support workers safely. These rules were combined under the umbrella of OSHA. The leading edge is the edge of a roof, floor, or formwork and changes location as more sections are placed. However, access to this zone is controlled. Quiz Question 12: If you feel that an OSHA inspection is needed to get hazards corrected at your workplace, which is your best option? OSHA requirements are set by statute, standards and regulations. Which industries are employees potentially exposed to silica dust: Answer: Stone and glass industries Construction Mining industries. Answer Legal Definition list Controllable Emergency Control Theory Control Substance Control Person Control or Inspection Procedure Controlled Access Zone ?l?A 0l6l3 3aQ-amM3~,xa"3l0A0?ih _:i6jo1-#AC BAE}0Po x"g_ _07 ka00? A. Hardhat B. A safety-monitoring system is an administrative control that allows a competent person to watch employees and warn them if they get to too close to an unprotected edge. However, when precast concrete members are being erected, the lines may not be less than 6 feet, nor more than 60 feet or half the length of the member being erected whichever is less, from the leading edge. With these products, getting your OSHA 10 certificate is quick and easy. Definition A Controlled Access Zone is an area in which certain work, such as overhead bricklaying, may take place without the use of a guardrail system, personal fall arrest system or safety net system. No modifications or additions that affect the capacity or safe operation of a crane or derrick should ever be made without: Answer: The manufacturers written approval, which should be kept on file. Second, the criteria to erect a controlled access zone for overhand bricklaying as stated in 1926.502(g)(2) are: By its terms, the standard requires that the control line must be not less than 10 feet and no more than 15 feet from the working edge. Most fatalities, however, happen when workers fall from: Employers must ensure that all walking and working surfaces have the structural integrity to: Controlled access zones serve a dual purpose they allow specially trained individuals (such as masons) to operate without traditional fall protection within a certain area, and: Answer: They keep unauthorized individuals out. Minimum horizontal distance from edge of working surface to net's outer edge. That's the same as 17 miles per hour. This process is known as: OSHA requires that many categories of PPE meet or be equivalent to standards developed by: Answer: The American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Answer True or False: Before the advent of OSHA, a cohesive system of separate rules existed that effectively governed the American workplace. Question 4: Scenario: masons are laying concrete block at the edge of a structure. What Is the Role of a Safety Officer in the Workplace? Fall Arrest Systems: Can You Tie Off at Your Feet? They must be capable of supporting at least 5,000 pounds per employee or, alternatively, be designed and installed under the supervision of a qualified person and used as part of a system which has a safety factor of at least two. Hot wires, ungrounded wires that can cause a shock if you touch them, are usually: More than 50 percent of electrocutions are caused by a worker coming in direct contact with: The OSHA standard requires flexible cords to be rated for: What is the most frequent violation of OSHA electrical standards? OSHA requires employers to implement fall protection measures for employees working at heights of six feet or more. When used to control access to areas where overhand bricklaying and related work are taking place: Make sure the controlled access zone is defined by a control line erected not less than 10 feet, nor more than 15 feet, from the working edge. Two innovations which have changed the face of fall protection are self-. Anytime an adapter is used to accommodate a two-hole receptacle, the adapter wire must: If a worker on a scaffold can fall more than 10 feet: Answer: They must be protected by guardrails and/or personal fall arrest systems (PFAS). Answer: improper grounding of circuitry and equipment. CAZ abbreviation stands for Controlled Access Zones. Employers must: Answer: Ensure that the safety monitor is a competent person knowledgeable about fall protection. Lines. Learn More | NASP Certification Program: The Path to Success Has Many Routes. Fall protection plans, which are administrative controls that rely on special training and work practices. In addition, training must be provided on the following items, when applicable: Training Documentation. The second purpose is to limit the size of the area where workers are unprotected by conventional fall protection. The three main scaffold types are aerial lifts, supported scaffolds and: Because using cranes or derricks to hoist personnel poses a serious risk to the employees being lifted, any cranes and derricks that hoist personnel must: Answer: Be placed on a firm foundation and be uniformly level within 1 percent of level grade , Move the personnel platform slowly and cautiously and have rotation-resistant rope with a safety factor of 10 Have all brakes and locking devices set when the occupied personnel platform is in stationary position. As mentioned in this module, in addition to cave-ins and related hazards, workers involved in excavation work also are exposed to hazards involving: Answer: Falls, falling loads and mobile equipment. are taking place, the controlled access zone shall be defined by a control line Designation of an entire floor as a controlled decking zone for steel decking work. All rights reserved. A painted line with signs would not fit the requirements for a control line as outlined above, since it is neither elevated nor would it serve as a physical reminder to a worker - in contrast to an elevated line with a minimum breaking strength of 200 pounds. Question 3: What are some types of PPE that employers must pay for? (2) When control lines are used, they shall be erected not less than 6 feet Dear Mr. Schneider: (2) When used to control access to areas where overhand bricklaying and related work are taking place: (i) The controlled access zone shall be defined by a control line erected, (iv) Only employees engaged in overhand bricklaying or related work shall be permitted in the controlled access zone. Unless there is a 21-inch high wall or parapet located between the working surface and the top rail, mid-rails, screens, mesh or intermediate vertical members must be installed between the top rail and the working surface. Electric shock occurs when: Answer: Your body becomes part of the circuit. (@$(Aq Hazards Are the Real Enemy, Not the Safety Team, It's Time to Redefine Our Safety Priorities, How to Stay Safe from Welding Fumes and Gases, 6 Safety Sign Errors and Violations to Avoid, Everything You Need to Know About Safety Data Sheets. Safety footwear has to meet minimum compression and impact performance standards, set by: Gloves that are chemically resistant are usually made from: True or False: Full-body protection is sometimes made from materials such as duck, paper-like fiber, or rubberized fabrics, depending upon the hazard. The two steps for avoiding hazards that are always taken before the need for PPE is considered are: Answer: Workplace and engineering controls. Fall-arrest anchorage points must be independent of any other anchorages, such as those used to support suspended platforms. Controlled access zone (CAZ): In Fall Protection, an area in which certain work (e.g., overhand bricklaying) may take place without guardrail systems, personal fall arrest systems, or safety net systems, and access to the zone is controlled. Steel and plastic banding may not be used. The purpose of this survey is: Answer: determine the condition of the structure so that measures can be taken, if necessary, to prevent the premature collapse of any portion of the structure. Answer: Resist penetration by objects and absorb the shock of a blow Be water-resistant and, slow burning Have clear instructions explaining proper adjustment and replacement of the suspension and headband. Such a control line will, for example, warn workers who inadvertently back into it that they must stop. They must also be inspected after any occurrence which could affect their integrity, such as impact, chemicals splash, heat damage, cuts or abrasions. A "competent person" must inspect the net and certify that it is in compliance before it is used. Dual control will typically apply to access of the following areas: Branch's cash vault ATMs Night depository Question 2: What are some worker rights related to injury and illness reporting? C. An opening conference, a walkthrough, a closing conference (correct answer). He resides near Baltimore and may be reached at (410) 583-7954 or via his web site at So if you know how high you are, you can easily figure out how hard you'll hit the ground. Derailment incident focuses federal agencies and Congress on safety. Did the employer misuse a disciplinary program against Perla for reporting an injury? Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa:, +18177315044 West 7th Wool - Make Your Own Masterpiece | Yarn, Wool and Knitting Supplies Ft. Worth (Select all the answers that apply), Answer: A. 1926.502 (g) (2) (iv) Answer: Provide guards on power tools and other equipment with moving parts. Ensure the control line is connected on each side to a guardrail system or wall. Because the number of injuries from operating powered industrial trucks was on the rise, the OSHA standard for Powered Industrial Trucks was revised March 1, 1999. Self-retracting lifelines are deceleration devices that contain a drum-wound strap or wire rope that moves in and out of the case under the tension posed by employee movement, much like the shoulder strap on a car seat belt. Only employees engaged in overhand bricklaying or related works are to be permitted in the controlled access zone. Our comprehensive online resources are dedicated to safety professionals and decision makers like you. The control line must extend for a distance sufficient to enclose all employees performing overhand bricklaying and related work at the working edge, and it must be approximately parallel to the working edge. Unlike leading edges, they are static environments. December 22, 2003 A. This information is provided free of charge by the Department of Industrial Relations Mechanical demolition refers to demolition using equipment like: OSHAs electrical standards are based on: What are the four main types of electrical injuries? With access to the entire floor limited to only the CDZ workers, there would be no workers near the CDZ tempted to enter into it. Safeopedia is a part of Janalta Interactive. Lines supported by stanchions must be installed so that the slack between two stanchions can't be taken up before the stanchions tip over. A controlled access zone is a safety measure for workers at heights where guardrails or fall arrest equipment are not able to be used. With more than 20 years of OSHA regulatory experience, he specializes in conducting OSHA compliance surveys and providing safety seminars for workers and managers. y59 L_"KdL3X%>\%8gu%OU~'kahF__D |SGG ?}j W4.O;6k#v8N?Ssc":J@0OJB(:LpE0u`P/F4pD!9/@@2 In noisy jobsites, these are often used to provide instructions to crane and derrick operators: Since its implementation in 1971, OSHA has: Answer: Helped cut work-related fatalities nearly in half and cut excavation and trenching fatalities by more than a third Helped reduce workplace injuries and illnesses by 40 percent (Your Answer) , Almost eliminated brown-lung disease from the textile industry. A. tq B":?AGQ $$f!J_\w'G@(#3.}!bh2:dAgj>2>v4)A"8;z>vq? M2s U?]P`)/VN" `_tN`L#E0`0R8@\)PO$6@p!ADSEp} Tk;?w0~8;%?)u6.'Y7)3!cO@P.T** You ask about the criteria for controlled access zones and fall protection in overhand bricklaying and related work. * !WUuN0UR A ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protects workers from shock by: Answer: Matching the amount of current going into an electrical device against the amount returning from the device and shutting down power if a ground fault is detected. Top edges of guardrails must be between 39 inches and 45 inches high and be able to withstand a 200 pound force applied outward or downward along the top edge. Question 1: What are some of the responsibilities employers have related to OSHA recordkeeping? If a worker on a scaffold can fall more than 10 feet, they must be protected by guardrails and/or personal fall arrest systems (PFAS). Controlled access zones are not permitted to be used as protection for employees performing overhand bricklaying and related work who are exposed to fall hazards associated with hoist areas; holes; ramps; runways, and other walkways, and dangerous equipment. Neither the operator nor anyone else should ever stand directly in front of the wheel of an abrasive power tool as it accelerates to full operating speed. They are, specifically, elevated areas without guardrails and other adequate fall protection systems in place. Correct procedures for the handling and storage of equipment and materials and the erection of overhead protection. OSHA provides employers with a set of criteria for controlled access zones: For masonry and bricklaying, the following requirements apply: Subscribe to the Safeopedia newsletter to stay on top of current industry trends and up-to-date know-how from subject matter authorities. How will OSHA most likely respond? Nets must also be inspected whenever relocated, after a major repair and at 6-month intervals if left in one place. Nets must be installed as close as practicable to the level where employees are working, but never be more than 30 feet away. CAZ stands for Controlled Access Zones (also Ceftazidime and 32 more) Rating: 1. In those cases, hazards may be managed by a fall protection plan. The potential fall zone must also be unobstructed, and there must be sufficient clearance to prevent nets from hitting the surface when subjected to the drop-test described below. Privacy Policy - Are Workplace Risks Hiding in Plain Sight? Net Construction. Training Requirements. good shape and have the tag attached. 47). Be prepared by a qualified person and developed specifically for the site where the work is being performed. Answer ?G`Z:@ V$=GH6Sfd?? and supporting stanchions as follows: (A) Each line shall be flagged or otherwise clearly marked at not more than And just how suddenly do you stop? Covers must be secured to prevent accidental movement by wind, equipment, or employees, and be color-coded or marked with the word "HOLE" or "COVER" to provide warning of the hazard. General requirements for lines and stanchions are similar to warning lines, except that the minimum breaking strength for lines is only 200 pounds. Controlled access zone is an area in which certain work may take place without guardrail systems, personal fall arrest systems, or safety net systems. (including sag) is not less than 39 inches from the working level/working area In these situations, fall protection must be provided by compliance with the paragraphs addressing the specific hazard. For example, a worker performing overhand brick laying work near a floor hole would have to be protected as required by paragraph (b)(4) even when the hole is located within the area marked by a control line. A review of the engineering, PPE and administrative options for preventing falls. Question 6: Why is this training important? DUAL USE LANES Dual use lanes have both a turn arrow and a straight arrow. Personal fall-arrest systems must be rigged so that an employee cannot free fall more than 6 feet or contact a lower level. (B) Each line shall be rigged and supported in such a way that its lowest point 1926.502 (g) (2) (iii) Additional control lines shall be erected at each end to enclose the controlled access zone. Have a worker representative accompany an inspector on an inspection, find out about inspection results and abatement measures, and object to the date set for a violation to be corrected (correct answer). March 10, 2004 By clicking sign up, you agree to receive emails from Safeopedia and agree to our Terms of Use & Privacy Policy. Answer: Which of the following is a resource within the workplace that will help you find information on safety and health issues? Is it permissible to designate all of floor 3 as a Controlled Decking Zone (CDZ) and limit access to the CDZ by limiting access to that entire floor? FAQ. The most effective way to prevent exposure to crystalline silica is: Answer: Substitution of a product that contains silica with a product that doesnt contain silica, D. All answer choices are correct (correct answer). 37). The access to the area where the work is performed is strictly controlled. wall, or securely anchored on each end. Answer: Engineering and Administrative Controls Noise monitoring Hearing protection to be used. Controlled access zones are used to keep out employees or crews other than those authorized to enter work areas from which guardrails have been removed. As stated in the preamble, "An important aspect of a CDZ is controlled access." Also, from time to time we update our guidance in response to new information. controlled access zones serve a dual purpose Share Includes motorways (urban or rural) and expressways (road which does not serve properties bordering on it and which is provided with separate carriageways for the two directions of traffic). Also, an elevated control line that meets the requirements in 1926.502(g) will be highly visible. Mr. Doug Schneider Controlled access zones serve a dual purpose - they allow specially trained individuals (such as masons) to operate without traditional fall protection within a certain area, and: Answer: They keep unauthorized individuals out You can get some idea of the benefit of using fall protection when you think about what would happen to your car if it slammed into a brick wall at 17 miles an hour. Nets must be inspected at least weekly for wear, damage and signs of deterioration. Falls are the leading cause of death among construction workers. Suggest. Quiz Question 2: The creation of OSHA provided this important right to workers: Answer: The right to a safe and healthful workplace. QA"(A PAAA *I }D ](rR Directorate of Construction, 1It is important to note that controlled access zones are not permitted to be used as protection for employees performing overhand bricklaying and related work who are exposed to fall hazards associated with hoist areas, holes, ramps, runways and other walkways, and dangerous equipment. These zones will protect personnel and property from accidental contamination and unnecessary radiation exposure. Electricity travels in closed circuits, and its normal route is through a conductor. H7'ap^ovdI`Y6Y!*G_?A[?3qI*f?V+ bN#0:D2I3"]L~Ln4c. Answer: When you notice a safety hazard, what should your first step be? The force must be applied perpendicular to the warning line and in the direction of the roof edge. The plan shall must be implemented under the supervision of a "competent person. Drop Test. To keep apprised of such developments, you can consult OSHA's website at Question 1: What are some of the things you might find on an SDS? OSHA's fall protection standard like most of the regulations the agency has issued over the last 20 years is performance-oriented. Answer: There are three parts to an OSHA inspection. Perla is disciplined for failing to report her injury immediately as required by the employers injury reporting rules. Question 3: Some standards or hazards where workers must be trained are? Net Certification. To keep apprised of such developments, you can consult OSHA's website at Energy absorbing lanyards or "rip stitch" lanyards, as they are sometimes called, are essentially a fabric strap that is folded back and fourth on itself in an S-shaped zigzag pattern, then stitched along the edge. Answer: Never sit on, lean against, or step on a skylight lens or any covering placed over a hole in a roof or floor Guard or securely cover all holes created or uncovered before leaving a work area Always use a PFAS when working over an unguarded or uncovered opening more than six feet above a lower level. Workplace injuries, illnesses and death were increasing B. Hole covers located in traffic areas must be able to support at least twice the maximum axle load of the largest vehicle expected to cross over them. Provide the. Connections between net panels must be as strong as integral net components and can't be spaced more than six inches apart. If the use of a power tool can result in flying sparks, metal shavings, wood chips, splashes, or other debris, workers should: Answer: Protect themselves by wearing proper PPE, Answer: Any man-made cavity, depression, trench or cut in the earths surface formed by earth removal. 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